
Theo "Rat King" Von Edition

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nuts that all of those Yas Forums webms of Chinks eating live disgusting animals that we watched back in 2015 ended up predicting a pandemic

brave, powerful, provocative


just got the notification that my reddit comment got 100 upvotes

does she let you sleep in her bed?

>statistics are scaremongering

80IQ brainlets in full denial mode
normoids just don't understand the nature of exponential growth

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Why don't Canadians and yanks eat hot cross buns?

my calculations lads

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replied to that aussie in the last thread about my dodgy uncle and his lack of fingers incase he missed it

fucking love this dude

carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling carling

chinks are tapped

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Anyone who works in IT is a virgin

mega mega white thing

whats SIR

i've never ate a hot cross bun in my life
the only thing i know about hot cross buns is learning to play that song on the recorder in year 2

it will be worse than exponential in the short term, but better in the long term, once you factor in the effect of herd immunity

>it's just le flu
Wake up dickheads, a hefty proportion of people over 60 will die. Yes that includes your relatives, most other people will be laid up in bed, a good chunk with pneumonia trying to get medical attention

never seen a darkie drink carling to be fair

no I like to be tucked in

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shagged more birds than you've had sausage sizzlers kid

Probably not the women, who are fucking the boss.

what do u want me to do about it realistically

same weirdly must be the oats

haha yeah
mate of mine's a fat virgin and he works in IT
so is my cousin

Lent not a thing for muslims?


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It splits the population into 3 segments: Susceptible, Infected and Recovered and sets up some differential equations to model how they change

give it a rest you utter virgin
what part of "not my fucking problem" do you not understand?
nobody cares

>not spooning and then shoving your willy in her when she's "asleep"

the whole herd immunity thing is bollocks. it's culling the masses.

the bop

i reckon i've got more karma than anyone else ITT
the majority of this is from a few posts that were very successful

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>aaaahhhh why aren't you all panicking like me this is the first major epidemic in my life aaahhh nooo what will i do i'm guaranteed to get it being a pasty shut-in freak

>everythings alright

boris is culling the disabled and elderly i.e. the biggest drains on our resources

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if you take religion seriously in the year 2020 then you have more in common with muslims than me you fucking spastic

oh boy this one might cause an erection mother wont be pleased

ive never used reddit so heres a big xD for ya

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it's a pandemic, retard

mistress T stepmum and sister sph femdom

Out of a sample of 1016 deaths, the median age was 79.4, 71.6% were male, 28.4% female.
Lethality by age in pic related, 5.8% median mortality rate. Only 2 people under age 40 died so far, both had other medical conditions aswell.
Lombardy is by far the region with most deaths (75%), north of Italy.
Underlying medical conditions were present in the vast majority of cases. Out of a sample of 268 deaths, only 3 died of just COVID19 (1.1%). 70 (26.1%) had at least one more medical condition, 69 at least 2 (25.7%), 126 had 3 or more underlying medical conditions (47.0%).
The most common of these conditions are high blood pressure (205 cases, 76.5%), type 2 diabetes (100 cases, 37.3%), ischemic heart disease (100 cases, 37.3%), atrial fibrillation (71 cases, 26.5%).
Most common symptoms of the virus are dyspnoea, or shortness of breath (83%), fever (80%) and cough (45%). In rare cases diarrhea (4%) and hemoptysis (4%).
Most common complications of COVID19 are respiratory failure (98.8%), shock (22.9%), severe kidney damage (16.9%) and severe infection (10.8%).


Got 1200 comment karma in my pension pot, how do I cash it in?

nobody gives a fuck

Are you a prepper or a raider?

don't recall asking

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just raided 10000 old women's flats and killed them all ama

how does this affect the alt right?

dad's bent on visiting my 80 year old grandmother tomorrow
will be sure to let him know he was responsible for killing her in a few weeks time

this nigga finna be using the new reddit
i still use old.reddit.com

i have a method for easy comment karma
>watching the football
>goal goes in
>refresh r/soccer new queue until the goal is posted
>post the easy state the obvious comment that everyone else is thinking
>guaranteed upvotes if you're early enough

garlic bread

The folks over at Reddit are very concerned with coronavirus.
Wash your hands people!

dont like footie but youre guaranteed upvotes if you can read how popular a post will be ;)



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Woah median age of 79 is insanely high. Almost only coffin dodgers

Pedo nonce freak

this bitch is a doctor too imagine the examinations

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really makes you think

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All these fucking fags worried their cunt grandmothers lol. Rest in piss, boomer sluts.

