keep *COOF* calm and carry on edition
/brit /
Other urls found in this thread:
Glands were a bit swollen yesterday and got a sore throat coming on
I'm trying to spread my time off toil throughout the year evenly so I intend to "self isolate" as late as possible.
Already started the entirety of Jan and Feb off toil
Took a picture of my sister bent over in skintight leggings once and still wank to it years later
If you can't imagine Bernie smiling with glee as a guillotine blade falls on Bezos' neck then he's not a socialist
nooooooooooooooooooooooooo grandad!
Post it
ey, what can I say, I'm a funny guy
Special place in hell for grass cunts
Mad how Bezos aint even that rich he just has a high net worth because of stocks and people want to start taxing holding of stocks as opposed to just the sale
>Glans a bit swollen
>Sore throat
Bent, pozzed gayboy
absolute mug's play cos it's going to be gov enforced WFH / isolation soon enough, might as well get the voluntary one in first
DOn'T Go to Work
fuck off frogwog
No runt posting beyond this post
It would make more sense to seize his holdings than to tax him as if it were liquidity. But still, would only make sense in a worker's state
I wish
Bit worried for my gran lads, she’s 94
i bet you're sniveling at your little snarky comment, picturing it in your head as if you'd ever have the guts to say it in real life you puny little vermin.
this website makes you stupid
shes had a good innings
who /atleastoneparentgonnadie/ here?
kek that was me, fair play
I only have one grandparent left
sucking my own bollocks
my dad's nearing 80
yeah and i'm [last two digits of my post number] years old
grow a pair
aye that she has, reckon she could easily make it to 100 though without he chinky flu
haven't sung that
the main arctic monkey song i choose is 'when the sun goes down'
proper northern music and the lyrics can only be delivered properly by a true norf man
Christ you lads are shit at connect 4.
why would you be nice to him after the things he just said
coke wanks arent happening tonight
Also extremely worried for my grandparents and even my parents
Dad is 65 and hes not exactly fit, thats the danger zone
a based choon, but have you tried 'do me a favour'
one of the best 'monkeys songs ever made I reckon
just beat someone twice in a row and he left. own up whoever you are
how old are you? my dads 60 and been smoking since he was 14 so doubt he will even fair too well
Why would I waste my sick days like that though? Especially if government enforced isolation is imminent.
I will use my sick days throughout the year
thought u were a neet and your wife earned all the bread
Theres no evidence smoking increases death rates yet is there?
Lads, I just realised something. Rihanna is black Amy Smart.
my dad is 62, has terrible personal hygiene, and is recovering from a serious illness haha
I'm nearing 30
mum's on immunosuppresants and she doesn't live a healthy lifestyle at all, dread to think what the virus could do to her
statistically like 40% of this thread are literal bastards
runts among us
don't have any elderley relatives to die so i personally am enjoying boomer genocide 2020
Yeah man, it effects the lungs smokers are some of the ones struggling the most
I want to know the lad who allowed me either a flat or diagonal if he blocked the flat on the left.
That was dogshit foresight on your part, whoever you are.
The sweet release of death
do italians really
any decent choons for the end of days lads?
do you reckon Eurovision will be called off?
Ive seen no evidence of it yet though just intuition and educated guesswork
Will give it a read
mate this is going to go on for fucking ages you'll be lucky to still have a job
plus stop worrying about fucking toil there's a plague going around
As the snow flies
On a cold and gray Chicago mornin'
A poor little baby child is born
In the ghetto (in the ghetto)
And his mama cries
'Cause if there's one thing that she don't need
It's another hungry mouth to feed
In the ghetto (in the ghetto)
People, don't you understand
The child needs a helping hand
Or he'll grow to be an angry young man some day?
Take a look at you and me
Are we too blind to see
Do we simply turn our heads, and look the other way?
Which one of you was this.
surprisingly not bad, 8/10
haven't got a good caption to append to this image
just look at it please
maybe this is beyond you doomer cunts but do you realise being old is not a reason to deserve to die
>user why didnt you use Myspace?
>I was your first friend, now look at me
I was neet for 2 months. Miss it already
iktfb. toil saps the life out of you
geeza link i'll have a crack at it
haven't played connect 4 in at least a decade
anyone older or younger than me dont matter
kill hiiim
he could have acted it a bit better instead of being tensed in the fucking air and smiling, useless prick
You suffer but why
>lost a game (easily)
>win a game
Champ for life against you, mate
Cba with all the shite that comes my way 2bh
Wasn't capable of using a computer when myspace was around, don't even know what it is really.
didnt fulfill your dharma
drinking plenty of absinthe lately, the green fairy will protect my insides from kung flu
Might have let the power level slip tonight lads
Someone at dinner said they were worried about moving to Edinburgh because there isn't enough diversity, I didn't react well
is there anything to see in north wales
>Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother, who liked gin and Dubonnet: 30% gin, 70% Dubonnet with a slice of lemon under the ice. She once noted before a trip, "I think that I will take two small bottles of Dubonnet and gin with me this morning, in case it is needed."
