In 16 hours the Danish border closes. No foreign citizens will be allowed to enter the country for at least 1 month

In 16 hours the Danish border closes. No foreign citizens will be allowed to enter the country for at least 1 month.

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no one goes there anyway

We should do the same

and that's a GOOD thing

How many confirmed cases do you have?


I hope you have enough lego bricks to survive this through user

>Boris still will not close the schools, universities, or restrict travel
J-j-just wash your hands right guys?

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When that month ends we are coming for you lads,revenge for the Danelaw.

that sounds racist

But GDP might fall by 0.01 % lad think of the economy

Part and Parcel™ lad

It's open bar in France

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That's a lot.
t. >17.000

sounds like the right step to take

too late.

>Some of you are going to die, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
Pretty much the UK government right now.

same here, government to weak to take any measures

Maybe it's just my autism making it hard for me to read people, but the prime minister sounded scared to me.
Shit's fucked worse than they let on.

The president himself here was at risk and they are not even considering quarantine for major cities, ever. They said it won’t be necessary.

I literally can't comprehend not letting foreigners in, Denmark wtf stop being such a bunch of nazis


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looks like Denmark has capitulated to the nazis yet again...ugh

The Danish labour party is based and is against all forms om immigration. A true labour party.

>A true labour party.

She didn't sound scared to me, she's probably just exhausted and stressed
Shit's fucked and they say it's fucked. I don't get how it can be worse than they let on when all they talk about is how everything's gone to shit.

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Your country is going to through a natural selection process..... and that's a good thing.

Say goodbye to your parents and grandparents.


Not being allowed into Denmark only makes me want to get into Denmark more.

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based anglos building up herd immunity against chink virus

I hear Corona Extra is getting massive price cuts

Nice pic

You guys are so fucked

Just buy a plane ticket to one of those British micro islands in the pacific and plan to spend there the next 2 months, that's what I'd do if I were you

>A month without Danes

Between this and shutting down uni, this has been the best pandemic ever.

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I know that feel bro

who the fuck goes to denmark? i wouldnt go there even for the pleasure of infecting you, who the fuck cares about the shitstain on the map that denmark is

60% of the British population needs to get infected, this is how we create immunity
Just ask Sir Patrick Vallance

Lots of people visit Copenhagen. The streets there are usually filled with central european and med tourists

We'll be better off without all those boomers. An economic drain is what they are, let them die.

t. NEET with zero capability of contributing to society

>They said it won’t be necessary.
This is what our government is saying too. Just proof that they want us all to die.

Do you live close to the border?

>We'll be better off without all those boomers. An economic drain is what they are, let them die
Based, and they will become an even bigger economic drain the next decade

>The Danish labour party is based and is against all forms om immigration. A true labour party.

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Honestly a much better solution than importing 100 000 africans and muslims who, it turns out, weren't really interested in working but would rather collect dem gibs.

Shut the fuck up, you have no idea how good you have it. Our workers party went the complete opposite direction and look where we are now.

Why not kill our enderly AND import 100k young syrian and bck bvlls


Why is this faggot word used so much here? It was popularized by a black guy (Lil B) but I bet none of you knew.


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oi m8 just build up herd immunity lad

>It was popularized by a black guy

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Not true.
I know in Scotland schools are shutting soon.

That's not my reaction it's theirs. I just find the word really annoying.

>only now closing the border
its too late my senpai

>all d*Nes are now concentrated inside Denmark with a guarantee of no innocents entering and no d*Nes leaving
at long last

initiate operation himmelbjerg-to-hindenburg

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Does this mean that Greenland has officially closed their boarders?

>popularized by a nigger

Cool cool, I don't care

Fucking Americans can't even into their own language. Still not as fucked up as the Danish tho

The Danish north centimeter flannel Island

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