
Wide is My Motherland edition

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Literally the best thread on the board right now, because it’s to do with Britain

Check out Daft Punk's new single "Get Lucky" if you get the chance. Sound of the summer.

only one man can save the world from this outbreak

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business idea: shoot anyone trying to cross the channel

Ah yes, let me buy a big nice piece of land in a rural area, only to live in a fucking container box.

Dad doesn’t put any spice or flavouring in his chilli con carne so it just tastes of hot water and rice

yeah to Cymru


More room to toil the land when society collapses

might buy a gasmask for the banter

god bless corona chan

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Cymru am BYTH

wypipo be like this corona too spicy

Haha classic Brian xx

You guys have done it this time.

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Rory Stewart seems like a reasonable fellow with regards to corona, why isn't anyone listening to him? Is it because he looks and speaks like an incel?

for me, it's giorgio by moroder

Hypochondriac sister has declared she might have coronavirus, what a bloody surprise

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ahh sugarplums
it's a me, emilio pasquale schizzerino!
been building a dam out in the middle of nowhere
very picturesque and rural eh?

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I wish UK was still in the EU, don't you guys?

so working from home now
it's ok
mostly just post here and masturbate

Just sneezed not once, not twice but thrice.

fuck zoomer faggots

business idea: Socialist Britain

life without footy, F1 and the new james bond, isn't worth living

>Trump didn't push for more coronavirus testing because he was concerned high infection numbers might dent his reelection chances, report says

president retard


well just kill yourself you're done

I wish the entire continent sunk beneath the waves.

rented a boat, heading to Antarctica. anyone need a pickup? be prepared to live humanity forever. yes, that includes packing well

consooomers on suicide watch.

coughing at boomers in public

anyone see joe lately?
getting worried

i've got to work from home for at least 2 weeks, probably for the next couple of months
also they closed all bars, restaurants etc.. only supermarkets and pharmacys open for the forseeable future.
do not know what to do with all this free time

*Violently shoves a pencil in your ear*

No just Scotland and United Ireland senpai

>Socialist Britain
>National Socialist Britain

that's so mean, you're still a european country. With European culture. Don't leave us.

>[Insert anything here]oomers
Tired of this meme. Just want the boomers to be permanently removed already.


sometimes i forget that im a god tier drummer. i should probably do something with that


Based Italos

We will see.

No we're British.

Imagine supporting the EU lmao

any poomers in

EU doesn’t equal Europe.
You are a bureaucratic wog freak. Get in the bin

its already in antartica mate

I'm a white and blue eyed British communist.



sometimes i forget that im a god tier bummer. i should probably do something with that

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honestly watch this and other episodes of the fucking smurfs when I want to get away from miserable reality

yes it does

honestly like wanking
sounds odd, but really do

for me, it's the psychedelic porn crumpets, an epic cringe named band that makes excellent music

fuck off you spastic no one cares


very cute. based luigis

Listening to 'p - 'p.

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Scotland is an integral part of Britain just as much as Wales or England.
Of course Britain is European. But the EU is a gang of capitalist exploiters formed for the purpose of suppressing socialism in Europe. It must be dissolved.

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wanna bum me?

Flithy seep shagger who can't even speak welsh

>Imagine supporting an alliance of the most powerful countries on the planet

You guys should probably do something with that.

Might plant a tree and stand with my mouth over it so as it grows it'll go further and further down my throat

Why are we copying Iraq's flag.

why is the american coronavirus presidential speech sponsored by wallmart

you want in or not

That's what they're called, 'flip flops' is modern Yankspeak.

If it were up to me, I'd give the boot to all the Macron-type globalist cabal and welcome the UK back.
In principle being united is good. The problem is all the corrupt politicians using the institution to our detriment.

>the EU is a gang of capitalist exploiters
Unlike the people ruling England, in the City ?

reminder to speak to your parents regularly
simply asking how their day was can brighten their week
don't let them slip away, lads

It's the Chartist tricolour.

only aussies call them thongs

t. failed fluter

based zoomer doomers

Ah yes global powerhouses like Bulgaria.

a bit yeah haha x

Burger King lost the sponsor deal

If the EU weren’t such mongs we would have never left

New developments

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they're making loads off this panic

i just want to masturbate bros
this muscle pull is ruining my life

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hope this exposes the disaster of 'healthcare' system this country has

Britain, not just England. They are the same class obviously, but with the capitalists divided and economically weakened it is easier to defeat them.

the meal

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LOVE my city being filled with Romanians and Bulgarians

works great for me

Really want to go to New York but I'm petrified of flying.

Flying over land isn't too bad because if something goes wrong then at least they can make an emergency landing at an airport somewhere.

The Atlantic Ocean though? Nah, you're fucked if anything goes wrong.

