/v4/ + friends

no female hands allowed

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heh, Wilno

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This corona thing is proving you are all a bunch of normies, because you are posting much more now that you aren't outside partying and having premarital sex.
Fuck the wait to post duplicate replies.

I fucked up the squat workout guys, I literally can't walk, I'm in a world of pain

all I wanted was some nice butt and thighs

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It's just me desu


see, this is just obvious shitposting i can get behind this (god knows i would get all the way behind this), but the "accidentally show of im gurl lol" shit is what pisses me off

Blessing this thread

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>he's still triggered by a hand
grow some balls you fag

what a chad

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this will be you all

No one gives a fuck about your hot opinions.

ok schizo

well noone gives a fuck that you aren't giving a fuck

babies can be aborted up to 36 hours after birth since their metabolism hasn't accustomed to being a separate entity from it's mother

Should I get this looked at by someone?

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I have bigger veins on my peepee.

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please never post ever again

hello Virginia :)

Nah it's just a flu bro

who are you

no one important mate, just glad to see you around
how are you doing?

I'll come out of this stronger and prettier, but right now I can't bend my legs without feeling sharp pain...

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same here, i really want to smoke but i feel i can't really stand up, why the fuck do people do sports

No need to break your back, you are a beautiful person already :)

FUCK women



female cosplayer gets #MeToo'd lel

i can feel the soy pouring outta this post

how are you doing?

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I feel sorry for your life

jesus fucking christ dude
go to Yas Forums or wizchan or have sex already
I'm sick of your constant inane bullshit

god she is so fucking awkward aggressive incelish it's so weird seeing a woman like this

>people actually enjoy watching this troll

God I hate geek "culture" so much.


She is Slonos favourite

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fat "people" should be forcibly starved

i feel sorry for all the soy spent on maintaining your existence, why is this making you triggered
it's just a curiosity, you don't see females getting successfully accused of sexual harrasment especially when it's caught on tape

I agree

the dreaded conga line


t. fat fuck

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>50% off all electric guitars and basses at halilit
Must... resist... urge... to buy... more... guitars...

im okay
just a little bit

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Thanks for reminding me that my old Spanish classic guitar has been rotting in my basement for almost 10 years now, I should do something about it

they should fast

Seems like lots of stuff is on sale right now. In Japan Mark Jacobs handbags cost 1100 yen instead of the usual 85,800.
Gotta stimulate the economy in times of Corona-chan somehow, I guess.

now call me trannie and reddit

11,000* of course, but still

My fucking friends are so retarded and only think about themselves, ignoring every single advice about this fucking coronavirus man I'm so fucking pissed I hope they catch it and lie in agony for 20 days

70-80% of the world population is gonna catch it, so you shouldn't get ahead of yourself.
Just hope that it doesn't come in waves like the Spanish Flu did, or we're all triple fucked, instead of the single fucked we are right now.

And what about all the vulnerable people they will come in contact with and can infect you retarded faggot? My cousin is emergency worker with diabetes why should he die because some inconsiderate selfish low iq fucks are retarded?

sorry, I misread your post

it attacks your respiratory system and can be mortal if you have any kind of issue, but as young lads in our 20s, we don't really have much to worry about.
The main thing concerning us should be the others who can get infected, so we should do everything to prevent ourselves from spreading it.

It attacks your testes too, so you can turn infertile. Especially if you get reinfected...

>my two best friends have crohn and boreliosis
i hope they won't die desu

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any source on that?


I ordered some thigh high socks and they send me this, I haven't transitioned yet lmao

god, incompetent people

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All good, I'm just really pissed right now

Looks nice

>start spraying crops
>sudden fucking wind
>30-40 km/h strong
a betyár kúrva istenit neki hee

I am an incel.

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it's very pretty though

Do you work at field or what wtf

Femvak is nice.

Wait, you're a lad? This indeed looks really nice

Femvak in trannyslav are the same person?

That's the theory, and probably reality as well

Lmao did he exploit some loophole to deploy like that and block his opponents deployment completely?


>dubs confirm
I fucking knew it.

dubs confirm the confirmation
it's set in stone now

one can not argue with double doubles

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wtf is this ribbon and I think it's too big, this was probably meant for some ottoni-tier woman

idk who femvak so no

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where did you order it?


You look like Witcher 3 NPC