What's the relationship between these cunts like?
What's the relationship between these cunts like?
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We don't really think about eachother very much.
Lots of gaysex
We are forced to think about you because your commie diaspora is still obsessed with Franco and has invaded the South
(although non-Southerners probably care less)
a million years ago they signed a treaty where an island would switch between them every 6 months and they still do it to this day
And sex sex sex sex sex also
kek based
Also please don't burn down out trucks.
quoi la baise
gay sex
Mostly cordial, Spanish people are nice and it's easy for eachothers to learn Spanish/French since they're both Latin languages. Lot of french people go to Spain for vacations, and I guess Spanish people too.
bros probably
my french professor grew up speaking occitanian and he told me catalan was its closest living relative. that's crazy man.
we don't like them
this too
>bros probably
Sex with you now
>we don't like them
why ? Spanish people are appreciated here, Why do you don't like us exactly ? please explain
Catalan language is very near of Occitanian language actually, both are from the same roots
Spaniards love us, you’re talking to bitter incels
no one thinks like that
I bet Spaniards are treated better in the United States than in France, that country is also full of chauvinists who look down at you with contempt, it does not happen to us with Portugal, they are seen as a friendly country in Spain.
I love them. People who mindlessly hate France are NPCs.
French burning down spanish trucks filled with fruit
Some people is still butthurt Spain lost its colonial empire due to the french invasion 200 years ago.
During the last 2 centuries, Spain has had a part of spanish intellectuals on the left that essentially wants to make Spain a copy of France.
>French burning down spanish trucks filled with fruit
Insane people doing insane shit
who fucking cares about football
>Spaniards love us
no, you aren't loved in Spain although if you want to lie yourself, go on
So sad they didn’t succeed :(
You asked for the reasons some people dislike you in spain and i gave them to you.
Spain is warmer I guess
Cool people. French girls are based
>French burning down spanish trucks filled with fruit
another thing my professor told me - "if we don't like, we protest"
always thought that was based
I love you too, Spain is such a beautiful country
Yeah it's like french people being butthurt about Napoleon loosing at Waterloo : fucking stupid and retarded
How is southern France different than northern Spain?
Una faccia una razza
>all latin languages undertand each other
>all latin/med countries are the same
Why would you think like that? Wouldn't it be better to be unique and to not larp as a roman, but to form your own identity?
A-A-Ah-ah I hate them both. T-T-They know I exist trust me.
He didn't say that. It's just a fact that romance languages have similarities.
u r bro desu, ibero bro a3
fuck the gabachos though
I was just saying "Spanish/French are easy to learn for Spanish/French people, since both languages are Latin languages".
Not more.
Please don't over-analyse, Germany
WOAH wtf!! You almost scared me there.
>Spain is such a beautiful country
Then why did you invade them when they were your only ally on the continent, then destroy their colonial empire, and permanently cripple their economy for the next 100 years without ever apologizing or attempting to make it up somehow. Oh yeah, the Spanish must love you dearly.
>fuck the gabachos
That's so fucking mean, you Spaniard
Also it's cope because Spain has tried to copy everything french since 1715 but has miserably failed thus people have an inferiority complex towards the civilized europeans (france and germany) and us.
user didn't do that though, I don't see why he takes responsibility
>¡vivan las cadenas!
We deserved every single thing you just mentioned.
It was a just a joke that turned wrong
>nya nya nya, why did you do that 150 years ago?
I don't know, I wasn't born, it was a different time, with different politics.
Why did you invaded Cuba 150 years ago ?
Who give a fuck?
French is easy to understand in its read form if you know Catalan, as many words are similar. But I have never felt like learning to speak it properly. That pronunciation, bruh
>That pronunciation, bruh
Basically Spanish with more silent letters
In Europe, no one gives a shit about past conflicts. The Germans don't go to France for tourism and apologize for the second world war, kek.
And more gay (sex!)
The guttural R and closed/open Es are the main obstacles I think. Once you get those down it's ez.
Gay sex.
>fuck the gabachos
French are butthurt because based chad NADAL keeps humiliating them every year at Roland Garros
don't forget the nasal vowels, especially difference between "blanc" and "blond"
I kinda like it to be humiliated by Spaniards..~
>Spain has tried to copy everything french since 1715
and what? Spain has it's unique culture appart of regionalism, I don't know we have been able to copy from France since this country isn't used as a reference here.
