How are they relevant despite being so tiny? What is their secret?

How are they relevant despite being so tiny? What is their secret?

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lazytown, oil, refusing to sell greenland, rape, and rape.


Finnish genes

Education, market circulation, innovation and social rights that makes people want to be productive.

In what world are the Nerdic countries relevant?

How is Finland relevant?

This one


Don't worry, they will reach their full potential once they are mostly migrants

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Eesti clay

Both Sweden and Finland is relevant on Yas Forums :)
Norway? We aren't relevant at all, not even on Yas Forums


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Das rite

Ching Chong fucking Gook slant eyed freak

name one (1) swede
hard mode: no felix

Greta Thunberg (Globally famous autism)
Alfred Nobel (Created the Nobel prize)

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Stefan Löfven
Annie Lööf

pls don't tell me annie lööf and stefvan löfven are actually known in the rest of the nordics

Stefan is known, and lots of people have heard about Annie (mostly because of her 30 million people in Sweden is possible comment years ago)

why vaasa is on the map?

0 sequels from world wars.

90% of Swedes do not even know what "det svenske tilstander" is. We are extremely indoctrinated. Our state television also flat out refuses to air "hjernevask" even though several people have approached them willing to make a Swedish production of it (including Harald Eia himself). This country will not survive

We also know about dear old Jimmie.


They are only relevant on Yas Forums

Have you seen hjernevask? Actually, is there any norwegian shows at all which gets aired in Sweden?


They aren't

Hey you littol nordie lul you relevant send cheese slicers please thanks, dank Petersen

Tiny? Are you aware how big these areas are combined?

my wife ebba busch-thor and my side-bitch stina nilsson

the most norwegian it gets is some imported weathergirl and skavlan

please accept this slicer, it was my mother's and has been in my family for generations before her.
it is imbued with the ancient magics of the forest spirits, making it slice through any cheese in the world with ease.
accept it with honor

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Heard SVT bought the rights to air "hjemmebane", the show about a football team in north-western Norway, but that's about it. Don't really think we import much swedish either, though stuff like "Broen" and other bigger production nordic crimes usually gets aired here too.

It's over...

Well he *is* kinda femenine.
I'd let him suck my dick.

Protip, they aren't.

Although the organization of their industry, services, and workforce/business/government and economical system are highly developed.

Is that why Norway, Sweden and Finland is bigger than Poland?

He probably means the populations are relatively small.

Being rich /= being relevant
Russia is relevant, India is relevant, and its average citizen is dirt poor
Lichtenstein and Norway are rich af, but they're not relevant

Anyway, Denmark and Sweden are super organized country with lots of civic sense, everyone does what he have to do and so things works super well.
Norway is basically Saudi Arabia without islam
No idea about Finland though.

high literacy since the 18th century
relatively peaceful for the last 200 years
few foreign occupations (only WW2 for Denmark and Norway)
no communism
service based economy

You're more relevant than Poland

All of Scandinavia and the Netherlands together is about the population of Spain


Revenues Poland 207.5 billion
Revenues Sweden 275 billion

>Norway is basically Saudi Arabia without islam
would be interesting to hear you explain this one

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Gustavus "Chad maximus" Adolphus

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Is Heimebane even good? I live in Ulsteinvik but haven't seen it.

Why is Europe relevant despite being tiny is the major question

superior people

>Norway is basically Saudi Arabia without islam
We have plenty islam

homeland of the huwyte

>why yes I do get my basic knowledge of other countries through decade old ms paint memes, what about it?

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I, servant of his highness, will accept this beloved artifact, which has travelled through space and time ad memoriam, in order to follow the great scheme and thencefore, sir, honour thee family for centuries and centuries ; behold felons for the cheese slicer is in my hand now.

How do I move to Tromsø?

you master the art of gutting fish

half the CS:GO pros

their meme king


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>playing csgo
Sorry im over 18

me too, i'm even comfortable with the things i like

it's swedish speaking

The Golden One

Get some smarts Italy

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Meme flag you don't even exist.

Are we relevant? I always thought of us as small countries that have little say in things