Jomon should fear the yayoi

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>Have normal eyes
>Have strong builds
>Warrior genetics
>Their eyes are slits
>Invented yaoi
>Weak whiteoids that played with mud all their life


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>Highly civilized

>High technology

>Big and strong Mongolian body

>Beautiful art


>undeveloped tribal society

>Working on a banana plantation

>Small, poor body

>Dark skin


No, it looks more like Ainu than Jomon
Jomon people actually look like this

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A total improvement over moderns japoids

I don't care about Jomon and Yaoi or anything like that
But talking about the war and this painting, holy shit how delusional can this artist be?
Seriously after Hideyoshi devastated Joseon on land to the point that they beg Ming to send army and big guns.
Joseon finally achieved victory on the naval warfare in which Hideyoshi forces are unprepared and inferior (Hideyoshi forces don't have chinese advanced artillery).
Seriously without the world number 1 superpower at that time (like USA today), you really think Joseon could stand a chance?
I think not!

Yayoi should fear the Jomon

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go home davido

Korean at that time was fucked as hell by Japanese as butch nigger as usual of korean

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The Yayois drove the Jomon out of the main island into the Hokkaido. We can see whos the cuck here.

Jomon genes are the reason why Japanese girls are cute than other East Asian girls (plastic south korean girls aren't really cute)

I'm on the Ainu's side. Cant tell you much, but their necromancer societies are pretty damn legit. I can tell, I'm an American Indian (correct term is Mongrel) necromancer and their shit is on point.

Dont matter if you get genocided when it just super charges your witch craft, dumb ass colonizers.

>Korean at that time was fucked as hell by Japanese as butch nigger as usual of korean
And korean was saved by china.
As usual of korean. Sideing with superpowers of each era who win as the same usual of gook life.

They sorta look like proto Pacific-Islanders.

Plastic gook think Yayoi aren't dark skinned, kek.

you searched up a random stock photo of a white kid on google...


Explain more on this necromancy I’m interested

this pic means Chinese vs. Japanese.
are you chinese?

The guy in the pic is actually wearing a korean armor.
The painting was about when 13 of our ships destroyed 300 of yours.

This picture was during the early 15th century when Joseon fought Japanese woku pirate. So it did happen. Japn was in constant civil war while korea was in its golden age. When the Japanese invaded korea by the end of the 16th century Korea army went from 300thousand to less than 100thousand

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Read loser dog

Read loser dog endless beggar of compensation

Based and ethnonecromancy-pilled

is that joe Rogan on the left?

No more Jomon bvll in japan ....

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You fucking idiot did you actually read my fucking post. I guess pathetic idiots like you can't understand basic sentences.

This guy used to post the same korea hate boards on Yas Forums a while ago. I can tell by his short ranged vocabulary.

Lol korean fucking loser subhuman

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>Lol korean fucking loser subhuman

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He looks very yayoi.

Yayoi is this you delusional fucking gook endless beggar of compensation

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I imagine myself in Kyushu, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop y*Yoi dogs from advancing. We mow down y*Yoi dogs but they keep coming. I shoot y*Yoi dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering y*Yoi, since y*Yoi are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. y*Yoi were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see SAIPPUAKULLIPYLLYPILLUKAUPPIAS (Mothra) smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in finland, my homeland. My JOMON brethen gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..

Why korean is so hypocritical as hell you delusional gook read op thead it’s typical "anti japan tribalism" delusion of gook idiot hypocrites

Its funny how jomons are worshipped in this website while in reality they sucked

its just super nationalistic nips denying their roots because they hate gooks and chinks. They cant just accept the fact that they are mostly yayoi.

yeah, just give me a cherry-picked photo of a korean.

It seems very retarded lol. Yamato people consider jomons as subhumans.

The guy is most likely a davido but he could jsut be a fkn retard.

He looks like a pale pajeet

You are right. 97 or 98 percent of you are yayoi.

>Anti japan tribalism
Whats wrong with that?

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when will they learn?

Ha, nerd

Ugaji Takeshi the legendary Jomon (Mother of this guy is ainu rights activists) is 190cm an head of gangster team.
He can kill 99% of gooks.

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Thanks for sharing yayoi

Yayoi gook means this face you delusional idiot gook

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he looks like a generic asian man what you talking about

You're right. That's yayoi. And this is jopon.

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Those face is originated from continent such as China and Korea

This Jomon face is original native Japanese before continental Asian

You Korean delusional psychopath anti japan tribalisit korean

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>native japanese
I can cherrypick too you know.

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what the fuck

>Cherry pick
Idiot lol

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Korean face before plastic surgery

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Korean before ton of plastic surgery and after ton of plastic surgery

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In satatics number korean has world highest rate of plastic surgery with culture of plastic surgery (Giving plastic surgery for children as the graduation gift, such culture is only exists in Korea in the world)

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jesus fkin christ you two cunts are autistic.

