My people invented pizza 200 years ago therefore I have the final authority on what is a good pizza and what's not

>my people invented pizza 200 years ago therefore I have the final authority on what is a good pizza and what's not

No you don't, your pizza is shit. Americans do it better than you. Also keep a distance while talking to me, you sickly wop.

Attached: soytalian corona.png (467x509, 197.75K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Bullshit, i've tried both and the filthy shitskins make the better pizza.


American or italian?



I've never tried prosciutto

Attached: disappoint.jpg (482x427, 74.8K)

Idiot, now Italy gonna invade you with corona.

Based, I will never kill a cockroach again

Italian style pizza is better unless you're a fatty who only wants to shove as much food as possible down your throat.

actually its your kind that does pizza the best

Crudo or cotto?

I agree. Neapolitans are the prime offenders of that, too.
Although in my opinion most american pizza is too saturated with grease and toppings, there's no "real" pizza at all. Traditionally in Italy, different cities have different items that are named "pizza" around that area, it's only in the last half century that Neapolitan "pizza" got popularized all around the country as the main definition for pizza.
i.e. picrelated is called "Easter pizza" in Umbria, and is more akin to a cheese-flavoured bread than to people normally call pizza, but it's still been known by its name for centuries now, way before neapolitan pizza was known here

Attached: csm_crop_43_pizza-umbra-di-pasqua-al-formaggioImg3691_23759e3dfa[1].jpg (599x450, 116.5K)

You have to go back

Really? Even in worst korea you can try prosciutto pizza.

Here's what real pizza looks like.

Attached: 1573862049446.png (634x476, 585.62K)

lmao nobody answered to your post on the other thread so you had to make this one
>keep a distance
you don't need to tell me, nobody wants to be near a turk

I've never tried authentic Italian pizza, wonder what it's like.

it's cheaper and better. you couldn't ask for more, really

what's the covid situation in your cunt?

hello coronabrother

I tried both. Italian pizza is overblown over the Mars. I ordered a Chicago Pizza once and its taste is still on my mind. Best pizza ever no cap.

There's talk of curfews. No one actually knows what the government is going to do though. Hell I don't think the government knows what the government is going to do, it's a clusterfuck, as usual.
On a positive note, I've made some tea and feel pretty comfy.

By Italian pizza I meant pizza actually made by a one of those small pizzerias in Italy. Have you tried that?

This explains why turks are such fat-asses

better than corona

>noooo you have to visit the pizzeria in San Totticastellammareviareggiomammamiamo, Sicily for the true Italian Pizza™ or it doesn't count

Shut up virgin. Tomato is tomato, cheese is cheese, olive is olive. It was shit.

Americans don't have kebab pizza.

Attached: kebabpizza.jpg (475x356, 153.7K)

lol I knew it. Just because you've tried pizza made by your shitty local fast food joint that Mehmet started up a year after his corner shop went bust doesn't mean you've tried actual Italian pizza.
Now I'm not saying Italian pizza is superior because I've never tried it, just that you can't offer an opinion.

>quality of the ingredients doesn't matter
Except it does.

We don't have kebab here period. Theres gyros and in areas with Arabs sharwma.

btw every pizza parlor makes a somewhat different flavored pizza. My uncle owns one, and his pizza tastes different than the ones by other parlors. The original pizza is the neapolitan pizza which isn't that popular in Italy.
I also do not understand why autists like OP make threads like this. It's pretty common to point out that a foreign version of a traditional food isn't the original one, for instance, Japanese people will point out how most "Japanese" food sold in the West is an imitation.

Thank you for your service

How do you persianfags even get on Yas Forums anyway?

You can even make crudo yourself but it takes up a lot of space.

>China creates noodles, Italy improves them and makes spaghetti
>China invents pizza, Italy makes it better and it becomes famous
>China creates a new deadly Coronavirus, Italy improves it and makes it deadlier.

Italians are real Chads.

Doesnt pizza just mean pie? Isnt what most people call a pizza a flat bread with savory toppings which meds have been making for thousands of years?

Someday I'll make enough money to travel and try this stuff.
Same way you do.

Now that's what I call a pizza

Attached: traditional pizza.jpg (1000x748, 158.47K)

Pizza and pasta are Greek

so are you and me (probably)

no, pizza doesn't mean exactly pie. It's a term with different meanings over different regions (but always related to some kind of bread, not always flat), and the meaning of the one from Naples is the one that became paramount over the others eventually. Other regions have different terms for their own version of flatbread, like focaccia, crescia, piada, etc.


Isn’t Yas Forums banned?


based tvrk bvll putting the corona ridden fersoid in his place
t. eats from khalid's pizza shop around the corner every weekend

Kek you can have the Falklands back now you earned it


Whats that. This is 4channel

For some weird reason, 4channel isn't blocked on a single mobile ISP. What's weirder is that the censorship varies by time and city. Sometimes it's blocked here in Shiraz but isn't blocked in Tehran, other times it's the opposite. Makes me think there's some bearded dude reading what I post. But almost no one has heard of Yas Forums here so why would they monitor it?

>referring to any pizza that's not italian style as american
drop the proxy hernandez-kun

Italian pizza is a meme.
Finland has won best pizza award so many times i have no trust to italian pizza.

Holy fuck, this thread is like the First Italo-Ethiopian War.

Attached: kara boga fast food.webm (360x360, 988.45K)

British pizzas are the best in the world

Honestly yes mutts make better pizza, italians don’t know how to season

Attached: 1534080560594.jpg (960x928, 74.87K)

Brazilian pizza must be the peak of pizzas evolution
True show the respect for the origins yet so original

I've eaten pizza all over Europe, the best one I had was in the Netherlands, after that it's turk pizza in Sweden.

this is what growing up in harsh climates with shit food (only goat heads since you are 3 y.o.) can do to your brain and taste

sometimes you see posters from primitive countries like roachistan judging great nations like Italy.

that makes me laugh a little bit

shut up luigi, you invented pizza but are not the masters of it

Extremely based.