>Queen Elizabeth II, who likes two parts Dubonnet and one part gin with two cubes of ice and a lemon slice before lunch every day.
royal family's a bunch of pissheads
he's eager
recently bought a laser pen for my cat, it's mad how fascinated cats are by them, can lead him anywhere you want and his beady eyes are always glaring at it
the gas emanating from my anus is putrid
black rock sands is comfy
Bruh, look at this dude. Wait till you see the f- oh no no no no oh ho ho OoOoOoO- PPFFFFFFFAAAAHA HA HA! LOOK AT THE TOP OF HIS HEAD!
>played 6 games with the same lad
>just about to finish a game when I was going to get 2 5s in a row simultaneously
>he disconnects
You cunt
On a clear day you can make out the shining city of liverpool and imagine how the better half live
see loads of deanos with this haircut
Oi mates. Bloody good day out innit?
you sound like a gimp mate
gymtoil looms
Finna do some shopping before the corona hits
heard it came from pengolins pengalengs penguins fuk knows aha
So handsome and based
I'm the non-musical, non-famous American Morrissey
how you holdin' up, /brit/...
post your hair
Pangolins and that theory is disprove
do you have any cases yet?
you guys usually do well in that pandemic simulation game
don't make this post again
you've been pushing this down our throats for a while now. it will not happen
A lonely pansexual?
what is the song about?
scaly diseased pangolin trotters typed this post
nothing i hate more than bitter fucking internet incels who seethe every time someone posts a picture of themselves and they cry "attention whore!" not realizing they're just blatantly broadcasting their own desire for attention that they severely lack and are jealous that other people are receiving
fucking hate them, they don't deserve happiness or girlfriends or their lives, we should drag them out of their rooms and shoot them
imagine how many cute med peasant girls have died throughout human history that would've been considered 10/10 by modern standards
and now there's no evidence to suggest these girls even existed
with our modern standard of living she would've given anything to be your girlfriend, lads, why didn't you save her
looks like a lesbian
also state of that bland virginous room and bland virgin tshirt
>opponent leaved
I'm not lonely nor a pansexual technically
5 cases but no new cases in a few days. Government is also putting further restrictions on the border. Doing alright
had a sandwich that was sitting in the car for 4 hours
any scientists in here? d-do you think beer would kill any germs that grew on it in that time
what's the difference between pansexuality and bisexuality
who's "we", fatso ?
well, this is me :>
>thought you were talking about the sueposter until I googled this
my cat is fucking cute lads.
contemplating the disease
Then what do you have in common with Morrissey?
Simmer down zhang you know it was Xi all along
my girlfriend is a med and I'm basically the same as you ethnically, pictish memes aside
sometimes during sex I pretend I'm an Ostrogothic noble taking a Roman patrician's daughter
never voice that out loud
Why is /brit/ so active? Are you all Brits just useless and stay home all day?
didn't happen
no really, post your hair you fucking fat virgin faggot
pansexuality takes into account all the gender identities, whereas for bisexuals it's just men and women
Hop in.
I feel a bit sad sometimes
reportedly tom hank's last words is "I hope none of you get this," then he breathed his last breath and his eyes rolled into the back of his head and a bunch of bloody vomit shot out of his mouth and nose
all his problems could have been solved if he dropped the 3DPD obsession
gooks ruined communism by taking it too far
stalin (a white man) knew it was some shit that could only last so long
now we're all dying of flu cause chinks kept it up into the fucking 10/20s
Are you going to do your part and catch coronavirus to get herd immunity?
yeah but sexuality isn't to do with gender is it, it's to do with the sexes
sex is binary so there's not any difference between being attracted to "both" and being attracted to "all"
>the man from georgia
what happens if you eat a lot of protein but dont do any exercise
>all his problems could have been solved if he dropped the 3DPD obsession
>this is the poster calling me a fat virgin
2nd poster is a new IP you thicko
think we need send a bill to the chinks
1 life please, Cost? 1000 quadrillion dollars
all the footballs canceled so im just going to play fifa and larp that its still on this weekend................. v_v
are colds in march a normal thing? i cant remember. all i know is my mom had a bad cold for 8 fucking days and now im all coldy. sore throat and coughing, leaky nose. ohio i buttfucked apparently? i need to get beer and smokes but i feel bad going outside
scientists don't know yet
just guessing here but it might be about the rhythm of the night
pansexuals are bisexuals who also fuck trans people
Post your face x
genuinely considering asking the gracious bossman if I can work from home next week