Right, so what this tells us is that this doesn't really kill old people, it kills old people with already-present medical issues

So basically if Drumpf gets it he's fine but if Bernie gets it he's toast

my method of posting could also be applied to other sports or pretty much any form of live event

Otto Wallen or whatever his name was, Deontay Wilder.. Who is the third?

netherlands on the ropes

woah watch your katana kid youll take someones eye out

yeh dont think vlad was unbeaten

*shakes your hand just as you were eating a sandwich*

>in de oven

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Digits bread?

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if you say 'fag' or 'fags' and you're not talking about cigarettes then you really need to fuck off to /cum/


i dont wash my hands if i have a piss i do if i have a shit

bought yoghurts instead of crisps for my late night drunk snacks
fuck sake what the fuck was i thinking
actually killing myself right now

If you support the death of retired workers living on shitty state pensions, you're a psychopathic fascist who belongs in the gulag.

>Right, so what this tells us is that this doesn't really kill old people, it kills old people with already-present medical issues
it's both you narrow minded mong
anyone that is vulnerable and fragile

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is this what happens to people when they're still a virgin at 30?

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mad how some honest god-fearing people genuinely have run out of toilet paper and only wanted to buy one lot of it but they can't and will be forced to buy copies of the daily mail to use instead

Fuck off, no one has called cigarettes fags in a thousand years, and people used to call them that here.



Am currently listening to the album "Clubland 90s" by Various Artists.

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You mean Vladimir Klitschko?
He was not unbeaten when Fury beat him, no. Not sure what the TV is on about


imageboard not linkboard

>i've got the slag posts here, now give me the money and we'll be sorted.

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Panic buyers are complete scum.


should be shot I reckon

the future is now old man

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wilder wallen and the other warm up bum

the table's on the other foot

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Bongsharts, how are your respective cities and localities dealing with batflu?

heard stories here of old people not being able to find toilet paper and having to stock up on tissues instead. utterly sad.

*buys 300 toilet rolls to btfo denzil and gladys*

garlic, on bread?

>no one has called cigarettes fags in a thousand years
>let me tell you about your country
honestly this post is so bizarre and ignorantly arrogant
fag is still by far the #1 term used to refer to cigarettes in britain you absolute fool

oh yeah that's right I put all of the ironic sissy memes in my /g/ folder

Fuck that was one of the first images I ever saved when I first came to Yas Forums


>Not listening to 90s progressive house music

u wot

Retired workers who disproportionately vote for politicians who make my life worse?
Yeah, real sorry for not sympathizing with them

"ironic", yeaahh....

Callum Hudson-Odoi (19 year old negroid footballer for Chelsea) was diagnosed with coronavirus but claims he has fully recovered within 2 days and posted a video of himself on twitter where he seems perfectly fine


>Cumrag has just finished going through the wash
Thank God I don't have to constantly smell the disgusting thing anymore. Nothing better than a fresh cumrag to spoof into.

not 90s but still

Cunts. Shall be raiding rich bastards and giving their supplies to the poor.

black people are immune

the news should be a man and a woman screaming and jumping up and down like moneys because thats all it is, never seen anything on the news in my life thats made me think oh thats good

Absolutely niggered x

Wales mentioned


true though innit
christians, muslims and whatever else, they're all as mongy as eachother
>my made up fairytale about sky fairies is real but all the other ones are wrong!!

lol does anyone remember that corono virus? What ever happened to that??

Wales mentioned.

the evening festivities la
straight down the 'ol gullet

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Panic buyers are moderately sensible. Panic hoarders are scum, but shops and so on that impose limits are a good solution against most of them.


top athletes like me and callum aren't gonna e that hard hit by it methinks

>go into her room
>she asks you some routine questions about what's ailing you
>you answer them
>she performs some tests, then writes you a prescription and a doctor's certificate
>nothing else happens
>realise you might as well start going to the doctor you live closer to if this is all you get when you go to the hot one
Oh yeah, it'd be great.

Got my haircut lads. Haha.

then how did he catch it in the first place you fool
just shows that it has little effect on young healthy people, especially athletes

have not spunked in over a week


you want a medal or something

>pithy witticisms and mordant commentary on the state of British society in the 70s and 80s: the show
I have a love-hate relationship with that show


would let her examine my prostate

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wonder if policemen and that know how peng they are to benders like me

but doctor I think i have prostate issues