the king has returned
My mum is not in the best health, she's fine generally but if she catches coronavirus she is 100% going to die. I don't know how to deal with that.
Check out Daft Punk's new single "Get Lucky" if you get the chance. Sound of the summer.
where is he during all this?
id suggest rapidly because it wont be long till she catches it if you arent already prepped and in isolation
are you a righty or lefty or neither ?
china you will pay
fantastic four is on their way
Im a radical centrist
Mate as always when you post this - spot on, you're really on to something here
>Denmark is in the EU and has totally closed its borders to stop corona
>We are out the EU and are doing fucking nothing
mum didn't close the lid on the container for the coco pops last night
gone stale this morning
>he temporarily had to stop smoking crack
so this corona thing is more serious than we all could imagine. godspeed lads. this might be it
My sister is also in poor health so I'm very worried too, but I think "if she catches coronavirus she is 100% going to die" is probably stretching it a bit - even the over 80s have a mortality rate of only 20%.
Still puts you on edge a little bit that the strategy seems to be to intentionally allow lots of people to catch it though. If your mum is open to it, get her to self-isolate for a few weeks
*cough cough*
not long until our hospitals get overwhelmed and the mortality rate skyrockets
Far right but don’t care much anymore
Good for you, my landlord is suggesting a Lab/Golden is too big and taking me to VCAT but if I win I'll be allowed any dog I want so will be getting a GSD to put big boy rentberg in his place
cocopops dont go stale in one night
specially not in this cold weather
Make sure to give your sister lots of nice cuddles and foot rubs while she's ill.
L O L!! funny ME-ME rapper smokes CRACK that's so HILARIOUS
how long until niggers are killing people on the street because someone coughed near them
whys he flown all the way up there instead of going in a straight line
You have rental laws protecting dog ownership in Aus? I'm coming over
Good lad, hope it all works out mate
'scuse me pal, can ye tell me whur the nearest ATM is?
you've caught him in his web of lies
there's more to this story and we all suspected it
what are you going to do about it?
how would you explain it then einstein, they're all grotty and soft
no pop in the coco pops
The smell of my cumrag is putting me off my wank. Really need to get it into the wash.
you seem overly upset. did vipper fuck your mom and sister or something? what's the issue
have never wanked to asian porn and im only just now realizing how weird that is, might have to deviate from the usual and knock one off go some slanty slag getting it up her brown one
On the way to get some bog roll anyone want owt
if you knew crack heads irl you'd find crack to be funny. its one of the funniest drugs in terms of what it does to people haha
flew from airports WEW to KEK to pozz some negholes with the virus
same, not even sure how I'd cope if I were to get it. I hardly ever get sick but I'm not sure if that's because my immune system tanks it all or if it's because I never catch anything in the first place
I love money. I'm cold-hearted, calculating and manipulative.
What career should I aim for?
thinking of dribbling her head like a basketball off the stone countertop
One week sober today
drug dealaaaa
id say its placebo or its been longer than a day
It's all over de lads
investment banking and hedge funds
Actually feel sorry for Liverpool FC
very unsettling image
Probably won't do that desu, and she's pretty much permanently ill so it's not going to be something that passes any time soon unfortunately
commission based sales look into something like life insurance
twitch thot
me too lad
seems fair
>I'm cold-hearted, calculating and manipulative.
I bet you aren’t
/brit/ meet in Wareham is CANCELLED
>Rochdale chief executive David Bottomley
We already did it
All sporting codes are going to be played without crowds for the forseeable future and that
concerts cancelled etc
trolly returnee
he likes to LARP as a sociopath because he wishes he wasnt a beta cunt
swine flu killed 400-500k people and there was nowhere near this much fuss
that was only 10 years ago
people are manipulated by the media
>waiting a week after everyone else banned them to ban them in a weeks time
tried streaming on twitch, got banned on my second stream for saying the nigger-word
sneezed 8 times in a row and my lungs are whezy
I reckon a /brit/ meetup would be safe considering none of us leave our fucking houses anyway so there'd be no chance of any of us having it
no-one in those grotesque 'people of walmart' pics is even a real shopper as walmart is barely even a real shop as its entire customer base is welfare/foodstamp recipients anyway
feeling hungry lads?
swine flu was nowhere near as contagious
The oneitis works in investment banking (Goldman Sachs) and she seems like a genuinely lovely person. I suppose that's exactly what a psychopath wants you to think about them though
>I love money. I'm cold-hearted, calculating and manipulative What career should I aim for?
