>Reeeee asian was all source of coronavirus !!! >Chink was reason of the virus !! why eat bat meat why eat dog meat slanty eyed asian gook chinks fuck off ! (The truth was, the virus was made artificially in wuhan virus experiment academy. Non relation with diet culture in asian region) >we now expel and refuse all asian gooks and we safe! (The truth is, weaboo westerners themselves who visited asian region came back and started to infect their homeland) >dear whiteman, never visit asian region because its dangerous and dirty ! Dont dare visit dog-eatting savage asian gookland (The truth is, all asian countries were the first experienced ones against the virus, and technically are safer and better to manage it while euro and rest of the world struggles due to lack of their capacity of social system) >Reeeeeee why we are getting infected all of sudden and its getting worse! this is all asians fault fucking chink fucking gook reeeeeee (the truth is, while superior iq having asian wearing masks all the time, sub iq 100 yurop chimpanzee cavemans didnt even wear masks treating the virus as simple flu, therefore, fastening the virus spread process in their continent)
( When south korea was refused from multiple countries the infected cases number was 1200. Meanwhile, spain and germany, france all these major 3 euro countries having more than 2000 confirmed infected cases each, none of the country in the world mention to refuse them. They just dont want to admit they've failed. )
Why do western civilization keep JUSTing themselves?
>turkey flag saying to fuck china and fuck china as if they have the leash to do so. (The truth is, none of asian have single interest or give a fuck to islamic land called turkey. Which is land people cut off their panis skin and eat it as kebab.) (And another truth is, turkish is the most hated ethnics in developed western europe such as germany.) (One another truth is, this turkish brat in his islamic mosque alaah dick cock sucking room, in front of his lonely computer, typing "fuck asian fuck china" as if he has become 1st worlder western man some kinda UK or iceland, norway)
Fucking Armpits get rekt, the Turk stands above all once again
Ian Evans
>the virus have tendency being so extremely contagious, yet difficulty for undeveloped country to get proper data or examine for their own citizens >the fact is in case of undeveloped countries, it is very likely they will neglect the process of curing or managing the virus eventually. Choosing to live with the virus. >yet, the most popular countries for these undeveloped 3rd worlders are such as france, germany, norway, canada, sweden >yet, 1st worlder european women want to behave "nice and good" accepting any refugees from those regions
No matter how you big nose cheese eaters say fuck chinks fuck gooks or play gigachad memes, Fact is fact, and it will be coming truth right in front in your eyes :^)
>Fact is fact, and it will be coming truth right in front in your eyes truth is that chinks are responsible for this virus.
Jace Miller
arr rook same to me
Jose Parker
The virus was pre-investigated with USA - China in companion ship back in 2015. Still. Big responsibility for china. Yes.
That still dosent explain the reason to hate all regular japan korean taiwanese asian people in general
The fuckers are just fucking brainlets if same thing have happened in USA investigation, or russia, referring it as "world disaster" Not something criteria happened under gook or chink. Chink=gook=coronavirus equation.
Its especially even more obnoxious how in western countries they cant even shout shit about actual crime emerging gangs yet beat normal citizens such as regular asian woman in subway.
Western society is pack of fucking disgusting hypocrites. Nobody desires to go or be there now anymore.
>not able to cope in long wall text containing reasons and details >rather than that, cope the case with image pasting and upload and memeplaying
Indeed. No wonder why you brainlet fucks dont even wear masks and yet squeaking and rage against the problem.
Oliver Martinez
These basic differences are meant to be shown in the end.
The solid fact is, first experienced and better managing region = east asia.
Rest of the world = increasing.
What do you think which will happen in near future? Perhaps it will happen like domino. Region by region.
Have you seen those urgent escape scene /riot video from italy? youtu.be/CgrBv6IH3qg
How do you feel whittoman going crazy in urgency while you enjoyed to call asians hivemind insectoids until now? Havent you mocked all the tragic cases happened in east asia is because we eat dogs and bats? What you focused was mockery from the beginning until the end and despise against asians.
look at italy. The brainlet fuckers dont even wear basic simple masks and yet complain about the virus. Even dumb fuck reporter is not wearing mask. youtu.be/AqAImF_mJtY
In seoul every people wear masks. And shun to go out as much as possible. youtu.be/wEv5beYT5TM
This is making differences you ignorant fucktard whitoids. Too much brainlet to even understand the case.
Thanks to that awkward stupid machoism when they are carefulless on certain thing, the brainlet caveman gets instantly proud of himself. Comedy.
James Campbell
Italy for now must be rather blessed cases. Because they might be seen to have issues, but in fact they are at least, first experiencing whats going on. Its about domino effect. France or germany or USA will be going through even more harsh results.
Italy could catch rough number of the cases at least. But in case of africa, india, south america. How wrecked it will be.
>these seething whitoids and sandnigs in this thread kek
Ayden Watson
Hmmmmm. I'm thinking....... Based.
Zachary Roberts
Not sure if you are making fun of asians or europeans with that text and pic Learn to quote properly you gook
Ian Wilson
Let me drop another story. The virus is meant to spead every parts and places of the world nonetheless your country decides to lock itself or not. Good example is North Korea. They locked their entire country since January 28th.
In recent report, 2000 soldiers in their army have been infected.
So what it implies is that it will eventually reach to your shithole countries too. Those iranians or tuneasian or morrocan covering their mouth when chinese passes by, For sure they will experience some situation even more due to lack of their infrastructure for medical care.
China in fact is relatively better cases when it comes to medical care. And if medical system couldnt reach properly they could use forces to even grab the person and put in bodybag. To eliminate the virus.
