'We need a social life' - French stick to cafe culture despite coronavirus

>PARIS (Reuters) - At lunchtime in a busy Paris restaurant area, hundreds of people are soaking up the sun, eating, chatting and smoking on cafe terraces and adamant that the coronavirus will not get in the way of their lives.

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C'est juste une grippe, frère. Rien à foutre.

reminds me of theattitude that some of the morons here have

death to all normoids

They better not complain when their families die then.

Normies ruin everything

Entirely normal. People should opt not to have much contact with elderly but anyone young without complications is nearly 100% safe and assured he will live it down just like an ordinary flu or cold at worst.

based retards

Les jambons-beurres ne vont pas s'acheter tous seuls.


Attached: megasoy.jpg (227x222, 10.15K)

So what ?
They will be 256 times more people infected by the end of may than now, which will be roughly about 70% of the population.
2% of that will die.
No one realistically gives a fuck.

>Les jambons-beurres
Roumain basé.


Apprécie la quarantaine. On est a deux semaines de se faire quarantiner.

Litterally nothing wrong. Large gatherings like schools, cinemas or public events with an attendance of more than 100-200 people should be avoided because you can not control the amount of people coming and their respective condition. Going out at a café with 2 or 3 close friends who do not show symptoms is safe, it's just maintaining the economy and decreasing the social hysteria.

Ouais, ils ont fermé mon école jusqu'à nouvel ordre :(

Extroverts are subhuman.

same, ÉTS toi?

*touches mics in your path*

fuck off incel anglo scum, we bend your weak body in half with 2 fingers coronadog

well, yeah, all those guys have to pack by thousands in the most closed space you can imagine, aka public transports, every fucking day, so it's not like chilling in the parisian "sun" would change anything at this point

reminder that there are 5 millions people using the parisian public transports every days all year, 1 million in the sole RER B

Attached: 7763787561_rer-b[1].jpg (880x525, 213.55K)

Why don't we speak good French? Why? The genuine question here is why does anyone speak French at all? It is a terrible invention, certainly the worst among Indo-European languages, the equivalent of Chinese badly spoken. It is phoney on too many points to count, a deeply pretentious language, a lifeless schema with only pretensions to the truth. It is entirely founded in the classic French arrogance and stupidity; it is inseparable from the cowardice and the bowel movement problems congenital to the Gallic people, their blind uncompromising exaltation of pleasure and sensation above all else, their ineffectuality and their naivety. It's redeeming characteristics are those elements whicha are closest to Latin (a reasonable but tragically overrated language), but on every point at which it strays from this Roman standard it flails and falls into fallacy, nonsense, and hot air, much in the same way that most every French foray of military nature in their long history has also failed. There you have it, the English language equivalent of a few pages of a French writer or thinker.

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*rentre dans ton fil*
Wallah c'est à moi qu'tu parles, fdp? Hein??? Dis wallah??? C'est pas des putain de chintoks de ses morts qui vont m'empecher d'aller tirer une latte avec mes negros
bouge maintenant ou je te lamine

ur gay

ah la langue anglaise qui essaye d'avoir du style mais n'en a guère face à la beauté de la langue française, sacrés rosbifs.

Actual doctor here.

From what I've read, particularly from the Lancet article, it appears to be capable of correlated loop chains, long-term dichroitic inhibition and innate caspase structures. Its von-Wille pathophysiological agents sub-units exhibit non-toxic repair dysgenesis utilizing phospholipid functional kinase. This is in line with novel medial dismustase and active catalytic time-course but surprisingly its non-androgenic caspase traffic seems similar to short-term wild-type proliferation though if it's capable of ectopic negative transcriptome and can endure equal unilateral stress, it's not unusual.

If its specific epidemiological expression engineered arrayed kinase coagulates strongly with unregulated triplex mutant retroposon moderate positive transposon then engineered non-covalent chains should be applicable for a potential cure issuing generic experimental mutagenesis with phospholipid proteomic modifications.

i think theyre going to get coronachan

Logorrhée inepte. I must be quite honest with you, english lyricism is bland. You sound basically like a tryhard, rabbid rat expressing all of his science accross the sewer. On the other hand, when you speak a civilized idiom, you can actually preserve a little bit of dignity albeit puking your guts out. We are romantics, you are utilitarian bastards, germanoids in disguise dumping semen whenever they can, be it in a family member.

interresting, do you have a link for that article?

>the french will become infertile in your lifetime
God bless corona

>tfw normies are all going to get the virus and consequently kill their parents and grandparents be rich from the inheritance

C'est un message codé ?

Polytechnique ;)

basée caillera

Do we really lose anything from this? At least shut them inside their own country.

Message important pour Nestor : la girafe a un long cou

Let Darwin do his job.

>what is schengen

the same is happening here.

normalfaggots in the ground tonight
every neet in gonna have a good time

Il faut rafraîchir les maquignons.

And they say that the French are any different from us.

Ayyyyyy lmao

Comment est votre blanquette ?

Sick burn

Exactly that this thread said

No one gives a fuck in Paris, metro is still crowded, no mask, streets are very alive, stores are full

Idiocy. The issue is not that they won’t get sick or the infection is mild to them. But that increases the chance that they could pass along the virus to someone who actually is at risk of serious complications. What the fuck is wrong with people.

less elders is good for europe, you can't understand since you're a young chink.

Shut the fuckup bugman. I actually like my parents and grandparents. You must have had a real shit upbringing.

pretty goddamn selfish 2bh. makes all the effort in other euro countries futile. it's like spitting in their face as well as your own

if boomers die we won't have this burden for the 50 years to come. a nation that cares more about the old than the youth is lost

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>noooo i like my parents and grand parents
quintesentially ant eyed post my god that's digusting

You are a heartless insect who cares more about money than the lives of your parents and others.

it's not about money its about my people. boomers want Frenchmen to be replaced with apes to they can keep their high pensions

How many times did your parents molest you?

Can you dumb this down a bit?

not that much, how many times did you suck your daddy's cock with love ? you seem to take pleasure in it.

I’m sorry to hear that user, I hope you can get the help you need to deal with that traumatic event. I can’t relate to be molested but I do pity those that did. Have a good day.

Holy shit your trains look worse than ours and I live in NYC

And here is the inside

Attached: grand-remplacement1.jpg (599x400, 37.38K)

>still trying to impress dumb sophist fucks with this pasta

Shut the fuck up stop posting that garbled nonsense pasta here

We are aiming to kill all the childless boomers, they are the reason our demographics are so shit.

Hate to break it to you. But the childless boomers and your parents are both equally susceptible to dying. In fact, the childless boomers are even less likely as they don’t have vectors, like children, spreading the disease to them.

> 'We need a social life' - French stick to cafe culture despite coronavirus

Ha ha ha! We were like that 3 weeks ago.

Good times. An age of innocence.