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Let's talk about that virus thing

Amer looking well

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Imminent janman janban incoming

that hand could crush a coconut

awful new, wheres the unpaid one?

So the kids are already all infected?

Ireland and Irish politics do not belong in /brit/. It just leads to endless shit flinging.

don't think it's so bad for certain words like tae etc. but this is just egregious

who's that IRA fella who said "yes i shoot people, i like shooting people"

just report off-topic and ignore it

Where’s Diego?

yeah but like Ireland /eire/ is total shite so they all immigrate over here just like irl

anyone do bt openreach can you come install some where i live?

just torrented minecraft lads

havent played in yonks and i got work off for the 'ronavirus, maximum comfy


Shutting the schools is just virtue signalling. Kids will still go outside nobody in their right mind is keeping them cooped up for 2+ weeks without going outside. It's a complete farce over here they've shut the public schools, but sports clubs, cram schools and private schools are still running as normal. Pretty much everybody is going about their business as usual and the world hasn't ended yet in fact infections are dropping off

>just report off-topic and ignore it

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>he didn't buy the game in 2011 for a fraction of the current price and before microsoft ruined it

and the taigs have the gaul to come here everyday saying it’s us who are obsessed and start ranting about Ireland

>Officially only 590 people in the UK have been diagnosed with the coronavirus but the Government says the true number is between 5,000 and 10,0000.
>Ten people have died so far – all in their sixties or older, which are the most at-risk age groups – but Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned many more will die.
>Professor Medley told BBC Newsnight that it will be too late to start reacting when the death toll begins to soar, because the virus will already have been spreading for a month.
>In the 2009 ‘swine flu’ pandemic school holidays significantly slowed transmission of the virus.
What did Boris mean by this? Why did the government blatantly contradict themselves on their official current response?

yeah you can report extremely low quality as well

>got mogged into oblivion by the SAS/SRR/Mi5/Paras

>tfw could have bought CHAINLINK on the crypto market last night when it was crashing hard and by the time I woke up this morning I would have doubled my money

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taigs smell

>Shutting the schools is just virtue signalling. Kids will still go outside nobody in their right mind is keeping them cooped up for 2+ weeks without going outside. It's a complete farce over here they've shut the public schools, but sports clubs, cram schools and private schools are still running as normal.
So the strongest most united country in the world is China?

and what does this have to do with British culture?

Northern Ireland is a British colony that allows British capitalists to exploit Ireland and practice repression tactics that are to be deployed against workers in Britain, such as in 1984-1985 and 2011. It also serves to divide British and Irish workers by inflaming sectarian tension and painting Irish people who want a socialist republic as terrorists.

British workers should support Irish unity in their own class interests.

>the gaul

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doubling it isn't enough for me
has to be at least sextupled or i'll not bother

Mental that only 65% of 18 year olds have had sex, pretty much everyone I know lost their virginity at 16 or younger

>65% of 18-year-olds
really wish they'd split those into male and female categories

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man i should fucking kill myself

It'll crash again today. There was just another fake morning pump.

This happened like 5 times already now since it was popular here since early 2018

someone called?

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Prods dont shower, you're all toothless fat soap dodging cunts

IRA mogged the paras HARD


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>The Gaul

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You're Franks, not Gauls.

those aren’t gauls

the only ones that really did a number on the IRA was the SAS and they only had like 3 engagements

It hasnt crashed as hard as it did yesterday in forever

don't care virgin

Used a public toilet today and some middle aged non-white bloke took a piss and then just moseyed along out of there, not a single drop of water gracing his hands (let alone soap). Do these dumbcunts live in a bubble?

There's no good evidence that you get immunity post-infection.... why is nobody questioning govt. advice?


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Just play with SPY and SQQQ. More reliable and easier to read.

the reason so many footballers are testing positive is they're all being actively tested, unlike the genpop who are not indicating that the rates who are carrying it are far higher as a similar wide-scale test would show


So everyone reckons we should just close everything for months yeah?
Seems pretty retarded, might as well just keep calm and carry on

think the MI5/MI6 lads did too like when they found out a lot of the highers up were a bunch of pedos and they turned them into informants


i am gallic brythonic ubermensch

had a corona meeting at toil. Good laugh was had

Ireland is part of the british isles, hence all the Irish posters here. Kt makes sense

thats the point mate.


