I started a new job at an amazon warehouse, today I saw a female coworker shit her pants to keep up with her quota

I started a new job at an amazon warehouse, today I saw a female coworker shit her pants to keep up with her quota

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She displayed great customer obsession.

Wife material.

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That 18 dollars an hour must be really worth it

Is she hot? Did you take pictures?

Why amazon? Isn't it like one of the worst places to work at? Only there temporary till you find a better job?

Did her feces smell attractively. I've been cooming for so long, even a sniff of female excrement would make me hard.


she actually is cute
I did not take pictures
it has made me fearful for this job I am only doing it temporary on days I don't have classes

Imagine actually working for Amazon. Like, of all the places in your city hiring you picked Amazon? Why? It's not worth it. Save yourself some dignity.

Who cares? They pay a higher wage lol

Was she German? Don’t judge a foreign culture

How is that even possible, just hold your shit in what the fuck

Become friends with her user! Cute is good!

can't she go to the bathroom

she will shit on your cock, avoid

lmao literal plantation style slavery
make sure you don't go above your 'quota', because they'll raise it to that the next day

they actually pay twice the federal wage, but yeah quotas are a living hell

they are really obsessed with filling their quotas, if they fall behind they get penalized so employees avoid using the bathroom and with the short breaks and long bathroom lines I think most people forgo using the bathroom. I have heard similar stories but I thought it was a meme, I was wrong.

This is bullshit but I believe it because of similar stories concerning Amazon toilet breaks.

Now, how many billios of dollars Jeff Bezos would lose to arrange humane working conditions?

Am I supposed to believe that Amazon is cruel to their employees when junior level developers at Amazon get paid $130k+ total compensation? I'm only getting paid $83k total compensation (if they approve my bonus) as a junior developer lmao

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it's not the same for warehouse employees

Being a developer is not the same as being the grunts on the ground in the warehouses. They treat those people lower than dirt.

I work as a manager for $300/month at least you earn $18/hour
In just two days you will get what I earn in month and I am still wasn't even paid in full for the last month of work.
I hate living.Especially when I arrange meetings with literal millionaires who start to talk about their various properties and shove their new expensive Samsung phone for sevreal thousands dollars to my face

walmart of all places treats workers better than amazon

true but I don't know how to feel about the possibility of having to wear a diaper to work

you're either retarded or can't read, which is also a form of retardation.

Time to revolt and throw off the oligarchs

18 per hour? I want that job.

Thats the kind of dedication USA needs. God bless.

as soon as kung flu is over im moving there

Ruskies did it once, they can do it again

what kind of penalty can be worse than that? Pay-cuts?

So don't work at Amazon.
They are paying great wages for no education jobs you can just walk right into.
Some people just can't hack it at a demanding jobs, others thrive at it.
Get some liberal arts degree and if you are lucky get a job making the same money fucking around all day becoming obese.


$300 a month? a manager???

Wages are not high in Russia if you don't live in Moscow or st.Petersburg

It's not worth it.

usd or russian ruble?

You're a cuckold.
The best option is of course starting a Union and demanding a end to quota system

no you didn't

What do you mean by that question?
I get my salary in Russian roubles.

too late nigga, im coming over
it will be great being neighbors bro

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A personal driver in here gets paid more than that..

the google conversation thing said 300 usd = 22,172.52 russian rubles, is that not good pay or something?

Nice dystopia

im starting there soon and they would give me 180k

No dude, he meant was that the total in Rubles or USD?

Then you are just some lazy fuck cucked to the corrupt union, who ruins the whole company.

It is really low.
If I were living alone and not with my parents the rent would have costed me 15000 roubles/month.
That would have left me with 7000 rubles on hands for food and other stuff which is less than $100 according to current rates.

Bring a Spanish qt gf and you can be my roommate

Fuck the company. Why should I care about the billions that my boss make even though he never worked a day in his entire life?

>I work as a manager for $300/month
Even Mcdonalds workers in Ust'-Zalupinks are getting more. Either you are lying or a complete cuck.

*puts on wig*

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Amazon is a fucking nightmare to work for

I feel like a chink

that sounds rough is it hard to find better opportunities?

>18 dollars an hour

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In my cuty? Yes

But even if I would move to Moscow with bigger salary I still would need to rent over there and that again would take out almost all of my salary i will be getting over there.

So far my biggest hope is to develop required skills for me to become a freelancer and starting to do jobs for foreign clients.


It's crazy to think how poor other countries are. Damn, Turkroach, how much do you make there?

minium wage here is 22.5USD a day. I'm sure 18USD an hour is higher than like 90% of the countries in the world lmao

Well fuck off, we're full

when I'm graduated i'm not gonna get paid as much as 18$/h even in the best scenario, user. that's sad desu.

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As soon as I get my EE degree I'm gonna do everything I can to leave this fucking shithole, and that Waiver visa of yours is looking quite juicy

that looks like a based plan, user. I hope you get the green card.

If you can afford rent, food, etc. on $300 a month, stop fucking complaining. You can't even rent a house here for under $300 a week.

My dad makes something like 75 an hour, kek. And all he had to do was get a masters degree.
Even my wife makes 25 an hour just because she got a bachelors degree and works in her field.
Living in turd world countries must be hell

The only way to get rich here is to work overseas and that ship has long sailed because they don't really take in people anymore unless you have at least 5 years experience. Be a corrupt government worker, or work for a foreign company in IT but again at least 5 years before you could get there and get paid $500 or lower. Call centers don't pay well either it's like 300-400 dollars.

Stop bragging. I make $86/hr and Im 22 but its nothing special

That's what I'm saying. It's nothing special here. You could be a mong with a humanities degree (me) and make 100k just because muh land of the free.
People in shitholes work their whole lives to make peanuts. It's crazy how even in our current day most of the world is still so shitty and poor.

it's decent wage but they are worked harder than actual slaves
every thing they do is timed and they are not allowed to waste even a single second
they unironically piss themselves while working as to not get fired