Why do Germans look Finnish?

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this is what happens when germans have babies with finns

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Did she fell into a cauldron of vodka when she was a baby? Jesus Christ.

Hunnic admixture


She is more attractive than this female (?) thing.

you are just racist

Laura Birn is the hottest woman alive

Attached: laura4.jpg (1600x1067, 133.39K)

hunnic genes

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FAS is not a race, retard.

i doubt it

Finns are secretly original Europeans. That includes Germans and Spaniards.

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She is

Attached: Laura_Birn.jpg (525x701, 158.9K)

2/5 out of suomi

She looks like she had an allergic reaction after getting stung by bees

why does she look like she's 12?

she doesn't have fas

fingol genes

she looks repulsive and unnatural yet attractive and sensual, it's so weird

threesome with greta when?


>why does she look like she's 12?
Legitimately knew a finngol who looked 13 despite being 22


ikr tbqh


Literally just a gook with blonde hair.

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Why is Chinknada always so obsessed with Finland?

doesn't look asian

Die Kilmaschutzfiendlichalienaktivistin...

>m*doids are just lightskin niggers
i always knew it. now when do we beginn to kick them out of europe?


Freak with no eyebrows

Who is she? Reminds me of a quarter Vietnamese 19 year old I used to bang. Shit was so cash tightest pussy ever

Fetal alcohol syndrome.


It's literally one mentally ill autist. He's been doing this for years. It's sad and pathetic.

She sounds redpilled and she has a Vietnamese name.

die Kreatur

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die Skelettfrau

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She looks much better and healthier in her videos.

Where the fuck are her cheekbones?

she cute

die Gespenstheuschreckemädchen

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And a ching chong bing bong to you too, Cheng.

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Why every white retarded suffrering fas or down is automatically Finn.
Its not even funny anymore.

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Her first name is Naomi. I'd bet 40 dollars that she is quarter vietnamese.

how much is a quarter of that? 5 kg?

>those sunken soulless eyes

Yeah she looks anorexic. Shame.

how drunk are you again?

Why do Finnish look German ?
Maybe because they share same genetics ?

especially because she doesn't look half bad in those videos and pictures in which she's at an healthy weight

have sex incel

Attached: gimlii.png (919x528, 409.13K)

Literally 100% european phenotypically

She just has FAS

How the fuck does she have a chubby face with cheeks here but has the meat to bones ratio of a dying full blown HIV patient on her legs here

if you look at her latest vids she's basically anorexic now, possibly because of the stress of being under the spotlight at such a young age

I acutally don't know who she is, can you tell me ?

famous pornstar

naomi seibt, a german rightwing teenager who made youtube vids and was hired to be an anti-greta thunberg as in trying to influence young people saying that global warming is a hoax etc. etc.

I wish. She would make billions with her 14 year old happa looks