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dumb historylet

hope tim has been self-isolating to avoid corona
can't have shopper bear getting sick

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keeping calm and carrying on

are you Breton?

Thats not true. Which higher ups were pedos?

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this, dissident groups were riddled with informants for the brits towards the end

28, never had sex, never will

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and proud



something wrong with his face
his eyes are too close to this mouth

Honestly this global corona response is embarassing. Its literally fucking nothing and people are acting like its the end times. Can hardly imagine what all you sheep and brainvirgins will be like when something actually serious does happen in the future

this is the man who tells you to "have sex"

off to strengthen the proverbial immune system

Dissident groups are post GFA

Matching with loads of hookers on the 'der lads

The Lawrence fox thing felt like I was being left out of a Jonestown type mass psychosis, genuinely can't see anything remotely controversial about what he said. Baffling.

1.5 million people will die from it in the US

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unironically going to die a virgin i cant believe it

Honestly just proves that 'people' over age 80 aren't actually people

Media has a lot to answer for. Really need something else to come along and knock it out of the news for a couple of weeks that will put paid to it. Reckon a bit of the good ol 'rism should do it.

is fever still around? or did we just change the name to something less informal at some point? you never hear of people dying of 'the fever' now like in old books and period movies


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I'm 55 with some previous upper respitory issues so I'm probably the only guy in here that's genuinely sort of scared !

No they wont fuck off sheepman dont talk to me

seems like you can

Why is every Irish poster except for me and mboko an incel?


>tfw finally lost my virginity to a girl who only had sex with one guy before me and really regretted it
Still glad I took the chance but it hurts knowing I'll never take a cute girl's virginity and end up marrying her.



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hahahah its the old man alright you senile little freak why dont you go lay down and find a nice hole to die in because you're so fucking finished gramps

say goodbye you retarded old decrepit piece of shit

taken 6 virginity’s me

>take a cute girl's virginity and end up marrying her.

/éire/ is the irish shaggers general

>I'm 55

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Working in retail near a busy hotel has made me hate foreigners more than you could possibly imagine.

I am quite possibly the most racist man in Australia.

novel concept

>with one guy before me and really regretted it
standard story women tell men
never thought it's actually used world wide, thought only polish women used this
>only one guy before you! and it was mistake
she might've tasted 12 dicks or 1 but you will never know

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Ah yes all the "woke" NEETS that know more than scientists and the WHO and CDC

Why is /brit/ so full of pseudo-intellectual conspiracy theorists. I mean I get not trusting everything the media says, but where are you getting your alternative information from. Your own assumptions on something you have 0 background on?

Get a grip you utter moron
This isnt even close to being a "disaster" do you know even a shred of history

dab to beat corona virus ヽ(0_oヾ)


there are other people here than just Dave

Why is /brit/ so full of yanks?

This is just the way 4channel has always been and will always be

>standard story women tell men
I considered that, but she's so fucking sweet and innocent I really think she does regret it. She was absolutely clueless about sex too and I (the virgin) had to teach her how to do basically everything due to my experience with porn.

beautiful triptych

didn't know there are still some "just a flu" bros left

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she looks ugly with makeup

white trash innit

going to visit the interceltic festival my white brother?
hope it’s not cancelled


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who even is 'mboko'

dab to beat corona virus ヽ(0_oヾ)

I am a scientist who works with viruses and I'm telling you its all a bunch of hype and bullshit

Even if 10k or 100k people die in a single country, thats nothing

dab to beat corona virus ヽ(0_oヾ).

>2 weeks off because of 'ronavirus
>playing minecraft
>eating tomato soup with toast
>its pissing rain outside
>im cosy in my dressing gown
Whats the issue again?

if we don't have a vaccine, what alternative is there?
rot in a bedroom for months? fuck that, let me get on with my life and if I have a cough I'll fucking ride it out like I've always done


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dab to beat corona virus ヽ(0_oヾ).

the black irish poster is the best poster with a ROI flag

dab to beat corona virus ヽ(0_oヾ)


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for me its the 'ronivirus

Basically cough and splutter all over every chinese person I see wearing a mask but they don't even seem to notice or care. Guess they don't seem to think whities can carry it or something?

dab to beat corona virus ヽ(0_o ヾ)

dab to beat corona virus ヽ(0_oヾ).

Gonna suck when you need money, not working is based but hard to sustain