>No way! I define myself by my job and what I consume instead!
Why are westerners like this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do you give a fuck?
Why are you deflecting?
just saying identifying yourself with race, religion, culture, nation, or family is as cringe as identifying yourself with job and consumption
you don't need to identify with ANYTHING. you can be a capitalist when you have a company thats making profit, and a communist when your company crashes and your family is on the street begging for food. humans adapt to situation.
So...Identity itself is a spook?
>As a child of Iranian immigrants born in the US, my identity includes the DCS Grumman F-14A Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations, and the aircraft itself, but strictly in Iranian service. زنده باد ایران!
Westerners identify themselves by their hobbies and interests. If you're interested in your job it's fine to identify yourself by that measure.
Race, culture, religion, country, family are all things we have little control over. We are born into those categories and therefor do not make a conscious choice in choosing those identities.
This is what 3rd worlders can't understand
>defining yourself by your race or religion is better than consooming
I just identify with my name and personality
That actually sounds horrifying
why? you can define yourself by your personality instead of retarded things like ethnicity
Ah yes, the beacon of culture. Honduras
This, and hobbies, not necessarily what you consume.
>define other people strictly upon race/ethnicity/country of origin
Because being that individualistic kills your soul. Why are you guys so rich and yet depressed, suicidal, and infertile?
you can still belong to a community without basing it solely on things you can't control.
Guatemala is unironically the beacon of central american culture
you literally spam this board 24/7 obsessing about westerners, as if anyone cares about a nigger like you
Answer me this:
Are you mentally ill?
No one belongs just to themselves. You need more than that, or society gets sick. I may be exaggerating a bit, but the euros that post here all seem depressed, nihilistic, and say they have no purpose in their lives and do not care if they die or never start a family. We may be poor and violent and have shit lives, but damn, you guys come off like you want to die. You need more than a job and interests to sustain you through life.
Whatever Nicaragua.
No I don't
Yes I am
Why are euros so sensitive to even slight criticism? Mutts, macacos, kara boga is fine.
Bring up euros having bad values and suddenly the reeeee doesnt stop
people don't get depressed when they have to struggle through life
ethnicity as a community is also just used to destroy class consciousness
You are arguing for different things.
Not being defined by things like race, culture and religion doesn't mean you have to individualistic.
I love Sweden, I like being Swedish, I love my family. However, I am not defined by those things because I realize those things aren't actually personality traits, they are simply collectives I've been born into.
Letting yourself be defined by the groups you've been born into shows that your society has very little personal freedom, which is why this is way more common in 3rd world countries than in 1st world countries.
Most people don't even know what it means, extremely important nonetheless
Maybe the most important thing on the list
>Why are euros so sensitive to even slight criticism
LOL you fucking spam the same threads 5 times a day you absolute retard, it's just fucking annoying. Fix your shithole first and then maybe you can obsess about other countries and muh western values
Is that Ian
Glorious Aztlán.
You are mentally ill. I think you should stop using this board honestly, it is clearly bad for you.
my ancestor :) we are taking it back
Yes, he became a quote unquote, "cuck"
The guy in that photo is the Youtuber, iDubbbz. He used to have an unboxing video series where people would send him random shit, some of it really expensive, that he would trash or discard. He also had a series of videos ripping into shitty Kickstarter scams. Probably the worst example you could have chosen for your cancerous tradcon garbage maymay.
He was californian, he never stood a chance
>n-no you
nice argument you nigger
you clearly have insane inferiority complex and cope by spamming this board with your autism
You.... Follow Ian's girlfriend's snapchat?
>the euros that post here
Are not representative of the normie majority
>oh no, a dozen threads in a week about vaguely similar topics on Yas Forums!
Jesus christ man, I think you should actually get some help, are you OK? You wanna talk about it?
*spamrams you to nonexsistence* heh nothing personal tomcat
Got to love how these holier than though trancon types are nothing but vapid "consoomers" themselves, absolutely obsessed with consuming the internet lives of others, vicariously living through those they claim to dislike, like some tsundere cunt. I bet he spends more time mindlessly consuming the content of these internet attention whores than the boogeymen "soy boys" Yas Forumstards can't shut the fuck up about.
