Is true East Slavic girls are the best among white women and maybe the best in the world?
Is true East Slavic girls are the best among white women and maybe the best in the world?
Lay off the pasta, Antonio
babushka in the making
дaжe я, cлaвaбy, знaю чтo этo нe пpaвдa
west slavic women (austrian, czech, hungarian, polish, slovene, east german, northern croatian) are better
but Anastasia is cute though
theyre materialistic gold diggers so you better have a mansion and and exotic car she can take after the divorce.
maybe but we can't rule out the Brazilians
Slavic > Med > Northern Europe > Latina > Middle Eastern > Asians > Blacks
They are all gold diggers sadly
They're the best at sucking away all of your money until you regret being born
Slav girls are cute, but I prefer Meds, honestly.
It really depends. Serbian girls look fucking weird. Russians and Slovenes are qts tho.
Are Greeks Slavs? If so agreed
Bro she’s just fine. It’s not like I think she’s the most beautiful girl I’vs seen and beat my chest thinking I will never have her ahaha
Lol wuts a matter Mario? Did you rescue a slavic princess and now wish you had left her with Bowser? Lol
Mama mia!
How can I tell you're an incel?
>It’s not like I think she’s the most beautiful girl
just walk outside senpai
Because I post these girls everyday? It’s not rocket science.
cont. > Indians > Eskimos > Aboriginal > that pale man from the Labyrinth > Ang*os
nah, because you think that slavic women look good. You've obviously no idea what slavic women look like when they're not caked in makeup and when their pictures aren't heavily photoshopped. And you've probably never seen a pure-bred slavic woman, because the girl from your pic is most definitely of Germanic descent. Same as daria that you keep posting.
mostly correct, would probably put middle eastern above latinas, a lot of the latter look like goblinas
A relative of mine did that. He rescued her from the street, brought her to his house, paid for everything. He's one of those type of guys that work out every day and have a model-like physique because they're obsessed with their body, so you have no idea how shitty he felt when, after a year of paying for everything she wanted, she left him for a 1.55 cm tall bald manlet with a giant nose and a big bank account lmao
It destroyed his confidence and he's been single ever since
Western/Northern Europe > Med/Latina > Slavs > Middle Eastern > Asians > Blacks
Some chink doll company better steal her likeliness before she expires, godamnit my incel rage gets triggered everytime
well they DO look good. of course it's not like you walk down the street in novgorod and they're just drop dead at every turn, but even guys I know from Ukraine and Russia agree that the girls tend to be above average (although it's not hard in comparison to much of America).
no, i'm not saying they all look good or that they don't change as they get older from various factors but even in Russia people know theres some truth to that
For me it's Spanish
Mate literally everyone that's been in Ukraine/Western Russia agrees that slavic women are by far the best. It's not that beautiful slavs have germanic features, it's that beautiful germanics have slavic features. I've been all over northern and western europe and they on average have a lot worse women than in eastern slavic nations. Either you're in denial or you're one of the few people with very divergent tastes in white women.
>1.55 cm
155 cm*
Also very fat
Lol yes indeed, slavic princesses fuck the plumber mario only untill the better Bowser comes around for her.
can confirm this after I went to ukraine
Greeks are not slavs they are meds
Yup, I wasn't pulling it out of my ass, first impression for me and my friends when we went to Russia and Ukraine a few years ago was how beautiful the women were. Easterners have no idea how good they have it.
People here would imagine one of those when someone said "a beautiful white girl".
> but even guys I know from Ukraine and Russia agree that the girls tend to be above average
1) Neither Russians, nor Ukrainians go to western europe/latin america often. They don't have anything to compare our women with.
2) It's mostly vatniks that spam this dead 'our women are the best in the world' meme. Now a bunch of russaboo incels have joined in.
American women tend to be much slimmer, have better bone structure and are prettier in general than russian women. Don't even get me started on Latinas/Scando girls x Russian girls comparison.
Incels. I've been to western europe and your women are 10x better than Russian women.
someone sounds rather jaded
>that nose
german diaspora spotted
slavic women look the best
you gonna die so why you care
I mean I'm slavic and I've hung out with fair share of Russians and Ukrainians among others and typical heart shaped head doesn't appeal to me. I like rougher stockier girls you find here
Nords > Ex-Yugos > Slavs > the rest of Europe
I have only secondhand experience oh this and it's true. My aunt lived on London and she traveled a lot in Europe. She said that Russians girls were by far the prettiest.
shame that your women think you're ugly and prefer germans/other foreigners
First off, we're not western europeans here. Second, I've lived in western europe for quite a few years and know what their women look like, they're mostly trash with some stunners.
Finally, neither I nor my friends nor anyone else I know that's been to Ukraine and Russia and agrees with me is an incel. Even the boomers here and in western european nations agree on russian women being the best.
That's a valid stance, it's what I said before that you have a divergent taste in women. Nothing wrong with that, you're probably lucky since you live in Austria. It's just that most people have the opposite view, that's all I'm saying.
During my travels around the world I've found that I have a particular soft spot for Russian and Ukrainian girls. There's just something about them.
no need to project, friendo. none of us have anything to lose in this
> they're mostly trash with some stunners.
you've basically described Russian women.
that's the look women give when they merely glance upon my peepee hehehehe
joke no girl has seen my peepee feels bad man
Woah. Brutal. Let's see him cope now. And he's gonna cope.
we killed off the germans decades ago
Russians, Ukrainians and Belarussians did that, you were fighting on Germany's side.
No, like I said, the first impression everyone gets when they visit russia/ukraine is how the majority of (young) women are 9/10s everywhere around you. I think you have to accept that you are cursed with reversed taste in women, which is unfortunate since you are in russia.
no, yugoslavian partisans did that
Send me one of your cute women to bed, and I'll make posts agreeing with you.
>No, like I said, the first impression everyone gets when they visit russia/ukraine is how the majority of (young) women are 9/10s everywhere around you.
Why the fuck do I never see any of those mysterious 7-9/10s? Why all women I see are ugly round-headed Fetal alcohol syndrome slavic degens?
And why is that that most western girls (especially swedes) I see are literal 9/10s?
greeks are med
Angelina >>> Anastasia
>tfw never have greek gf
>shame that your women think you're ugly
They don't? Where did you get that info? They might get lured by western wealth, but no one in their right mind thinks they are better looking than Southern Slavs. Southern Slavs are objectively the most handsome men in Europe: statistically tallest and most athletic, while also tough compared to westerners due to hard upringing
Nah, looks-wise hoholinas are prettier on average than poolack femoids. Both have 0 ass though.
they are very easy and unlike east slavic women they dont care about money
it's not a reversed taste in women, I think he's just unable to get his own