Does your country have toilet papper?

Does your country have toilet papper?
Finland not anymore

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Other urls found in this thread: a poo lads/

Our supermarkets are still full, I plan to capitalise on this fact.

How much do you think this man shits?

how many cheese for one tp-roll?

Paper is omnipresent, not such a big deal
>today I went to drugstore and found handsoaps sold out
those who hoard soaps are to be eternally tortured in purgatory.

I still don't understand why people need so much toilet paper.

I bought 2 18 packs early on January and I just opened the second one. The fuck are they planning to do with it?

Wouldn't something like soap make more sense to hoard?

well, Satan, white people don't use water to clean their asses, they smell like marinated poo the entire day

White people be like i'm gonna buy 5 cans of beans and 80 rolls of toilet paper

>soap make more sense to hoard
people like you will induce catastrophe. I was about to run out to soap.
Half the time our hands are contaminated with virus while your shit is always corona-free. always leave some soaps for others, it enable you to scrape your clean feces with your clean hands.

Why are we always at the forefront of trends?


I'm not hoarding anything, I'm just saying that I don't get why hoard TP.

Hoarders are assholes, I bought the 2 packs on a discount before I was even aware of the virus.

1 Monero = 1 toilet paper roll by 2021

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you laugh now but he will be a tradesman soon

Buy more t. Metsä group shareowner

Because other people are doing it

good person

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Going to buy another pack just because of this thread

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>I bought the 2 packs on a discount before I was even aware of the virus.

Into the gulag you go comrade

>Don't forget to buy soaps. But not too much.

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>Does your country have toilet papper?
Yep, everything is as normal in our shops.

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>sense to hoard soap
this mentality is why pandemics will come more and more, no you shouldnt hoard soap fuckface

Buying huge amounts of toilet paper makes zero fucking sense. Takes forever to go through a roll, and if you run out you have other options. Some of which are better anyway.

We shouldn't be hoarding any basic needs

Was trying to say is that out of everything you could hoard, why the fuck toilet paper?

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Haha, oops

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People said on Facebook that you should buy a lot so everyone buys a lot.

Based slant eyes bro

>Roll lasts less than 2 days
I don't care if you have a family of 5, you're doing something wrong here.

>in early 70s when the first oil crisis occurred people rushed to hoard toilet paper as well
Did this happen in your countries as well?
>reportedly, people had been using a ton of toilet papers piled up on hallways of their houses for a couple of years after that

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Shit like this is why we need consumer quotas. Maybe the commies had the right idea all along. These hamster boomers cannot be trusted with their economic freedom.

lmao imagine not having consumer quotas during a pandemic. Germoney really is 3rd world. I hope klaus buys 50 rolls and 20 packs of soap

if they're thick tissue rolls (meaning less squares) and all the girls in your family use a square or two to wipe after peeing
made worse if the family was used to using a lot of tissues with thin tissue paper then keeping the same habits with the thicker tissue paper

Pretty much every home here has a bidet, but still the toilet paper craze is real here too. I don't get it.

Hello Finland.
Toilet Paper in Sweden.
Will cooperate for invasion?
Send reply.

Perhaps stop behaving like idiots, that way you guys would also have toiletpaper.

Don't you still need something to wipe the water off your ass?

what is wrong with people?

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>three daughters
Females go through toilet paper faster than I go through cum free socks. Growing up with step sisters, my brother and I always got the blame for using the last of the toilet paper but the girls and step mother would basically go through half a bloody roll the moment they walked into the bathroom. I don't understand how they do it without ending up with friction burns; there's no fucking way they're wiping anything wet after the first armful of toilet paper.
One of the things I distinctively remember while living with my mum was the sound of a toilet roll being furiously unfurled whenever she went to the loo. It was weird and I'd often walk in to see the toilet hadn't been flushed but that it was so full of toilet paper than I ended up having to flush several times to get it all down.

No, Tesco is missing a lot of stuff. Lots of coffing though.

uh oh... stinky

I've also noticed this when my sisters return from college we go through a roll a day. Meanwhile I use 1 roll a week.

>using a roll a week
How? What the fuck are you doing? Stop using so much toilet paper.

Once you are clean you can just use a towel.

Stocking up on food and soap makes sense, but for cleaning your ass you can just use the shower?

>What the fuck are you doing? a poo lads/

We should have some unconscious obsession with TP

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>all of Europe having asswipe chaos, nothing in stock
>meanwhile here in Sweden = every store has normal amounts in stock

What happened? How did this autist nation avoid that?

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The store I usually go to had a 2 for 1 deal when I last needed toilet paper

wtf suomi I thought you were better than angl*s.. guess not.

>About 10% of the threads are about corona virus
really Yas Forums desu

Perhaps as an autist nation, everyone already has 2 years supply in their homes?

My local store ran out of snus.. Had to buy in the kiosk.
Fucking Finns buying it all.

Asians shit? wtf
i didint knew you people shit too like that you people have sex and asian males masturbate.
This place teaches me so much

That's just it, we don't. People aren't big hoarders.
"Buy what you need, nothing more" is kinda the big thing here to avoid unnecessary stress on the climate.
I have an 10 pack of asswipe at home, will last me 2-3 months.

Just use water and soap lmao. Its cleaner and you don't even to hoard them since soap last long.

i use a bidet and i find that idea really gross. I'll still use a toilet paper to wipe at the start (so not as much water is needed) and at the end. It's not like the bidet is washing with soapy water or anything, so that towel is going to get nasty real instantly.

I'm not necessarily going to need soap while shitting. Thorough cleaning is during a shower/bath.

Sweden has a lot of immigrant. They probably came from countries who use water and soap culture.

>Fucking Finns buying it all.
lol The eternal Finn.

The majority of our population is still Swedish you know.

>at the beginning of his week I made a thread of the shortage of TP
>nobody cared
From Thursday or so posters in Yas Forums started whining.
Why you don't learn from us?

Just went to the super market
The answer is no, but we got this lil beauty here
>pic related

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I bought all the soap in my local supermarket

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If you use a strong pressure water for bidet (it hurts by the way) its basically very clean even without soap. Or just use hand water and soap lmao.

Hello I am Mohammad. I have bought all of Finland hand sanity and mask. Please go to eBay and get a mask 100 euro each hand sanity 80.

>which will prevent your neighbors from washing their hands
>they'd sneeze to you

>sticking your hand in your poopy butt

>The answer is no
seriously? what city do you live?

You know you can wipe first right? You don't usually sit with your anus full of shit on the bidet

I wanna ask the asswipers here, do you start wiping from your asscrack or balls?

Its no different from washing your hand when it get pooped by a passing bird. Also who the fuck stick their fingers in, are you gay?

It's no different from rubbing your butthole in the shower.

Back to front, to assert my masculinity.

Yep, just got back from the super market
I live in Porto Alegre, RS
People are in chaos because of Bolsonaro getting corona

>Its no different from washing your hand when it get pooped by a passing bird.
I've had this happen to me precisely once and it is probably the worst thing that ever happened to me in my entire life.

I don't use paper but always start from balls. You don't want your ballsacks to feel those poop. Also you need to know balls have tastebud, so you might taste the poop.

I'd expect the Finnish to be more knowledgeable about what people with Asian features are capable of

I know user, not to mention its also very embarrassing.

>balls have tastebud,
I know the taste of my piss (for some reason) but don't feel it on my balls though?

What the fuck is wrong with you people

Pissed directly in to my mouth one time. Just to see if I could.

My parents and friends laughed at me 6 months ago then I installed a bidet, they are not laughing now

This gave me a strong sense of deja vu for some reason.

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