morning rituals edition
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any man in remember 9/11
tell us what it was like
lefymongs in a state of a confusion, criticising countries closing their borders over the virus. What the fuck else are you supposed to do, leave it open and make the situation worse?
>but it wont slow it down
Have these mong never heard better safe than sorry? We're now supposed to keep the borders open and get infected for the sake of tolerance and diversity.
pet nigger just coughed all over my bollocks
>you know the yank and British governments are lying vermin, right?
>thats why i believe the CCP, the WHO and the UN
it was pretty wild haha
Was 13 years old and playing counterstrike while it was on the telly in the background.
Thought some plonker just accidentally flew his plane into a building.
Too young to remember I think we got to go home from school early
born in 2001 dont remember 9/11 dont care fuck you
Since 1978, China has implemented economic reforms in order to overcome its severe underdevelopment — historically imposed upon it by Western and Japanese imperialism — and the monopoly over technology held by the imperialist powers. Following their introduction China has achieved unprecedented economic growth, building a modern, moderately prosperous country and becoming the second most powerful economy in the world. Although the Communist Party of China has always insisted that it remains committed to Marxism and socialism, the reforms have been considered by many — particularly in the West — to be an abandonment of socialism for capitalism.
Fidel, however, always firmly maintained his support for China and believed that the Communist Party was genuinely and capably pursuing revolutionary socialism. In a 1994 interview, Fidel stated: "If you want to talk about socialism, let us not forget what socialism achieved in China. At one time it was the land of hunger, poverty, disasters. Today there is none of that. Today China can feed, dress, educate, and care for the health of 1.2 billion people.
"I think China is a socialist country, and Vietnam is a socialist nation as well. And they insist that they have introduced all the necessary reforms in order to motivate national development and to continue seeking the objectives of socialism.
"There are no fully pure regimes or systems. In Cuba, for instance, we have many forms of private property. We have hundreds of thousands of farm owners. In some cases they own up to 110 acres. In Europe they would be considered large landholders. Practically all Cubans own their own home and, what is more, we welcome foreign investment.
"But that does not mean that Cuba has stopped being socialist."
Johnnie, get your gun
Get your gun, get your gun
Take it on the run
On the run, on the run
Hear them calling, you and me
Every son of liberty
Hurry right away
No delay, go today
Make your daddy glad
To have had such a lad
Tell your sweetheart not to pine
To be proud her boy's in line
Over there, over there
Send the word, send the word over there
cancelled all my shows to show it on tv
made me mad cause i was too young to understand the severity until i saw the jumpers live
hits you hard no matter the age, you understand that these other people are being deleted in front of your eyes
ah, yes...he's spending another friday night indoors and on /brit/.
it's not like he's spent every other night of the week on here.
i mean, why would he go out with the lads to pub to have a couple of pints when he could be here - on /brit/ - reading the same 2 or 3 stale gimmicks? why does he need to do a bit of charlie with some mates and have laugh and an interesting and informative conversation with some really cool strangers when he could be here - on /brit/ - having the same boring fake arguments with people like emmett, moni, mikey and 190? why does he need to meet a fit bird at the club and shag her when could be here - on /brit/ - typing out another one of his le epically random posts that will get 2 (You)s?
anyways, no need to respond to this - i won't be reading it - literally putting my phone back in the pocket and heading back inside the club.
mumsie's been really insistent on wanting grandkids lately
playing skyrim. just got into a small village. visited the blacksmith's forge
paid him seven gold pieces to let me rest my bollocks on the anvil while he works
too bad her son's bent
It's saturday morn for us both senpai
Lad where is the best trophy hunting in SA
born in 1993
remember getting picked up from school and my mum talking to other mums about it on the way home
and days later visiting petrol station a seeing the headline 4000 dead on a paper
Been stockpiling
gagging for a shag is she
I’m not bent, I like girls.
Hope people take this opportunity to explore the noble island of Britain on their holidays rather than going to Spain/Barbados/Cyprus/Greece like good little serfs, this year at least.
For me? It's the Lake District.
nary a dark fruits in sight
these niggas are transitioning from full chieftain gear to suited up nigga in the middle half n half lmaoooo
that's enough for a week at best
imagine Fallout Britain with a Romano-British Caesar's Legion
I was in year 6 and in history class, and a woman came into the room and said to the teacher "Andrew you better come see this" so he stopped the class, left the room and we just dossed about having no idea what was going on because, no phones to check it was 2001 lol
Didn't hear anything else until went home and this must have been about 3:30pm, by which point the south tower had just collapsed. I saw my mum and dad watching BBC news and just heard them gasp in horror when they played the footage of the south tower collapsing. The North Tower then collapsed a bit later and thats when it really sort of settled in.
Next day and basically all week my school was in a state of mourning and every assembly was focused on it. There was a charity drive, and that was it really
oldman wont stop burping and farting and moaning
blood clot is so bad his leg is the size of a watermelon
soon the fat fucker will be gone and i can finally leave
why is mumsnet presented in such a shit format
how the fuck are you supposed to find any forum topics when they're all hidden under drop down lists
what if I'm wanting to talk about if it's okay to smoke fat zoots while I'm pregnant
If you listen to WHO, CDC, NIH experts about China’s fight of Covid-19, they are largely positive. But if you read articles by Western journalists in China, they are mostly negative. Should we trust public health experts, or folks who can’t differentiate virus and bacteria?