How about a Tory politician?
You are now in the death row.
>your last meal
>your last movie
>your execution method
don't think I follow your argument here
have a hangover
hope it's just that
How's it feel to know that the masses are waking up to the fact that a tiny percentage of the population hoards the majority of the worlds wealth?
also its not a mass gathering of over 500 people so you're sorted legally
i better get my money back from boomtown
doubt it tho
quite literally why ill never stream
walmart is the most popular shop in america and has customers from all walks of life
you, sir, have won the internet for today
DPRK has 0 cases.
gonna form the British Caesar's Legion, anyone joining?
id eat steak, lobster tail, apple pie, vanilla ice cream
watch backdoor sluts 9
execution style? bollock bashing
the daily mail
Seems laid out for display more than practicality.
need a DPRGB pronto
>>your last meal
lobster ravioli
>>your last movie
There Will Be Blood
>>your execution method
Death by hanging
>>your execution method
old age ahaha I sure tricked the justice system there
got a crooked toe nail
hope it isnt the garona birus
*destroys civilisation*
please give me somewhere to watch this video please mate please
high iq post
based best korea
because they shoot anyone who gets it
pure autism from the interviewer
The COVID-19 outbreak is showing the weaknesses of capitalism and strength of socialism. USA is crashing economically, flopping around in mitigating the spread, while Vietnam, Cuba, and China are still strong and providing care for all AND direct support to other countries.
last meals have a cost limit so id have an utter fuck tonne of chicken nuggets, as many as i could order
Iron Sky
firing squad because im not a retard
That's straight in 3D
this is stupid
grow up
>trapped indoors for 2 weeks with no footy to watch
thats not a chinese scientist
>that pic
bet she smells like garuma
alri dean lad hows it going
get the footy manager save revved up
errrrrrrrrrrrrrr boris johnson errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr total cockup
thinking about poos on a willer i might suck
boris johnson would make a better boris johnson than boris johnson
Trump says he takes 'no responsibility' for coronavirus failures
King, no!
the amerikan nazis who created coronavirus and pinned the blame on the people's republic of china must be crushed
>people die in non-western country
>"muh 100 gorillion, absolute evil, america must invade"
>people die in western country
>"not my fault, nigga"
its snis-778 broo maybe you can find a stream or get it off sukebei
he's not very good at this is he?
hello ,
Dont mind me, just gonna buy these pooping papers
any of you lads have a ferret? are they as hard to deal with as i imagine? would love a cute little weasel but here they stink and are not for people who want a clean house all the time
Workers in capitalist states are realising their bourgeois rulers are murderous parasites.
Used to always tease the ex, telling her that girls don't fart. So she'd save up her farts til I was in the room and act really proud if she did a loud one
cannot wrap my head around how anyone likes man kick ball, simply do not get it
>one chinese man cooking bat soup
>an entire planet with an advanced civilization
hows it going bud
utterly ridiculous
90% chance this was a prototype bio weapon the chinks fucked up with at this point
leftypol not in a good place as a result of this post
only poo once every 3 days or so, not too bothered about stocking up on toilet paper and you don't need to wipe after a piss anyway lol
Fuck off CCP it's the most obvious bioweapon ever
The only question is did the yanks do it as the arm of Israel to consolidate power in the global economy or did the Chinese do it to fuck Trump over or was it an accident. It definitely (provably through peer reviewed research) wasn't bat's or pangolins
It’s ok to hit a woman