at what age do people typically move out of their parents house and be completely financially independent in your country?
At what age do people typically move out of their parents house and be completely financially independent in your...
>comes back knocking on moms door at 23
19-22, differs around the country
Many in late 20s or early 30s
Some never
Why waste money on rent? just move out when you have enough to buy your own place
>when you have enough to buy your own place
lmao, not even my parents have been able to pull that off.
i pity you first*id
I will NEVER move out of my parents place
my ex classmates are already discussing shit like this, but not me, nope, my parents don't annoy me one bit
never happens
just go be farmer in Siberia bro
isnt its free?
I live in the central part of Moscow and my parents can afford paying for all my expenses since I never go out
I moved out at 17. Won't move back I have a couple real nice tents. Currently 27 and live a province over from the creators.
Based oligarch parents
Aren't parents supposed to give their kids a house and a car?
>at what age
before: 18
now: lmao
Unironically, Why do they do this? Is parenting in THAT bad to firstoids?
As early as they can. Some even move out at 16.
>financial independence
what a meme
Poorfags in this very thread
how do you get enough money if there is no education or jobs around where your parents live? thoose are the two major reasons for people to move out early here.
parents and kids live together forever unless their kids move abroad or to the city for work
University, if they attend univ outside of their original town. Back to parents house if they get job in their town though. Asian usually don't totally leave parent's house until they're married.
I live in the capital city so its full of job and easy to commute
haven't consider that
become a town rapist or something
Based. Either 40 or never.
>at what age do people typically move out of their parents house
when they start at uni
>and be completely financially independent
when they have a job
it's like a privacy/personal space thing, I guess
>Why waste money on rent? just move out when you have enough to buy your own place
I've noticed Asian diaspora tend to do this. Very clever, and interesting that the family is all on board with this plan.
18-19 in my city. I moved out 2 weeks after I turned 18. Same with my brother and sister, and most of my friends.
I'm 29 and still live with my mom
What part of Ikea is this?
Northern Ikea
usually around 20
but these days we never do it
how can you fuck sluts and party if you live at home?
just go to strip club
thats what i do
As soon as possible
Only incels live with mummy and daddy because they dont part and dont fuck
Usually 19 or 20. 23 in my case.
Went to army for a year at 18 and moved out after was done with that.
Almost. 50 percent of people in Toronto aged 18-30 still live with their parents. Rent is way to expensive I know 28 year olds with good jobs who can't afford to leave
i hope you have your own room? then just invite slut over and fuck her.
cope from a retard paying a million in rent cause he had a fight we father
I guess in your late teens, early twenties is normal.
But I'm 28 and live in my parents guest house kek. They are almost never home anyway so why move?
that sounds extremely cringepilled
>at what age do people typically move out of their parents house
Ummm early 20s
> and be completely financially independent in your country?
When their parents did
did what?
Is that the place? Comfy as fuck
Yup. The main house down by the water is my parents place.
>mom let me in
>no, sweetie you took too much of the bbc, you're no longer a daughter of mine
>b-b-but momy
>leave now i have the right to shoot
I had some police related incidents at home a few months back so now since I'm 18, I'll enter a contract for a year long government sanctioned independent housing.
Sorry I meant die. Their parents often help them out even after moving out. The idea that your average American is 100% independent in their 20s and 30s is bullshit.
Do you fuck your parents too? A bird has to leave his nest.
>tfw 27 and DON'T have my own room
Said who, people have a;ways lived in big families/clans up until recently, faggot cuck.
All you want to do is get away from your family and get sodomized by niqqers.
around 30 or never
This. Do parents in North europe forbid fucking in their homes?
thats anti-incelpilled. i moved out early
but came back many weekends to party with my old friends. wtf was i supposed to do, say no to sex? my parents would simply leave me alone if they found an unknown pair of girl shoes in the hall in the morning.
After you stop being a child you start simply being a tenant which is really awkward.
Might just be me and my intrusive thoughts but I want my own crib and my own family, not to be some weird fucking guy who lives in some couples' house.
It creeps me the fuck and out. I am also incredibly bothered by them. I want my own house with my own dog and my own girlfriend, not to lurk in the house of a normal family with my mental issues (undiagnosed but I suspect some OCD) as I try to avoid bad thoughts.
you are a mentally ill gypsy and i pity your parents
Its true, and youve never had sex
Can't say about others, but I'm 22 and still live my parents, I simply can't be bothered with rent. Some of the people I worked with told me they still live with their parents despite being 25-28.
I hope you told your parents that you love and respect them
says a person who is so autistic that he had to leave home because too retarded for his own family to tolerate his autism lmao
if you leave your family home without a reason it means you are either a mentally ill or a criminal
I love copes from people who still live with mummy and daddy.
You know we have it way better, living with friends and being able to party and fuck whenever you want, living very close to the clubs and bars. For the meager price of (in my case) 280 euros
>living with friends and being able to party and fuck whenever you want
you need to stop living like a college student and grow the fuck up westerner manchild
Well i too want my own place and my own dog or tegu or something, but first i have to get back on my feet and become financially stable until i can devise a plan how to eradicate my citys population and seize control over the properties and assets, single-handedly.
Those assholes screwed me over long enough, when i genocide all of them i'll be able to enjoy everything i ever wanted without being bothered ever again.
>living very close to the clubs and bars
Literal nightmare. Cities are fucking horrible to live in.
Im literally 19 you fucking mongoloid, im going to live like this for at least 5 more years because its the best life
The reason is sex and parties
Literal autist tier opinion
lmao so you are a literal child who probably got thrown out after cussing out your drunkard father
No, i left home because i wanted to not have to travel 1 hour to uni but instead 7 min, be able to fuck my gf whenever possible and not have to take the last train home when going out
How are you not able to grasp this fucking concept, are you thick?
>Literal autist tier opinion
I spent 4 years as a student, first in a dorm and then in my own apartment living in a city. It sucks, nothing but retarded zoomers can possibly enjoy that crap.
im thick as fuck for talking about this to a horny 19 year old
when they get married, whenever that happens