Why did the West fuck up its response?
fucking wh*tes
Forced quarantine doesn't work in the west. It would have the opposite effect because streets would be flooded with people rioting.
>Mr. "Johnson" is a writer based in Beijing.
We banned people traveling from China very early and China was seething about it. Other countries didn't and now look at them.
I would be in favour of banning all travellers from China even without the virus though tbqh
Not quarantine but banning all fucking flights for starters. The US was too greedy to let airlines fail for a awhile so instead they took a chance and now the entire economy will be in ruins.
Because like Yas Forums they thought it can't effect whites
>China bought the West time
China KNEW how infectious this crap was and didn't warn the world until too late. They arrested Dr. Li Wenliang for "spreading fake news" ffs.
>China first gets infected
Noooo! You can't just shut down a city and quarantine people, you're violating their human rights! You can't just fucking illegally detain people!
>Western countries get infected
Why aren't we doing what China is doing? Why didn't we put travel bans up earlier? Why aren't we quarantining people? Why are we letting people escape and travel to visit family and go to work?
>yes I gave you AIDS when I rawdogged your asshole
>but at least I told you immediately afterwards
>if you get HIV, it's not my fault
Actually legal in California.
Thank god I don't travel internationally
is china paying these people
I mean, I know china has a very extensive program at recruiting foreign propagandists
You faggots gave Tom Hanks the virus. You failed.
No need to pay when they'll happily do it for free
>Ian Johnson is a writer based in Beijing
missed that, that's quite self explanatory actually
It's a fact though. Most "white" countries just sat back and laughed at china.
>Mr (((Johnson))) is a writer based in Beijing
Jews hate china tho. Soros literally bought a massive stake in Blizzard to stop chinks.
Yeah, because they eat bushmeat and produce deadly diseases more often than central Africa.
>I know china has a very extensive program at recruiting foreign propagandists
Which is nothing compared to western msm propaganda. They don't even have to hide it because racist retards like you will swalow it up without a second thought.
>massive sake
>Soros literally bought a massive stake in Blizzard to stop chinks.
That’s pretty based ngl
China just banned bushmeat. Taiwanese women still devour dick anus and snake.
zhang detected
What's the chink version of ((()))? There really needs to be one, especially for Canadian and Aussie posters.
t. Zhang
>Australian flag
They banned the sale of it as food, not medicine. You can still purchase it for “medicinal” purposes.
The US don't have fake news.
work on your english, ching chong
Whong zhang chinky chong
chinks barely own any actiblizz stock,they pander to them on their own accord
STD's are actually growing in the west.
Banning bush meat doesn't really work. A lot of people eat it because it's cheap and tastes good.
Chinks are literally the Ferengi.
and a ching chong bing bong to you too
But the ferengi was just Gene not so subtly calling out (((them)))
ching chong ping pong
China spent a month pretending the virus didn't exist and imprisoning the people who said it was happening, during this month, a lot of people flew around
They spent the next rolling with the "It's just a flu breh" meme and had a very underwhelming response to the virus lowering everyone's guard. They also attacked anyone who took precautionary measures as the Aussie user above has pointed out
Next, they suddenly quarantine millions of people out of nowhere, further confusing the situation (meanwhile the virus has already spread and is just hiding)
Then the virus turns into a global pandemic
But it's the west's fault
How about they stop eating bat soup?
China bought the west time by eating the bats first. They took one for the team. Thank you, glorious China.
People in Europe are too demoralized to do large scale projects like the Chinese
It will take time until we can intellectually overcome democratism.
You raise good points.
I will add that if the Chinese did not eat such disgusting food we would not be having the problem in the first place.
It didn't.
Corona is not dangerous, and the only thing Western governments did wrong is listen to retards and start shitty quarantines and testing.
t. 50 cent army
Lol this. He’s as much Chinese as OP is an ethnic Thai.
They can't stop what they never started.
its working here, some workers are on strike though because they don't want to go work
go back zhang, working illegaly in construction breaks the law
China must be punished for the spread of the virus.
Most people won't riot until you deny them access to food
>the origins of the coronavirus are believed to have been from illegally sold wildlife
in other words: bats
Westerners will panic if they see the government stepping in before public perception turns in favor of action and we are very complacent.
Rudy Gobert is literally a hero for broadcasting that the coronavirus is real and can be anywhere at this point. It's no longer a matter of not traveling to Italy/China or avoiding known sick people.
But not bat soup since that's not a delicacy there.
>The virus was invented by the US
>China demands an apology from every other country
>China feels their bad PR was unwarranted
>China saved the world
Just say it. Write it. It doesn't have to make even a lick of sense, as long as it's there, it's sort of like an argument, right?
this, whole world should exile chinatards
>chink buildings are so strong even nukes can't level them
You'll be the next to catch it you fucking sub human monkey
Why would you blow up Warsaw like this?
All viruses of this type come from the contact between humans and animals. This is why Amerindians died en masse after the arrival of Europeans: they had no domesticated animals and therefore didn't know our germs, which all originated from animals.
Those fucking live animal markets must be forbidden, but also all animal husbandry. Lab meat is pretty much ready anyway, and it would save up so many land and resources.