$a$ko edition
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I'm European and we are growing
I had to delay my trip to Sofia for the second week because BTC dumped. Imagine you had let's say $10,000 and you woke up one morning and you have $5500 because some Jews in New York shat the bed.
Wouldn't you be pissed?
aka European
sashko more like shipo lmao
I cant imagine being that retarded
Imagine being a hairdresser. Coudln't think of a more harder job for such a low pay. You have to be careful not to rip off a guy's skin and you also have to please them or they kill you. All for a measerly pay.
Being a driver is the king of all low-end jobs. Taxi drivers can easily earn €800-1000 just driving around and doing 20 fares a day. Let's say each fare is only €2, if you do 20 people a day you get €40 a day = €1200/month.
Being a truck driver in EU pays €2000+ for just driving in a highway plus other benefits. A few years of work like that gets you an apartment in cash, while people pay off 30-year mortgages for the same thing here.
>biz must be fun rn
Wouldn't know. I did my best of spreading terror with a touch of rationality on Sunday. Not going back there any time soon.
Havent been there in years and its time like these that make me miss it
Hello ubk/cia
Its true that my famaly had these job my dad and my mom
But my dad is not a truck driver he drives a van
So to be clear if i dont get 1billion euros into my halkbank account i will start like ruining the saud famaly
Nearly ruined the british roysl famaly
I can cause alot of issues if im not payed
This isnt me and im not a cuck
ce oceќaм oмaлaкcaнo
>Havent been there in years
I'm sure your mental wellbeing is better for it just for this alone.
Yas Forums is a Petri dish for shills, noise and cultism nowadays. Almost zero value.
Be afraid of us, we know everything about you
>op pic is just me with a weaker jawline
I don't know if that's good
Enjoy 3 days off
It always was, but once i decided to give up on actual discussion and just enjoy the pink wojacks it was pretty fun, it just gets boring when nothing is happenin
So what i can just nuke the shit out of this planet and teleport my famaly to another planet while i can after your dead send you to ethernal torture
I have so many ways of destroying this planet
You should be afraid of me not me afraid of you
Waiting for the corona shit to hit the fan in the US. Which will probably start getting seriously bad in ~10 days. Then it will be fun. Corona crap will be clear by June and a vaccine is in the pipes already but the impending slump in the stock markets is right on our doorstep. And that means it's time to buy for the cheap in the coming panic.
You deserve to know that your doppelganger is a raving schizophrenic and a “hebephile”
Thats such an infp thing. I was entj
>Sashko's junkie brother tried to rape him when he was a kid so he became mentally ill
>And that means it's time to buy for the cheap in the coming panic.
LOL stfu faggot it's already recovered today
Whats the stage of grief called when youre so fucked you start making retarded pplans about how youll get it all back and more?
I presented myself with evidence of connection with the elites and especially the head of the sexret service here
You ignore it
Is in it odd that you keep ignoreing evidence of my doing in real life and here.
Have some respect dude your post was how you will be homeless isnt it odd that your lack of respect toward me has made you an idiot
Secret service*
what's good my bulgarian fellas
>trip to Sofia
Parliament unanimously voted a state of emergency today, giving extraordinary power to governments. All public events are cancelled. Everything but food stores and apothecaries will be closed.
I don't think this is going to be the "buy the dips" scenario the markets played by in the past decade.
The relief rallies are likely to be used for institutions to load up on their short positions, while retail is bidding it up as "the second coming of Chirst" .
Fuck, we are officially Finland now
>we gained
how? everyone hates EU and the west here. we are european in an apparent way just for the gibs and fear of Russia and Turkey
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuhu
What are Bulgarians afraid will happen?
Hes definitelly FOMOing in
There's not gonna be a long term crash, there's nothing wrong with the economy this time. All crashes will be short yo-yo crashes.
Well... fuck.
Wa alaikum salaam
>Bulgaria closing down right now
>RED ALERT for a month
Just fuck my shit up, senpai.