No, someone posted this on another board. Turns out she posts pics of herself for money or something.
What kind of culture does Guatemala have? Being a gateway to Mexico?
Why are you so upset? Who are you really angry at right now?
>Turns out she posts pics of herself for money or something.
The cat's out of the bag, faget. How many hours a day do you spend furiously masturbating to her facebook photos?
Are you projecting?
Not upset at all, mate. I'm not the one clearly obsessed with this shit while pretending to want nothing to do with it. You're the Yas Forumstard spamming these preachy threads, not me. No amount of projection can save your shame here.
You Yas Forumstards really have a dire lack of self awareness.
I made a thread about what I think of western values, on an international forum no less. Why is that weird to you?
>dozen threads in a week
Yes, for the past 2 fucking years non-stop
You can keep coping but you know this is true
you're fucking mentally ill and need to visit a doctor
And what do you have? Narcos values?
Not even you believe that, I hardly use this board anymore. Seriously man, what is wrong? Are you OK? Why are you so upset?
>by my job
How is this bad or new? Most surnames come from various crafts.
Yeah, and they are shit values. We are corrupt and violent I do not deny that. But we have family, religion, and culture very much a part of our lives. Low suicide rates, big families, open affection. I am curious about western values. Why else would the consoomer meme hit it big? Don't you guys feel something is going very wrong when you have such high suicide rates, divorce rates, and low fertility when you are the richest part of the planet?
>Yeah, and they are shit values. We are corrupt and violent I do not deny that.
That's exactly what keeps your country independent and gringo-free. If you weren't violent and corrupt your country would be filled with soy boys and cucks, and then finally men from violent and corrupt countries would cuck you out of existence and replace your culture with their own.
Stupidity is doing exactly what westerners are doing and expect a different result. You should embrace violence and corruption as much as you embrace family, religion and culture.
we live in the society of the spectacle while you're just trying to survive
I identify with Yas Forums more then I do with Bulgaria.
I view you all as my brothers.
And what a spectacle you're putting for the whole world to see and "admire". If only I could be as big a cuckold as you.
Just a few examples (sfw):
And it's an accurate depiction of modern European societies
Even in the whitest countries in Europe
me as the girl in all of those
>multi-file posting
absolutely based cuckolds
Interesting insight.
Indeed, it's quite absurd for a person to first of all define his identity through his profession (capitalist's slave) and consumption habbits (basically just a normal cattle).
You made me think.
you grossly overestimate how many immigrants there are in european countries
>define yourself by your personality
>retarded things like ethnicity
your personality is directly related to how you were brought up
ethnicity isn't any better, and it's not going to give you a strong identity
I don't feel like I'm a westerner, I never considered myself such
ethnicity and how you're brought up is not the same thing.
a black person brought up in a wealthy american family will not act like one brought up in the hood
Which is why you/we will be replaced by people who identify with the culture and religion they were born in
I'm a Hungarian Catholic of Bavarian-Croatian descent, and I'm God damn proud of it.
I don't think you realise how shut off immigrant communities are to the wider population, especially non white ones. Part of the reason for all this state sponsered cuckoldry is an attempt to integrate these communities into the majority but it always fails miserably
shut the fuck up Martinez, my kid's pocket money is twice your salary and your "identity" is prolly just muh chirstian values
I identify myself as Bi: Ei Es I: Di:
If you are brought up Irish, your personality will be different to one who is brought up danish. It's that simple. Adopted people of other races are such a small minority that it doesn't bear discussion and is only mentioned in order to try and muddy the waters of what an immigrant is and isn't
Probably a person should identify himself with what he really is, what's craving his soul, with his culture, his civilization and his inner sacred thoughts and wishes.
So maybe job may be a something which identifies you, but only if you truly choose it yourself or even created it yourself. But consumerism? Fuck no.