Coronavirus has ruined the vibe of Sport Relief
Was playing Metal Gear Solid on the ps1 and they were talking about the "deep state". Then my Dad came in talking about how he thought Die Hard 4 was on the tv.
there's no difference between fallout britain and post-brexit britain
bluetooth speaker is shaking the foundations of my flat
need a good hot hatch under 12k
any ideas
renaultsport megane
gay but fast
dont get a fiesta st or i`ll key it
Anyone know a good butcher?
dont get a cringey boy racer whip
they are paid to sell you a lie
Cuban doctors have discovered an antiviral for #COVID19 and are collaborating with China, Italy, and Venezuela. This is what happens when you invest in science and public health rather than spend $800,000,000,000 a year blowing up children.
whats wrong with the st
do you know how old she is?
Leftypol almost sweating and shaking in anger typing out this post
Isn't Leeds just a student town?
why are houses so fucking expensive. How did a normal, terraced, victorian 2 bedroom house in a normal town average a quarrter of a million quid? What an absolute fucking disaster this country finds itself in
haha poo monster
lol why would anyone ever go leeds
Anyone know a good cobbler?
yes lads they got venezuela involved that is a huge victory for team human
What’s the worst thing you’ve fapped to? Prolapse porn on efukt for me
no because i'm not a nonce
cba to be like every deano cunt and get an audi/bmw. want a car thats fun to drive and somewhat practical
can someone blue pill me on corona so i can sleep tonight x
good hills
roadman shite
then stop projecting your noncery on legal females
trannies and furry
is google broke
Venezuela is better in almost every regard than Great Britain if you're not a wealthy parasite.
its just a strong variation of the flu that grew immune to antibiotics, and has thrived in a particularly long and cold, and wet winter.
it probably doesn't turn you gay
was 17 so thought we were gonna get drafted
remember playing lots of flash games about killing muslims
fascinating stuff, it was a different time
nowadays if anything happens you've got unlimited information on it at your fingertips so everyone's in the know almost immediately
it's just the fucking flu
everyones going mental for no reason
nowt wrong with furry stuff fuck off
come to when youve grown some bollocks
just the flu bruh
on 9/11 i was about 8 years old, sister was driving me to school and we heard on the radio about the first crash into the tower and thought it was an accident. didnt think much of it, thought it was a bit scary but went to school like normal.
then a little later on in the morning kids starting getting signed out, and my sister went to sign me out of school too, we live in florida and apparently george bush was visiting an elementary school in florida so all of the parents freaked out and got all of their kids out of school in case schools were targeted
my sister briefed me on the situation and when i got home started watching the tv with my family, it was terrifying because we thought the entire country was under attack. there was a lot of shit going on that day every 10 minutes on the news it felt like some other crazy shit was going on. in the days and weeks after that the entire country got more patriotic than i had ever seen it. every house was hanging american flags out. no one went to school for a couple of days out of fear. it was all anyone talked about for a long time. we got pretty racist against muslims for awhile too. and i was afraid of any airplane flying overhead for years after that 2bh.
there was a time
when i thought
i'd never be free
i'd never live my dreams
i'd never push boundaries
i'd never be myself
time went by
i realized
that freedom
is within
each of us
i got a 2013 mini countryman dark blue navy
cost 7k i paid 1k for it
why not
could have bought a 2012 bmw but im not a desperate non white
highly based
same was true for 9/11 mate
wasnt quite as fast obviously but more people watched tv back then and every single channel, even kids ones, was showing it
It's pretty much over, markets are recovering.
Since the plan is to build herd immunity can young healthy people like me who aren’t important volunteer to get the virus or?
think I went on there years ago after someone linked me it on steam, it was at which point I found out furry and anthropomorphic beastiality is a fetish and not just some freaks playing dress up
how hard has corona hit britain?
just invented antivirus tablets lads
it's grim to be so far abstracted from reality that you're cooming to badly drawn pics of horses shagging
its doubly grim because when i do nofap for 3 days and actually go outside i get massive boners for even the slightestly attractive women, so i could be normal if i wasn't such a grim virgin freak hunched at my computer day in day out
grim just fucking grim
I was 6, I can remember the time around it quite well but my granddad was dying of lung cancer at the time so that was my dominating memory of the day
borders: open
schools: open
workplaces: open
time to say goodbye to your parents/grandparents while you can
craziest historical event of my life so far was 9/11 but this virus is number 2 already. if it gets crazier over the next few months it can become #1 though.
thing is theyre not badly drawn
also if youve done nofap you are a literal redditor
been driving daily for 7 years
bought first real car in december
wednesday will get a drink driving ban after crashing it in the highlands
was gymcelling yesterday and it was almost empty. normies are shook
Maduro did nothing wrong.
Take two minutes to just read what the US is trying to do in Bolivia and Venezuela and you will know what is actually going on. Bolivia literally just got couped by the CIA because the president won the election on the first round and reached the threshold to retain the presidency
just brainjacked kaspersky into the old noggin