There were days when I had to sleep with stomach because I had no money, today I received an offer of 180k...

There were days when I had to sleep with stomach because I had no money, today I received an offer of 180k. I am 22 and I can answer your questions so that you can do it too :)

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can i please, please.... maybe get a gift of 2k? i know long shot but, i am so poor and idk what i can do

you posted the same thread yesterday

lol I can help you get the same job as me, but I won't give you any cash prize for doing nothing to me

I formally accepted the offer today, yesterday it was just a verbal offer!

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Well what job are you gonna do?

software eng at one of the biggest tech companies

How did you do it? Did you study hard for it?

I studied very hard for the interview. There is a website called leetcode that I used.

Watch out coder cuck, the bubble is bursting soon. Literal retards can be software developers right now and they are hugely overvalued

i'd have to earn something like 100k a month to even consider working lmao

>sleep with stomach
what the fuck? does that? even? mean?

who the fuck pays people such money? like do boomers sell those programs for 10 million bucks a pop or something? insane

empty* sorry

its not going bust anytime soon

I am really good :)

You would love to do my job too;)

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Also my services would affect billions of people, even you

>You would love to do my job too;)
i tried learning coding but it was incredibly boring, fuck that
if working doesn't make me a millionaire in a decade and let me live off of investments for the rest of my life, why even bother

>180k at 22
damn, good job.

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depends on what you use programming for I guess. I mostly work in handling infrastructure like designing and creating database models and such.
My job should make me a millionare in less than a decade. I would try to move to hedge funds soon, they pay better

tried webdev and some other stuff but it was all garbage. i'm probably just too dumb.
if you can stop working in your early 30's good for you.

Thanks user!

As I said, front end is a huge turn off for me. I hate moving fucking buttons here and there but backend services like redis, rabbitmq, graphql are really interesting
Also, I dont think I would ever retire. I would probably get bored lol

The same doesn’t apply in this shithole country. To be earning over $60k+ a year you’d have to have good STEM education in which the fiels is in demand or a niche, non-competitive one, and a few years of experience at least. And then most of the money will be deducted via taxes. Fuck this shit, let me just neet in peace.

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I was born really poor in India. At the time I would have loved to live in Europe, but since I make decent money now, I would not want to deal with all those taxes yikes

Are you voting Democrat?

I am not from US. Can't vote. If I could, I would have voted for trump honestly. How he dabs on ppl is what I love!

180k a month? if it's a year it's not very impressive

americans only do a year

yes packages are calculated per year

I know, I am trying to find something better


Yeah, I suspected you were an H-1b. I want to move out of this country ASAP and move to the US. There is no future to be had here.

I think you can apply for the jobs at tech companies in london and then do internal transfer, which is much easier

180k for a grad?wtf !

I also got into bloomberg in nyc and an italian interviewed me who was working in london till an year ago. the interview was in Jan so no risk of corona virus!

fuggg you just need to be gud I guess!

And it seems she's more interested in spending time with other people then she is is spending time with me

nz is just a shit place if u wanna earn money, experience software engineers only earns about 90k NZD on average. I am an accounting and finance student btw.


finance is awesome too. Maybe look into hedge funds at hong king or london or nyc

OP is a a brown pajeet who wasn't even brown in the great shopping mall of america
ignoring the fact that he is spamming the same thread for months, why would you be happy for him?

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i got job that pay 120k starting in Jan, I am changing job again. Also stop calling people pajeet its not even a name

anglos golablly are congratulating a brown towelhead who can't even string together a sentence in english
let's hope he speaks c# better

jealous enough?

Keep it up user, I too someday will try to Ace my uni course and score big money in silicon valley, it's not our fault Americans are cursed with temporarily-embarrased-millionaire syndrome

My bad I typed out the post wrong

i am moving away from sf. Its crowded and dirty. But yeah good luck in your quest and keep working hard. If you can dream it, you can do it :)

>i'd have to earn something like 100k a month to even consider working lmao
This. Good for OP if he enjoys his job, but the dread and anxiety and general suffering of working isn't worth even $180k a year.

lmao its an acquired taste I guess.

also, always remember that referrals go very long way. if you can get one, get it.

two negative posts and he no longer even veils his brag
this is the social defect that looks to parasitize any nation better than his own

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What's the hardest part of coding?

not getting canned and having to train OP before you go

getting a job. programming is very easy you just need to prove others that you can handle the scale and not make mistakes.

I am not here to brag and I personally couldn't care less if you don't believe me. As I stated in the thread, the point of the thread is to ask me any questions of the path I treaded.

oh, in that case ask me how i got my 30cm penis please xDDDDDDDDD

> NOOOOOOOOO you can't make more than me. I am supposed to be the greatest human ever born in the world
Grow up Finnshit

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where did you enthusiasm and anime go, pajeet?

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Why do you lie on taiwanese basket knitting bbs

honestly check this guy out
he really thinks people will see him as anything other than a brown scab if he licks the boot of the orange retard
fuggin based xdddd

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Kinda curious do those programming/math book collations by /sci/ or /g/ help ?

I personally don't know whats been going on there. I very rarely brpwse Yas Forums and this is the only board I browse when I have a lot of time at hand (everyone is wfh these days). I think just focus on your classes and prepare for interviews

Boomers have no idea how computers or tech industry work. See the Elizabeth Holmes swindle

Did you focus on specific languages or the math behind the algorithms used?

Just be good at one language. Most companies use fifferent languages so you would have to learn them when you work there. No one asks maths questions at least here.

how did you reach the place you're at now?

I still need to get a degree though. Hopefully I’m done with all that before I turn 30.

came for bachelors 3.5 yrs ago

A bootcamp should be just fine. You just need to pass the interview which you can and should prepare using leetcode

my mom makes more than 300k a year

based Mom. I bet she is very knowledgable and kind

what degree

just a 6 month programming bootcamp should do if you are dedicated