Reminder that Spain has always been the succesor of the Roman Empire

Reminder that Spain has always been the succesor of the Roman Empire.

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They still keep the old traditions of pitting man against beast.

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Yes, true Roman heritage

Wrong. The heir of Rome died in 1815.

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Italy,France,Spain and Portugal are all sucessors of the roman empire
>need to speak a romance language
>territory had to be part of the roman empire

>rape babies larping as their dad even thought they have less Roman ancestry, and more North African

strange way to spell Ottoman Empire lads

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shut up fat

You are mentally deranged.

why not Romania though?

>We iz Romans n sheeeettttt

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shut up fat

Dacia was part of the roman empire but is slavic

you posted cringe my friend

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they don't speak a slavic language therefore by definition they can't be slavic.

Aww, did I offend the yellow fever fag? lmaooo
Around 5 legions actually settled in Romania, no legions settled in Moortugal

>Roman blood
>Roman heritage
>Roman traditions
>Roman model of expansion and colonization
>made the atlantic their own Mare Nostrum
>Kings of Spain literally inhereted the title of Roman Emperoe from Byzantium

Try again, angloid, washington was and never will be roman.

shut up fat

I meant ethnically bro
Why are you being annoying :/

shut up fat

Why are you CHIs so obssessed with us? You always resort to baseless claims like this as an attack, but the only thing they achieve is showing how ignorant you are.

and youre showing what a dumb paellaposter you are by taking bait from a shitskin lol

Being brown doesn't make you Roman, the only noted Roman settlement in Spain and not just assimilation, was in what is now Catalonia

no such thing. Slavs are a linguistic group.

shut up fat

You better not be the Peruvian who moved to Austria. lmao

shut up fat

>gives points for his claim
>"lol being brown isn't being roman"
Why are mutts like this

My name is literally Roman


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Nigga 3 roman emperors came from Seville in western spain

France had over 30 legions over the centuries settle in Gaul, you're Roman, unlike the other larpers


shut up fat

Doesn't make em Roman emperors were largely from non Roman stock

shut up fat

Ethnic Iberians such as basques are the heirs of ancient Greece.

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What an ignorant whore. Baetica (modern day andalusia) was by far the most important and wealthiest roman "settlement" in Iberia. In fact, some roman emperors were from that very region. Catalona was nothing but savage land, while Baetica was highly romanized and assimilated. Just stop embarrassing yourself, worthless CHI.

shut up fat

>ignorant whore
yes we know what your mother is dumb paellaposter

Doesn't change the fact that you barely had true Romans settle there, you only got the masses of Italians who were considered sub-humans by the Roman bvlls

Afterwords baetica was conquered by nafri and Arab barbarians who were eating.lizatds and drinking piss before they looted civilization

Andalusia should change its name to baetica and demolish all barbarian buildings

shut up fat

oh no no no

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He's not austrian, he's the Peruvian who moved there. Which is why he lashed out at the Spanish guy too

oh no no no

shut up fat

The American is seething at MED BVLLS again. QUICK, seal the ranks and form a TESTUDO!

Kill the shit and leave it for the dogs.

>Reddit spacing
Italians helped kill the true Romans and forever discarded the right to the title when they helped the vandals sack Rome

uh, no honey, ottomans are med :)

If anything that's prove that they are cringy LARPers, since romans only sent legionsn to regions that were hard to keep due to the local savages. Regions with less legions were an integral part of the empire and as such more roman.
That's just plain retarded.

shut up the fuck up fatso

shut up fat

>still getting baited
dumb paellaposter

Silentum obesus

Is this peruvian fag underaged or just deepely retarded?


He's peruvian

cmere user, side beside me
now...whats wrong ?

and i know the other hapsburgs flegs were you as well

The fact is Spain only had a few settlements of Romans, few ever chose to settle there because the land was shit, only the thrifty Italian sub class settled there, to become merchants, a trade looked down on by the Roman bvll. France had fertile land, and a large amount of husbandless Celtic women, they bred the true successor of Roma

another 3-digit iq from this paellanigger

shut up fat

im not the only one with an austrian flag

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daily reminder that napoleon was a jewcuck and ruined europe forever

The golden age was under Iberian emperors from southern Spain

shut up retard

shut up fat

user theres no need to lie here
cmere, its okay

now.... whats wrong ?

he was an antichrist

Based Avar


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Es justo lo que he dicho, Lionel Müller.

>another 3-digit iq from this paellanigger
That's not even an insult.

I can edit the html too.

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make a 3-digit iq post, cmon, prove youre not a dumb paellaposter

He's retarded because he's peruvian, Alfonso.