What are gun laws like in your country? Do they make you feel safe and empowered?

What are gun laws like in your country? Do they make you feel safe and empowered?

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All gun laws & regulations are unconstitutional and must be abolished

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You can't get a gun for self defense but there are loads of hunting rifles and shotguns.

So if someone invades your home, can you use it as self defense?

You will get into a lot of trouble if you shoot someone before they are practically trying to kill you. Even then you might be in trouble. The law really doesn't like guns as self defense here.

i dont really know since nobody respects gun laws

Case by case basis
1. apply at local police station
2. Write letter explaining why you need one like gangsters shot your house and trying to kill your lawyer dad.
3. Processed by district then state and finally the federal police Inspector General himself.
4. The Inspector general of the police grants a license that gives you a choice of one gun with the allowed amount of ammo and spent casing must be returned to local police station for them to issue a letter of authorisation to buy ammo.
As a result civilian guns is almost zero and people doesn't believe guns are real. A robber tried to rob a police station with a real gun and the cashier just bashed his face in with the cash register.

That sounds horrible, why would they make that law?

Our way of settling things is a drunken knife fight.


Imagine your country was literally genocided during WW2 and your góvnoment still doesnt allow whats left of its citizens to open carry no license required, even Armenians have learned a better lesson than this festering shithole ruled by literal retarded scoundrels.

Hasnt stopped me from aquiring a rifle illegally, tho.

God damn this "nation".

3,000 registered guns
Over 100,000 unregistered
Our shitty police state wouldn't want the common man to be able to defend themselves,

>if someone invades your home
lmao the absolute state of third worlders

there are two sets of rules that one has to takew into account when getting a firearm here

1. legal way
>must complete some gay ass expensive course in how to get fireamrs
>must only acquire handguns
>must not be mental handicapped
>must purchase a liocense and renew it every year

2.ilegal way
>do not disrespect the negroid selling weapons
>do not expect quality products
>no reimbursements
>you get what you pay for

Sweden has one of the highest numbers of registered guns per capita in the world kek.
But don't use it for self defense unless you got zero options left, or you will go down for murder.
Have a big great Dane axe in your living room? Fine, cut the burglar in half. Self defense.
A hunting rifle? JAIL. MURDER!

based and lead pilled

>pooland isnt a turd world
>there are no break ins in pooland

See OP? this is the type of garbage that runs this pseudo nation.

Our laws are not great not terrible. I can get the stuff I'm into really easily so that's ok.

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This sounds ridiculous to me. Do 50 year old single women write your laws?


This. I have never understood why one deadly weapon is worse than the other..
My dad beat the shit out of a thief in our garage back in the 90's who was stealing his motorcycle. No punishment, thief went to jail.
My uncle shot his rifle, in the GROUND when a burglar was in his house to scare him off and got 6 months probation and his hunting license taken away.
Like, what is the thought process here?

Guns are just seen as such an easy way to murder someone so using one should be the absolute last option when it's either kill or be killed.

Sure people have guns, but no fucking AR-15s and fully automatics. The most important aspect is that, unlike in the US, we don't see it as a fashion accesoir.

Yes and no.

It's nice to be able to have access to guns in case I ever need them, but it also means whacked out incels can also get them and go on a fucking rampage, as they've done several times now.

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>lumps ar15s in with fully automatics

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The upshot is that nothing is illegal. Technically you could get missile systems and breech loaded artillery if you can convince the commissariat that you have a lawful use for it.

The downshot is that there is no legal way to carry for self-defence, and the new law makes standard capacity magazines harder to get.

Pic related, my AR at the range.

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How would it compare to a valmet in semi?

>no fucking AR-15s
So you allow semi-automatic rifles but not if they look scary and have a plastic stock? Guns also aren't an accessory most places because you can't open carry them.

>if you can convince the commissariat that you have a lawful use for it.
Is practice for a potential Russian attack a good enough excuse?

Same here, if you can afford it and have a valid reason to own it (collector or hobby shooter) you can pretty much get anything. My dad owns something like 70(ish) firearms, everything from huge revolvers to a damn twelve-pound cannon.
One of my friends from the US was really surprised when we walked into a sporting goods store here in Gothenburg and they sold suppressors over the counter without the need for a license or stamp, whatever.
Most hunters have them for their rifles here.

>Can't open carry
What? You can ,but why would you? It's like carrying around a laptop and only needing a mobile phone.
I could, but I'm not an ass filming it to post reactions online.

The local gun laws are pretty much common sense here, you get a psych evaluation and are required to complete a course. You also undergo a background check, any previous felonies disqualify you from legally owning a gun. The license gets renewed every year if i remember correctly, but it's really just paperwork and paying a fee.
Anything above a .38 is considered a "war caliber weapon" and requires the appropiate type of license.