Our jawbones aren't as big as yours it seems
Yes we are leave us be

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Because of korean culture of this
Anti-Japan Tribalism - Wikipedia

Author Yi Yŏnghun was a professor of Economics at Seoul National University and the president of the Naksungdae Institute of Economic Research (낙성대경제연구소).

"it has sold in more than 110,000 copies in South Korea since it was published in July 2019. "


The sentence copy from Wikipedia article of anti japan tribalism

Described as "anti-Japan tribalism," the book posits that there is a mentality in South Korean people who regard Japan as their primary enemy. Such a mentality, the authors argue, gave rise to some anti-Japan arguments among some South Koreans. In the book’s prologue titled "A Country of Lies," Lee Young-hoon speaks critically of the people who lie, the politics which lie, the scholarship of lies, and the trials of lies. According to this book, the lies are particularly noticeable in some instances of the ROK's national history. Lee and the co-authors thus elucidate how a minority of people in their country has created a small number of forged historical accounts.

Essentially, the book argues that the official history of the ROK has never been empirical. Anti-Japanism has been a dogma for a minority in post-independence South Korea. As such, some anti-Japan forgeries were produced to dramatize the ROK's national history. Critical of such a falsification, the book argues that some South Korean scholars, journalists, novelists, artists, activists, and politicians all contributed to this process.

Anti-Japan Tribalism is an attempt by some South Korean scholars to argue that there is distorted historical narrative in their own country. Based on their opinion, the authors discuss some anti-Japan arguments. The book "has a potential to dismantle the ROK's official history, the one that has been taught as right."


The sentence copy from Wikipedia article of anti japan tribalism

Anti-Japan Tribalism - Wikipedia

Author Yi Yŏnghun was a professor of Economics at Seoul National University and the president of the Naksungdae Institute of Economic Research (낙성대경제연구소).

"it has sold in more than 110,000 copies in South Korea since it was published in July 2019. "


The sentence copy from Wikipedia article of anti japan tribalism

>Described as "anti-Japan tribalism," the book posits that there is a mentality in South Korean people who regard Japan as their primary enemy. Such a mentality,
>the authors argue, gave rise to some anti-Japan arguments among some South Koreans.
In the book’s prologue titled "A Country of Lies," Lee Young-hoon speaks critically of the people who lie, the politics which lie, the scholarship of lies, and the trials of lies. According to this book, the lies are particularly noticeable in some instances of the ROK's national history. Lee and the co-authors thus elucidate how a minority of people in their country has created a small number of forged historical accounts.

Essentially, the book argues that the official history of the ROK has never been empirical. Anti-Japanism has been a dogma for a minority in post-independence South Korea. As such, some anti-Japan forgeries were produced to dramatize the ROK's national history. Critical of such a falsification, the book argues that some South Korean scholars, journalists, novelists, artists, activists, and politicians all contributed to this process.

Anti-Japan Tribalism is an attempt by some South Korean scholars to argue that there is distorted historical narrative in their own country. Based on their opinion, the authors discuss some anti-Japan arguments. The book "has a potential to dismantle the ROK's official history, the one that has been taught as right."


The sentence copy from Wikipedia article of anti japan tribalism

Anti japan sounds based tho

용일 (用日, yong’il) literally means “useing Japan”. It means “taking advantages from Japan” if South Korean can.
>It’s an antithesis of anti-Japan (반일, 反日, banil). 용일 is often referred or mentioned along with 극일 (克日, geugil: overcoming or winning Japan) and 지일 (知日, jiil: acknowledging Japan) all as antitheses of anti-Japan.

This means "Use japan". term refers to the act and tendencies in South Korean gorvenment and South Korean companies that trying to gain profits from Japan while keep on doing "Anti japan tribalism" together in South Korea.

용일 This refers to the act of trying to gain technology, funds, etc. from Japan while doing anti-Japanese activities and anti japan tribalism in the korea and even abroad.

President Park Jung-hee deceived the Japanese side by hiding the fact that he had strengthened anti-Japanese education in South Korea and by misrepresenting the Japanese side with words and deeds that reminded them that he was pro-Japanese when he contacted them. Park gained the trust of Japan by those lies.

After the treaty was signed, he received funds, investment, and technology from Japan and created a base of the economical development of korean so called miracle in the Han River.

He then pretended to be pro-Japanese, using the assistance of the U.S. and Europe as a capitalist, drawing out economic cooperation.

용일 has been the basis of the South Korean government's stance toward Japan regardless of whether the South Korean government is a right-wing or a left-wing government, since Lee Seung-yeop, who was once an anti-Japanese fanatic in South Korea after World War II, was deported and the era of President Park Jung-hee started.


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