Why do they make everyone seethe so much?

why do they make everyone seethe so much?
>greeks SEETHE at macedonians
>turks SEETHE at bulgarians
>albanians SEETHE at serbs
>romanians SEETHE at bulgarians and russians
>hungarians SEETHE at serbs
>germans SEETHED and got put in their place
>austrians SEETHED and got put in their place
>anglos SEETHE at poles
>italians SEETHE at slovenes and croats
>finns SEETHE at russians
>central asians SEETHE at russians
>americans SEETHE at russians

Attached: 1280px-Slavic_europe.svg.png (1280x979, 297.08K)

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I support this thread since it was created by hardworking Macedonian hands.

Big dick energy.

except you seethe at us far more than vice versa
I don't think any slavs other than russians are thought about too much


people here actually think that turkey is our friend thi

>turks SEETHE at bulgarians
Bulgarians are literally Turks though

because we no longer have anything to fight about

>third worlders who cant get into sweden SEETHE at sweden

>swedes SEETHE at yugoslavs