Why yes I will invent three of the most iconic religions in the world

>Why yes I will invent three of the most iconic religions in the world
>and yes I have the most based historical architecture in the world
>and god tier cuisine that is popular in every continent
>and the most based current world leader
>How did you know I'm from India?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>152 countries on Earth and I am born in India
That is called GOOD LUCK

Attached: gigachad2.png (859x960, 327.09K)

A finnshit would soon post in this thread belittling India

>Why yes, I am indeed immune to the coronavirus after bathing in the Ganges every day of my life, what gave it away?

Attached: file.png (161x200, 92.35K)

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it's like 50/50 chance to be born in india, still nice tho

> god tier cuisine

Ummm ... What ?

>vinadloo, shawarma, roti, curry, naan
>he doesn't know

Shawarma is ours. Don't ever try to steal muslim culture again.

who do u think gave it to them?

To be honest I've never really had Indian food that blew me away. It's just sweet or spicy mush and then that pita bread.

This. I like Chinese food better.

by far


t. Knut Zhang

there he is


fuck off

it is of my opinion that you're mad as fuck Heiko


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>Why yes i will invent three of the most iconic religions in the world
>and yes i have invented civilisation
>and make tons of idols with blue eyes
>and later conquer europe and then the world
>How did you know i am the original white inhabitants of the middle east?

Attached: 1582181924847.png (687x768, 242.76K)

You must also be immune from posting normal size files.

t. the white version of WE WUZ

You should try Indian dishes but of course cook it yourself.

Pretty sad that jains never got popular, their architecture is the most elaborate. Some Nippon people are adopting it though, so maybe it'll be popular soon.

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>muslim culture
You mean culture that was forced on you by ancient Greece and Roman conquest, sprinkled with Persian conquest?

Mid Easterners are the OG mutts

Lol we have so many Indians here yet thrre.foos good gets mogged by chinese, Italian , Greek,mexican and even Jamaican food is more popular

>yet thrre.foos good
nice try Ogibwe

>indo europeans abandon indo european religion for semitic religion
>chinks and gooks steal indo european religion
why did this happen?

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Only euros and iranain branches did. Indos did not.

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based af, India truly is a land of wonder and mystery

Nay. Researchers have no found no dna variation between the aryans and the so called natives. So yeah, we didn't migrate into anywhere.

By the towel on your head bro, and the fact that your left hand smells like shit.

Look at all these mad wytes

why can't they understand?

Delete this

Corded Ware CVLTURE conquered much of South Asia via central Asia. Cope moar.

Yet you have single digit Indo-European ancestry, as opposed to me who will have at least 40% Indo-European ancestry.

Jealous much kikecuck? Heh!

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..and a dutch or should i call him netherlandian.

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>diaspooja thread

that's gonna be a yikes from me dawg

It's been proven by genetics that upper caste Indians have more European blood than average low caste pajeet.

If you're not of Slavic origin than I highly doubt you have that much Indo-European

not really.

Attached: India-Europe-Genetic Distance.jpg (627x624, 50.85K)

>more European blood
retard alert
go research more Yas Forums monkey

>>the most iconic religions in the world
Middle East with Judaism and Zorostrianism
>>the most based historical architecture in the world
>>and god tier cuisine that is popular in every continent
it's good but not great. French, Japanese and Levantine are all better
>>and the most based current world leader
BJP is the definition of cringe



Northeast Europeans are more Yamnaya shifted, whilst Northwest Europeans are more Sredny Stog shifted. Both Yamnaya and Sredny Stog are Steppe peoples. Northeast Europeans in general have more hunter-gatherer ancestry whilst Northwest Europeans have more farmer ancestry, but steppe ancestry levels are similar.

I agree with you that all castes are about equally mutted, but use autosomal PCA plots next time.




>British: Can u Swim?
>Indian: No
>British: Then a Dog is Better den u because It Swims.

>Indian: Can u Swim?
>British: Yes!
>Indian: Then Whats the Difference between u&Dog?

>British shocked!!Indian rocks!!!
>Send 2 all Indians.....

Attached: 1579382247913.jpg (600x723, 97.98K)

Can NOT make good society.

paternal ansestry is uniquely determined by Y haplogroups.

Yeah, but Spaniard have much more steppe direct paternal ancestry than Swedes, but Swedes have much more steppe ancestry because I1nvictus fucked a lot of steppe bitches


Indians as a whole are not based. Sikhs are though. They're basically real life Jedi.

Poo smell

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