what is the point of this?
What is the point of this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Individualising the profits, socialising the costs.
Creating a giant homogenous culture across a large region and stomping out any sort of regional identity. Same purpose as both of these, and hopefully all three (and any others like them) will fall within this century.
short term: assure peace & prosperity
long term: global super power
Total homogenization
not killing each other
Drain resources from rich countries and give them to shithole countries
To save the world from China and US
Its a jews desperate attempt to create another militant global attack dog to protect pussrael since they know their current attack dog (USA) is a dying mutt.
The areas of criticism were completely removed from its Wikipedia page. That should tell you everything.
Rare and this
that's right, Italy.
the ECB isn't helping you
Germany isn't coming to the rescue
France couldn't do anything even if they wanted to
you could be entering permanent recession; the euro will be in perpetual crisis, but you have one friend remaining in this world, a powerful and beneficent friend indeed...
Create one big second world federation full of dependent idiots who are easier to rule over.
Is it b/c it can charge europeans ao french cow farmers can take low interest loans that produce marginal gains?
Divide the power over the eurosphere between Germany and France
Give power to German banks. Literally it
keeping you mediniggers from going bankrupt because we want civilized immediate neighbors.
Banker's Union.
have you seen epstein?
We don't need your ass lame ass money. Having our currency we'd just print our own to save our banks. The same the BCE is doing
He's not rare, he's always in the french general.
To become a global force powerful enough to not be America's bitch
>america doesn't have its own unique culture
umm sweetie...
making a trade union that actually turns into a protectionist cofederation that actually turns into a supra-governmental burocratic machine
a French Spic, well I never
? The spaniards killed all the locals before we colonised there's no "spics"
t. Pierre Emmanuelle de Lopez Dominguez Sanchez
Mainly enriching Germany,also making sure southern european countries become third world shitholes by 2030.
Imagine being this stupid
Yeah, why the fuck are we still in EU?
A handful of real estate developers and bureaucrats getting rich.
dead boomers, europe rebuilding and new marshall plan when?
Free movement of corona
The protagonist
There needs to be someone upholding human rights, protecting the environment and preventing war and China/USA/Russia aren't stepping up to the plate.
because you are a brown gardengnome and you never worked a day in your life
Create more taxes
it's so comfy to live in the only continent which has a supranational organization that actually cares about the health, freedom and wellbeing of its citizens
to make the traitors in our government rich and our people modern day serfs
Ease of travel, prevention of another euro spergout, ease of commerce, pooling of resources, strength in numbers, economy of scale, investment in poorer areas to raise the living standards, containment of Russia, common defense.
t. multi-state federal union
To rape the southern states and build a 4th Reich
Have a louder voice
I was an ardent europeists. I really hope the thing comes tumbling down, it Is worth nothing and at this point it's actively sabotaging us
To get you click useless popups on websites
To get flimsier phones
Obligatory post about "socialism" and how the EU is a hell hole
Can't they just form an unified government like USA?
we speak different languages and have millenary differences in culture
it would be near impossible
the average monolingual citizen wouldn't even be able to understand what's being said by the politicians that should represent him and decide for him, let alone to trust them
just erasing/leveling every culture and language in europe to make them all equal would be madness and a huge loss for the world's cultural heritage
Bureaucracy (Parkinson's law, self-preservation)
unlike mutts we have something called cultures and languages, even the mutts had this 150 years ago and they had a Civil War over it
One union
Two oceans
*3 there's already two with the atlantic and Mediterranean oceans without even adding the pacific
Fund Germany.
No you'd need to displace everyone first and then inoculate the lands with a new populace with origins from all over the world with no will to preserve their original and willing to create a new one from scratch
>Mediterranean Ocean
Dumb Mick