Other than that, unless you have a carrying permit (hard unless you work in pvt security or in law enforcement) your gun has to be transported partially disassembled and in a separate conatiner to the ammunition. If travelling by car the gun cannot be in the same space as the ammo, for instance gun in the trunk, ammo in glovebox.

The only real problem is that actually defending yourself with a gun puts you in very real danger of ending up in jail. Absolute lunacy.

How is that common sense?

Well, everything except the last part (which is a pervertion of the law due to corrupt law enforcement using criminals for profit) is pretty reasonable.

Damn dude, that last part is important tho

In the Netherlands airpowered rifles are entirely unregulated. Unlike in most European countries, there is also no limit in how strong they can be, so some are twice as strong as police hand guns. And it's unknown who owns them.

If you want to have any other gun or rifle, you need to be a trader, collector, join a hunting sport or shooting club. Then after a while you can basically get most semi-automatic weapons that fits your hobby. The police will do a background check and they can do house visits (at any time). At home you need to lock your weapon up in a gun safe. And you can only carry it to and from your hobby destination.

You are allowed to use any weapon for self-defense, as long as you use it in a proportional manner. Disproportional self-defense is allowed if you were upset.
But you aren't allowed to carry any weapons with you for the purpose of self-defense.

>What are gun laws like in your country?
Depends on the state. My own are pretty lax; it's basically just the Fed holding us down.
>Do they make you feel safe and empowered?
A little maybe.

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Dutch universities also have armed militias, which are basically just hobby shooters that study at the uni and like to play soldier.
They have no official ties to the government.

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i never ever liked guys with this face

It ain't illegal to own a weapon, it was just pretty hard.
The they changed the law now to make it easier, i just know that if you live in a rural area is much easier to get guns now.v

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chinks in so cal are starting to buy guns because of coronavirus bullying. they cite the LA riots as reasons to distrust local police to protect them when shit goes down

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>Dutch universities also have armed militias
That's kinda weird.

You are legally allowed to own one at your home and use it only in case of self-defense if someone breaks into your house. But the law varies from state to state.
You're not allowed to carry guns with you.
And getting one to begin with is a hassle. You have to travel to Mexico City and file a lot of paperwork with the army and they have to run a background check on you and all of that to make sure you won't misuse the weapon.

Historically students have often come to the defense of their cities. So they have the historic right to have them.

Besides, it's better to have master degree students with guns than dumb fucks.
And I get the impression that the government considers them some sort of talent pool, if they are looking for an intelligent nationalist who likes guns.

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I do have an Ar15 (pic related)
and an Ar10 also

Still our gunlaw sucks and it takes a lot of effort and paperwork to get stuff like that

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Super based

this so goddamn much

People who qualify for master degrees also had 4 to 6 languages in high school.
So, you get the appeal. The defense department sometimes offers them free excursions to play with other guns and go sky diving and such.

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>What are gun laws like in your country?
It is ok, but get's worse and worse and more stupid with any new happening.
Newest stuff they introduced: you can only have a gun if you shoot it frequently (the very specific gun, before just YOU had to shoot frequently). So if you shoot all the time but don't really feel like shooting one of your firearms for quite some time they might take that gun. Obviously made to decrease the overall number of guns, but fucking why? If I want to do some stupid stuff with weapons 1-2 is enough, if I have a whole bunch at home that changes nothing at all. I mean nobody carries 27 guns with him when running amok.

>Do they make you feel safe and empowered?

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I did so much target shooting in the army that I really have no interest in it, but I might get into hunting. Something about killing my own food is appealing to me.

>One of my friends from the US was really surprised when we walked into a sporting goods store here in Gothenburg and they sold suppressors over the counter without the need for a license or stamp, whatever.
The law in 'Murrica that put regulations on suppressors, short-barreled rifles/shotguns and machine guns in 1934 was passed as a result of moral panic.

We banned our guns out of fear of a commie uprising, when there were commie revolutions across Europe.

you can have blackpowder guns here without license so if i want to do mass shooting im gonna whip out my big iron

laws are retarded but atleast you can concealed carry

I think Hawaii does it right.

Lighter, likely more accurate, more modular, and easier to manipulate. I also have a Sako M92S so I'm fairly confident in the accuracy of my statement.

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based and aesthetic as fuck

How can you get a semi-automatic? Frequent reservist training? Also how much does a Sako rifle cost?

you can get automatic weapons if it's for sporting use and you're an active sportsshooter(i think it's called) and an active member in a gunclub but that hasn't stopped the nogs from getting them

I don't really feel any danger at all where I live
I just like to shoot things

I see you too are a man of taste

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wish i had one

Same 2bh

>medical marijuana users cant own guns
>"assault pistol" ban and ban on pistol mags over 10 rounds
>no public land to shoot on
>registration with police