>The guttural R
Honestly the "r" are difficult in every languages, since they are diffrent in every languages
For example i can't (I tried so hard but still can't) say the Spanish "r" or netheir the Spanish j"
France was the reference until Aznar got us into atlantism.
After that it was Germany.
Spain is a failed version of France.
Not only french... This guy is HUMILIATING every tennis pro player
You're so cute, Portugal!
Catalonian independentists hate France just as much as they hate Spain. You can see independentists burning the flags of both countries during demonstrations for instance. Boath are the evil states that are denying the catalonian people their happiness.
They want "north catalonia", aka Roussillon.
It's not just some dream from deluded idealists. They are actually making long term plans to achieve it (along with independence from Spain).
In the catalonian regional TV (TV3), which is essentially independentist propaganda paid by catalonian taxpayers, they are not allowed, per their style guidelines, to refer to that region as a part of France - they must refer to it as north catalonia. Some TV host once made an episode of Llivia (a spanish/catalonian exclave within France), he referred it as a part of catalonia in France. Independentists furiously attacked him on twitter because he dared to imply that there is such thing as "France" there, they demanded that he would use the right name. Their weather forecast show the forecast of that region, along with the rest of the catalonian speaking regions in Spain.
Carles Puigdemont, who can't enter Spain because he is a fugitive, went recently to Perpignan. He said: "We have entered Catalonia". For independentists that's exactly what happened. That's "their" land. France is an oppressor who denies Catalonia its liberty.
They recently got a TV license to broadcast TV3 in the area. They have started to spend a lot of money promoting "catalonian culture" in the area.
Paris doesn't seem to care much about all this
>Spain is a failed version of France
Sorry bro but it's a quiet reducting vision of history you have here
My father is a truck driver and once, in the middle of summer, he took my mother and me with him to see France with his truck, because he had to deliver some strawberries to France.
As soon as we crossed the border, armed French savages similar to the Turken Raider stopped the truck, made us get off and beat my father infront of my mother and me. They forced me to watch how them destroyed all the strawberries and put them in my father's mouth and raped my mother.
Space exploration gastronomy and gay sex
Wanna join?
forgot pic
I swear to god, the only thing those separatists deserve is a bullet in the head
They must have a reason to hate Spain.
>tfw son of French boomers
Spain's interests collide with the French, look how they support Morocco by selling weapons of all kinds, from helicopters to tanks.
the gabachos support morocco and itself morocco is an enemy of Spain.
>Paris doesn't seem to care much about all this
Because french soviet République will grind them into dust if they attempt anything, they don't have the same regionalist culture we do, which is pretty fucking permissive when you compare it to other countries
wanna spanish gf how do I do ?
> 1:00
> Hefe, el camión no te lo vamo a toca, sólo vamo a vaciarlo ENTERO
Lel, menudo hijo de puta el FRANCHUTE
>mfw we sent them Manuel Valls
I'm thinking we are based
Also, check em
Actually I SHEIT up on the French and Spanish politics. But I like the people and culture. They are what's the matter
>you will never watch Manu (single handedly) killing thousands of separatists
why even live?
Tbh the Frenchoids can be kinda rude to the % of our pop that our swarthoids. Have family in France and they would bully one cousin that would happen to be a little more tanned, and leave the rest of them alone lmao.
Daily reminder that the 11M was planned by the french and german secret services in collusion with the moroccan government and PSOE so that we stopped being friendly towards the anglos
>I like the people and culture
How can you hate this? Seriously? That’s beyond me
Look closely
We are perfectly aware how mediocre we are at tennis desu
More like because who the fuck would leave France for an independant Catalogne. If they want to LARP as their own thing they can do it, we have plenty of regions that are proud of their identity even if they're still part of France.
Not like Catalogne has an army or anything in the first place.
He only takes big Portuguese cock, sorry.
>implying he won't
It’s ok, love doesn’t necessarily goes both ways ^^
I'm fine with giving it to them
I love this lil autist like you wouldn't believe
fuck each other in the ass (france is top ofc)
I'd like to say that it's just banter and that French people are just like that but given how cowardly we are against blacks and arabs that's just shameful.
she has a fat face
He's an excellent meme material
Cuando seas como ella avisa.