Managed to get both Dostoevsky and Jordan Peterson in the cover letter for my job application. May as well just give me the bloody role now desu

I have to read five different text books (around 200 pages each) in three days and additional five different text books
so five text books in total I have to go through each one of them
Can I do it? Or should I just end it all

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got a letter from DVLAberg
vehicle tax runs out at the end of this month, apparently owe the cunt £250
pisses me right off that I pay fuel duty, VAT on all related expenses AND am forced to shell out for mot every year and then still have to give away more of my hard earnt pennies
unsustainable taxation of the masses must come to an end desu

>Wanting heart disease

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boris is literally murdering elderly and disabled people and he's getting away with it

______ pride. Worldwide.

perfectly cooked steak de lad get in

Close Yas Forums right NOW and start reading

denmark is closing the borders tomorrow btw

I reckon blacks are alright

My mother is American and she told me they always called them thongs before, 'flip-flops' is newspeak.
They're also called 'tongs' in French.

You’ll be fine
Air disasters are quite rare
You might enjoy airplanes and airports

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Accidentally broke the blade of my PhillipsTM OnebladeTM so I had to completely shave my chest and stomach.

Will DEEPLY regret this is a days time

That's cute

based, fuck boomers

Anglo pride. Worldwide.

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Just imagine how great the world would be if we rounded up boomers and the working class and shot them all

eating toilet roll

doesn't bother me for some reason I guess I just don't think about it
transatlantic is annoyingly long as I can't sleep sitting up

i know your feel fren. ive got the ol marfan syndrome, once or twice a year i literally POP a ligament in my ribcage and it's 6 weeks of hell. pure hell. have fun waking up in the morning tomorrow

Holy mother of based, it's just win after win after win for Boris

What books you lot reading then?

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Boomers can’t take a joke

Yeah that was phrased poorly, I have no idea what is going on in my brain.



sucking a bog roll

I've flown before, been Spain a few times. But I was bricking it the whole time.

Your probability of falling out of the sky is zero when you're not in an aeroplane. That probability rises exponentially when you're in an aeroplane.

where the carbs at?

Come on janitor, you have seen my balls, batty and dick

what politician wants his main demographic dead?

lmao as if anybody wanted to get into denmark anyway

Its all one big absurd joke and no one has a clue haha

>vehicle tax runs out at the end of this month, apparently owe the cunt £250
260 for me
focus st life, enjoying my 28mpg too

Tories been murdering disabled for years

Being Reem by Joey Essex

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anyone ever float down the liffey?

no, you're fucked, better just go through the past exams and hope the exam is very similar
t. cramming expert

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bit racist

fucks sake my xbox will never arrive

A collection of short stories from Flannery O'Connor, but I'm making bloody slow progress desu. Unemployed so theoretically I have all the time in the world to read, but without any structure in my life I find it hard to dedicate reading time. End up shitposting on /brit/ instead

Rising exponentially from zero is still zero.

>how was your day ma?
Well love I went to morrisons and they ran out of brown bread so I had to get brown bread!

>hey da how was your day?
Shouldn't you own a home by now?

Yeah mate really looking forward to riveting conversation

>life is a state of mind

what did they mean by this

bring an inflatable dingy with you and don't tell anyone

exponential rise from zero is still zero

Yes q asked if I was a homofash

I mean I had a week to prepare but then the corona virus hit and out of the blue they changed the date to week earlier so now I'm really screwed

Well I have two major exams the first one is on Tuesday (I have five books for that to go through)
and another on Thursday (five books for that)
what do you reckon?

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So lads, where in Britain will you go on holiday this year?

For me it's the lake district

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no this is too much
it's not fair

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ahh oh no.. think of all the .... lego?

want to go down to the living room to do work but my annoying housemate will be back at some point and he will distract me

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>I mean I had a week to prepare but then the corona virus hit and out of the blue they changed the date to week earlier so now I'm really screwed

that isn't very fair. molotov time

mad how clueless our leaders are. shows you how absurd the idea of a grand world conspiracy is. we are rudderless and blind.

Fuck that sentence was bad too, I went in the city today so my brain is confused, I still think in English but I have to speak french.

ain't opening a 2mb file chief.

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Mental init

escape to cape verde before spain infects you

Honestly, I’ve never felt scared on a plane, and I’ve flown over the Atlantic many times
Pilots are very well trained and they study for quite some time. If you are truly scared of this, maybe you should book a flight with an airline that ranks high in safety (like Qantas)

WHY are Americans buying so much fucking toilet paper god dammit

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what subjects?

that was worth posting

if you really get down to it, it really is just a flu innit

i speak in english, think in english, but fuck in spanish and english

as long as I have enough drink to tie me over for the next week or so I don't care 2bh

have enough frozen bread/stocks in my freezer to nuke even needs be

has anything good ever come out of china? my immunocompromised relatives are likely to die because those subhuman chink bastards are too stupid and lazy to wash their fucking hands
just nuke china and get it over with