Why do Americans suck so much at speaking French?

Why do Americans suck so much at speaking French?

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they are barely capable at speaking english, why would they be able to speak french?

good point

They suck even at Spanish, like nigga it's read like it's written

lo science-to, no ahhblow frawg

All Anglos can't into French. The few that do have a horrid accent

Literally obsessed

The most baffling is their inability to pronounce rōmaji

ta gueule pd

French is really hard user, stop giving the Americans a hard time

>capable “at”
That’s a bit rich, leaf

Please don't make fun. I really try.

>literally our oldest ally
>we almost joined the coalition wars on their side because there was so much solidarity
>now we hate them for the rest of eternity because of one surrender

voolayvoo kusher aveck moar?

Speak French or GTFO

Ta gueule gros lard

You mean jews hate them, and their media influences the american public.

Basé gros porc

>vat is zat?
>vat is zis?
>ze cheese is not moldy enouv

There's no reason for jews to hate france

cause french is a faggot language for gay niggers

??? Parce que c'est pas leur langue natale! T'es tu cave toi?

non toi

They hate the french for not coming to their rescue sooner, and for not fighting harder against the germans who they despise. ANGLOS are their main lapdogs.

je crois que peux escrever fracais plus bien que altres americains. J'ai aprendit dans l'internet comme ecrire un peut de francais. Qu'est-ce que vous pensant de ca?

Attached: brainlettttt.jpg (800x450, 44.6K)


Impressionnant, on croirait lire un locuteur natif.

The average American speaks 0,5 languages, they cant handle much more.

The fact that you can understand what is meant is proof that we are pronouncing english better than they pronounce french.

Our English accent makes also their (disgusting) language clearer for everyone else. Because we don't speak like ducks and actually pronounce the letters.

>Our English accent makes also their (disgusting) language clearer for everyone else. Because we don't speak like ducks and actually pronounce the letters.

Do you find the lack of pronunciation more of a problem from brits or from Americans?

You were not supposed to ask this, this thread was made to target Americans specifically. Please cancel your question

Parce que c une langue des nègres, des arabes, et de la communisme, et en tout cas il n’y a pas d’économie francophone. Au contraire, l’économie et la culture des EU et le monde Americain/anglophone sont les plus grandes et les plus importanres à la face de la Terre. On s’en fous de ta langue nègreux et feminine.

Il me faut dire kan mèm merci pour tout l’aide à vaincre les anglos, et pour ne pas demander que nous vous repayons. Kan meme kan meme nous vous avons sauvé deux fois au dernière siècle. Il fait aussi dire, nos vins sont mieux

très médiocre appât, Kevin Gomez

get yo bitch ass exposed bitch ass no ass havin ass frog chompin ass nigga. Its all those uneducated brits with fucked up ass accents that are the most incomprehensible anglos. That and probably indians who speak it as a second language with other second language speakers.

American niggers are worse though. And English can speak English however they want it is their language

Give me something to say in french so you can laugh at me.

Ce qui est tout spécialement plaisant chez les Américains, c'est qu'ils ne se contentent pas de répandre sur le monde les bienfaits de leurs techniques industrielles et les surplus de leur trésorerie. À ces dons, ou à ces prêts, ou à ces ventes, sont jointes, un peu comme des modes d'emploi, des leçons de vertu.

English actually prospered more than Fr*nch because they weren't autistic about their language

Why do French people suck at speaking English?

kys sub-American

I don't know, they are worse than most Chinese.
They can't even say the word "roar" correctly.

Cause we aren't fucking french? The ability to make and understand certain sounds develops at a young age. Same reason r and l gives Asians a hard time with English. As for Spanish I can't roll an r.

I can pronounce roar and a shitton of other words you Americunts apparently think are difficult to say. Literally no problem

Why don't we speak good French? Why? The genuine question here is why does anyone speak French at all? It is a terrible invention, certainly the worst among Indo-European languages, the equivalent of Chinese badly spoken. It is phoney on too many points to count, a deeply pretentious language, a lifeless schema with only pretensions to the truth. It is entirely founded in the classic French arrogance and stupidity; it is inseparable from the cowardice and the bowel movement problems congenital to the Gallic people, their blind uncompromising exaltation of pleasure and sensation above all else, their ineffectuality and their naivety. It's redeeming characteristics are those elements whicha are closest to Latin (a reasonable but tragically overrated language), but on every point at which it strays from this Roman standard it flails and falls into fallacy, nonsense, and hot air, much in the same way that most every French foray of military nature in their long history has also failed. There you have it, the English language equivalent of a few pages of a French writer or thinker.

They can't pronounce "the" they are subhumans

Prove it.


Brainlet monolinguals

I have already proven it and it was testified by a compatriot of yours

Niggers have the right to speak the language however they want to, its because of the way anglo american slave owners treated them that they speak their own seperate dialects anyways. Why criticize someone for speaking any which way when the language was literally forced on them and they learned it from back water anglish slave owners

>I have already proven it and it was testified by a compatriot of yours
No, it wasn't. French people can't say easy words like roar and squirrel.

99% of French people trying to speak English I can't understand at all. Watch this video of fucking Macron barely able to string an English sentence together: youtu.be/qnq6_faXR2k
The French are the only Europeans to have this problem with speaking in English, btw.

I could say squirrel and Massachusetts on the first try. Cope.

Niggers have no right to exist

j'aime des bitches francais. Je pense que elles touts sont fucking freaks, et que elles aime du sex crazy.

Viola! Here we have the summary and peak of centuries of French thought: wounded retardation.

Frenchie mad because niggers stole his girl and his bike

weird for a frog to say that, your society has treated and accepted niggers as equal longer than americans. In wwii black american soldiers were treated better in paris than by their fellow white soldiers. lols

Ouvre ta bouche garçon fr*nçais
Maintenant tu suce ma bite
ooh la la !

Yet you won't post a vocaroo of you doing so.

It's ok bro you can do it.

>American defenders are shitskins
Wow I am absolutely not surprised

I did it before