We’re done for fellas

We’re done for fellas

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>believing chinese numbers

>Don't worry bro, it's just the seasonal flu. Hm, what's this mask for? It's just for my pollen allergies.

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Chinese numbers are a lie, they always were.

You know the beak was filled with aromatic herbs, waxes and shit right? It would be like wearing a hay field.

>believing Chinese official statistics

>China bad!!!
The West caused this whole crisis



They quarantined 50 million people when they had less than 600 confirmed cases because they acted so fast. Their numbers were simply 10 days behind.

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+10 social credit scores for you zheng.

>hater of corporation
>chinese flag

Anyone ever just want to find the people behind these Twitter accounts with chink/venezuelan flags and commie symbols and just sink a fat right fist into their face

Does that not translate well into other cultures? Its a joke

100 yuan has been deposited in your account

Ohio does it again!


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please for the FUCKING LOVE OF GOD close the fucking border

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China has troops on the streets shooting people that break curfew. People in Ohio and the rest of the west don't have the balls to deal with it

>This flu is literally nothing
>In countries like Russia or Thailand people don't even care and nothing happens to them
>This nothing flu doesn't distrupt daily life
>Literally kills only old and sic people
>It happens in China
>Chinks ignore it for 3 months
>Everything goes fine
>Westerners feel some unreasonable hate towards China
>Western media goes apeshit crazy
>"Haha it's over for China lmao!! Suck it commies!! USA wins!!! Democracy fuck yeah!!"
>Now the Chinese authorities must put on a show for the world to show them how competent they are
>Because of this show they lock down entire provinces
>The nothing flu comes to Europe
>At this point common people are in full panic mode and they are in a mad craze
>Their panic literally destroys the economy
>99.99% of the population is still alive
>Only a few 80+ year olds died in Italy
>The economy is in ruins
So next time you go to a gun show, do us a favour and buy a gun then kill as many Americans as you can.


China inflicted Covid on the world to disrupt the rest of the world. Their strategy is working better than they could have hoped.

When the Chinese are in conflict, it doesn't matter to them whether or not they win, as long as the other side loses.

Either China is lying or it was just able to effectively quarantine hundreds of millions of people, in which case it has a terrifyingly strong state. Neither case is good

Not an argument

Gonna hop over the border this weekend, cough everywhere, put my saliva on door handles, and then bounce back over the border. Should have voted for a right winger, Leaf.

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>believing Chink numbers

You fucking retard

>>In countries like Russia or Thailand people don't even care and nothing happens to them
>>Chinks ignore it for 3 months
>>Everything goes fine
Lmao this is such blatant lying. Where's your sense of shame?

Wrong it was China.


>2-3 months of actively covering up disease
>huge celebrations, one of them where hundreds of millions of people move around
>2-3 months of ignorance
>mild movement (big but not on the scale of china)
>100k in a state of 1.8m

one of them is lying about their stats.

Chink shave no shame. They demand an apology since the world blames them for this.

>West has time to prepare due to China containing the virus
>Does literally nothing and the virus spreads like wildfire in the US

-3 months of actively covering up disease
Even if this were true, you still had enough time to prepare...


Where's your Australian flag today, Zhang?

Thats not the point of that post. It's saying that we had very similar situations and yet the numbers arnt even close to matching.


The latest news says Chinks had it since mid November. How come the factories didn't shut down for the Christmas rush? How come that the Western Media only started to chimp out when the Chinese New year happened? How come Russia doesn't shut down its schools? How come India is fine? This is a huge nothing burger. The Anglo media turned this into a global crisis by creating a panic that cripples the world economy. The day of the rope is coming and when this is over every Western journalist will be hanged.

12m my bad for some reason i googled idaho. the point still stands, 12m vs 1.8b

>Should have voted for a right winger, Leaf.

Harper killed the right wing and the guy after him is a legit tool.

Go back to Thailand and bring all the Magyar and finns who illegally immigrated from asia to evropa

> 350 Norwegians coming from vacation in Austria got the flu
> Austria has ~500 confirmed cases

It is severely underreported all over the world


1.38b i really should proof read before i hit post.

>A country which has been proved to lie and manipulate facts countless times

one of them is lying about the severity of Corona

No they won't.

t. chinese nigger

>estimates 100,000 cases

total fucking bullshit. If that's the case then coronavirus is literally nothing to be worried about as virtually the entire state will become immune to it by Summer.

>The latest news says Chinks had it since mid November. How come the factories didn't shut down for the Christmas rush? How come that the Western Media only started to chimp out when the Chinese New year happened? How come Russia doesn't shut down its schools? How come India is fine? This is a huge nothing burger. The Anglo media turned this into a global crisis by creating a panic that cripples the world economy. The day of the rope is coming and when this is over every Western journalist will be hanged.

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Go back to Romania.

Literally can't believe how china fucking collapsed and no single country of the world sans Singapore and shit said 'well, this is serious let's be cautious'

How is the situation in Egypt are you dropping dead by the hundreds?

I love how quickly Twitter 'communists' went from "China is technically capitalist and not communist!" to "I love communist China!"
I swear 'their' 'opinions' exist solely to be contrarian.

M8 are you kidding me? It was literally republicans that went full China is a communist country since Drumpf's election. Left wingers are just cashing in on some well earned schedenfreud.

source? that is massive. i thought it was italy spreading it to rest of europe.

Take off your proxy Zhang.

Kurva anyádat te faszopo cigány svéd geci. Remélem valamelyik cigány román arab geci megerőszakolja anyádat te tajnigger paraszt geci.

No the germans started it and spread it into italy

ching chong ping pong

I'd like to thank Google translate for allowing Yas Forums so many larpers.

Keep coping all you want, but when you stop coughing and sneezing you realise you were bambazooled by your own prejudices towards China.

The west had 2 whole months to get ready to copy China in case it got out of control in their country, but instead spent that time laughing at China and trying to score political points and spouting the typical China bad bullshit for their cattle population.

China's spent the last 3 months getting it under control and have only started getting back to normal, and the west is now panicking