I wonder what kind of solution you would have when it comes to brainlet shithole countries like yours. Probably fucking panick and hands off of everything. Letting your own people all die. Thats probably what your government would do.
Landon Ward
YOU already have more covid patients than we have.
These fucking whole world, all of sudden turned back against all east asians. (Chinese, Korean, Japanese)
Maybe the beginning was China, but they bundle us all as one sort gook. Chink. Nips. Anyway. Its what rest of the world has resulted to draw this confinement. Packing all east asia into one merged place.
The real countries who need to expel and refuse foreigners is us. (China, Korea, Japan) Not fucking shithole countries like yours.
No matter how bad shithole any east asian country will be, (for example china) Its better performing society than most of other regions clumsy countries.
If you cant believe it, see worldwide statics how europe is getting raped by the virus. And still cant do nothing but hatred against yellow people only. Pathetic
Christian Moore
Yes, I can know and understand your feeling, because I had same feeling toward that diamond princess.
This is exact same mechanism and way they cope in crisis.
>pest spreads wide in europe in medieval age >targeting most helpless ones (mostly weadow) and decide to judge as witch. Torture and burn
>something goes wrong in germany 1940 since they lost in WW1 >all fault was because jews lets kill them all
>corona outbreak and they are not capable to control it >it was all asians fault not our issues. Fuck chinks and yellows waaah
How this world would have gone having these hypocrite disgusting whitoids only, without anyone actually witnessing who they truly are like we yellow race do.
These cheese eatting savage's disgusting mentality should be recorded and long reported.
They should realize who they truly are. They need to drop this disgusting subtle mindset as if they were always standing morally righteous position. When what they truly acted was hypocricy.
May the Yellow race be the only people witnessing Whiteman's lie, misbehavior, faults, sins, arrogancy. And who deserves to verdict and punish them.
By the way my arab friend, when you go to anywhere in this world now moment, you will be treated as iranian and treated worse than chinese.
Where you can post these mockery is only inside of your country. Which nobody cares. If you ever visit my homeland, youre just an arab that is indistinguishable with pakistan or indians.
>sitting in a chair in late night time >right in front of computer monitor >think that he won it thinking he succeeded to dox someone and he would have been shocked or scared >go to toilet to take a pee >take a look at the mirror >burp and fucking fart >get back to his computer seat scratching his ballsack
This is what i imagine you would be by now. German beerman.
Ryder Powell
based ..... BASED
Austin Hill
>This is making differences you ignorant fucktard whitoids. Too much brainlet to even understand the case. Wearing masks when you're uninfected and not a health professional will not help you. N95 maks require you to change them on a strict timely basis which is not much of a problem if you are a care health worker because you're in an enviroment that endorses changing masks and will always have masks on standby. Wearing masks as an average person to go outside doesn't necessarily reduce the chance of getting the virus because you are entering a dynamic enviroment. You aren't in full control whether the pole on the bus has been touched by an infected person, you aren't in full control whether the elevator button has been touched by an infected person. Health care professionals work in environments where they enact as much control as possible. They do this is decrease the chance of getting the infection (i.e. While suited up in their protective equipment they are conscious of the fact that they need to see a certain number of patients then change their masks, etc.) They work in environments where it can be assumed to be 'clean' in major walk-ways because there are systems in place to clean said walkways. Contrast this to a major centre in the city for the average person. Changing your masks is essential to not ensure particle build-up occurs on the inner parts of the maks that are exposed to the external enviroment, these may present themselves as possible paths of infection. >This is making differences you ignorant fucktard whitoids Not entirely, what is making a difference is the response of the Chinese health sector to the disease outbreak. You can not deny that China has taken the outbreak, to an extent, much more seriously compared to western nations. >whitoids Did somebody offend you? Why are you angry?
Juan Green
What do you think which will happen in near future? Perhaps it will happen like domino. Region by region. What do you mean by this? Each region will have at least one (1) person infected? That isn't as dramatic as it sounds. Or, each region will be devastated where the total cases in each region approach thousands. Well, if we want to use China as a model of what might happen we shouldn't expect to be devastated. China in early-2020 (and late 2019) was inexperienced with COVID-19 (then: 2019-nCOV) however they were able to manage the spread to the point where they now state that the peak of their epidemic as passed. >sbs.com.au/news/china-says-the-peak-of-its-coronavirus-epidemic-has-passed Given time, western nations will gain experience - so it should be expected that they follow a similar path; of course, this is said without taking into account external factors.
Colton Baker
Hello secretary of based
Samuel Jackson
Based roach
Aiden Nguyen
You have layed wall text accounting some reasons.
Firstly i will have to make sure. There wont be any hostality to really wish to see certain people going demolishion or tragic. Not at all.
But i was calculating about which country would be better to it. And despite many foctors you mentioned not to wear masks or manage enough, still, asian people in general tend to be much more sensitive and careful about the issue. Even wearing masks have slightly better effect to prevent encountering persons saliva when talk or conversation. Thats why i call it was ignorance and furthermore for the people that not wearing masks at all in the street of rome,italy, its not they are not wearing masks perfectly knowing the facts you have mentioned or even calculated that way. Its matter of carefulness and im very sure any people outside east asian regions for now tend to be underestimating the situation as a whole. Including europe even the most deadliest situation like italy.
If you want to blame the source of the virus china might be to blame, but if you want to point more officially to CCP. None of the citizens have done anything to be called and mocked as virus. Even the people are much more careful and cautious and doing their best compared to any european countries.
Thats why its happening such as current state related with latest situation of europe exploding of infected numbers.