There are no bailouts for the crypto whales and theyre the ones driving the market not the product, the ratio of people that use it to hype riding fags and whales is astronomic
Explains the birthrates. We've become too northern, wealthy and white. Now we die.
A warning to the planet
Next on the agenda is every newborn kid kn northern macedonia will be with downsyndrome
That will happen from 11sep 2020
>All crashes will be short yo-yo crashes.
Mostly due to speculators, who see the economy crashing, and "buy the dip", thus propping it back up for a moment, before it proceeds to crash as it should.
Where did all the Shqips disappear?
Real stocks are gonna be fine
Real stocks are going to be "fine" compared to money, because money will lose value.
You're pretty smart bro
Im talking compared to crypto, yes the dollar will lose value for sure
>these retards STILL haven't closed anything
Even kurvatia has closed everything, bulgaria is in a state of emergency, and these retards are still acting like everything is fucking fine and dandy
>they're going close fast food
I'm playing Plague. Inc while people panic about corona.
how many cases din you get
>ali baba forced to close for a month
Sofia is literally dead. Literally. Dead.
You people disgust me
31 right now, but there's a lot, lot more it's just that we don't have the resources to test everyone
Bolsonaro tested postive not even fake news lmao
Thats old news nigga
The weather is summer tier.
The granny at 7ca legit coofed in my hamburger, like when she was preparing she had a cough and I saw her spit ending up in my bread. I still ate the burger because it's 7ca and worth dying for
Perfect weather to go out with friends, maybe get together for some soccer and beers while the girls have a picnic and watch. Oh wait. Wait. Its the Apocalypse. I guess I'll stay inside all weekend.
hahah now that's brand devotion every company fantasizes about.
I'm outside for 20 minutes in a light hoodie and already sweating. It feels like July
Дoбpe, 5 бoнa глoбa зa "нapyшaвaнe нa кapaнтинaтa", aмa квo щe peчe тoвa? Moжe ли дa ce излизa вeчepтa и дa ce хoди нa гocти нaпpимep?
>implying I have friends
>implying I know girls
>implying I can stay inside my apartment in the heat
What supplies should I buy for my cuckcage Shitfia apartment house arrest when working from home?
Don't think about it, you'll have food
Chei be i karantina li slojiha be tctctc
At the city center
Its full of niggers and gypsies
here it would be less if people wouldn't be that stubborn and stupid(i.e. they leave their home despite being in isolation before 14 days pass)
Leave and let there be one less Ausländer.
I don't mean to say the stores will empty out, I mean to say I don't want to exit my concrete cave too often to go shopping. Normally I go to the supermarket 3-4 times per week, now I want to buy for a while longer to avoid waiting in queue with coughing grandmas.
What quarnatine do you bugars have?
anal cream and an electric toothbrush
Im native european
Here I noticed the pasta ran out
Stinky poo next to me
Same here but it would be a lot, lot less if these complete fucking monkeys that are leading this shithole just closed everything. I have no fucking clue why they don't just do it already, everyone around us has
Everything is closed from tomorrow on except supermarkets and pharmacies until end of March.
Beans and rice are often touted as the best shtf food as they have the most complete nutritional profile per gram of weight. Excluding hard tack and the utter prepper stuff.
Also, toilet paper is imperative.
imagine giving 10+ yous to ikibey
>Second generation immigrant
Im 3 zoomers are 4
Mи пишe, чe зa нapyшaвaнe нa кapaнтинa имa глoби, aмa въпpoca e чe нe знaм зa квa кapaнтинa гoвopят изoбщo.
Toilet paper is the most overrated thing ever, for the first 16 years of my life I only used water to wash my ass, I'd bring a large bottle when shitting and was my ass with it.
I'd only use a towel to dry my ass at home and I'd use toilet paper to dry my ass elsewhere.
how did you even get so many? we only got this much because of diaspora slaves from Italy
Damn u nasty bro