What does Norway have?

What does Norway have?

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Moomins are just a caricature of finns made by a fenno-swede

Moomin is the only one I know our if those

This jew who is a relative of the last PM

Attached: Schulerud Anne Cath. Vestly.jpg (600x600, 62.86K)


Attached: Norway Bergen.jpg (1080x1350, 405.94K)

*Out of

The most iconic Finnish thing, created by a fenno-swede and the Japanese

Why doesn't Japan likes nordics?
They deserve good anime too

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You will never be Swedish

I know, I'm a Finn

is jungledryet hugo actually good
i was always put off by ritafags

That depends, are you between 4 and 9 years old?

Mannerheim, Fredrik Paicus and Tove Jansson will always be Finland Swedes.


I know

The're too busy getting paid by the Finnish embassy to include Finnish characters. This is not a joke

Attached: finland.jpg (700x1176, 320.96K)

>Tino Väinämöinen
God damn that's a powerful name



Finnish names are so cute. My favourite is Maski Hallonen

>teacher rolls this into class
>we watch Hugo
based as fuck

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Maski isn't really a name as far as I'm aware

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they like finland and they made the moomin anime

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It's a really stupid sanaleikki. "Mask i Hallonen" literally means "worms in the raspberries".

Oh dang I didn't even notice that even though I speak Swedish


They did Vinland Saga tho.

I don't think we can really claim that, there are so many types of saunas in different countries

Every culture ever had a sauna. We just got to name it.

Silly weeb, it's animation not anime.

same thing

>What does Norway have?

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Runkaa Kukalainen is my favorite name, gonna name my son after him

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I bet you didnt know this was Spanish. I didnt either.

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>Runkaa Kukalainen
Top kek

wow I never knew that thank you based spics

Muumi>this shit from sweden and denmark

Slaughterer, Sodomite
>Fredrik Paicus
>Tove Jansson
Sodomite anarchist

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What about Icelandic anime?


They don't have to make anything, they'll just invade your country and steal your anime and leave some half breed hybrid ruling over you.

He wrote your national anthem.
And don't you dare call Mannerheim a sodomite. I don't care if it is true or not.

He saved Finlanf from the ruskie.

Is your country represented?

Yes, my language is the original.

Svanslös? Mår lajk sanslös hehe haj haj haj :DDDDDD

No, that would be Japanese.

I wasn't talking about the anime.

No, I had to steal it and translate it from the Anglo Saxon again.

>tfw didn't have to do that for Sailor Moon

Luckily Ojibwe is a mongrel language so all Nishnabek get to enjoy Sailor Moon in their mother tongue

Native american? Based.

>YES, I will get a summer job as a teenager at an ice cream kiosk in moominworld
>NO, I will not offer customer service in Swedish
>YES, I will insist on using Finnish place names and pretend not to understand what "Åbo" means

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Pacius was 100% German
do some fact checking first before saying retarded shit

Pelle sucks ass

Attached: Nils_no_Fushigi_na_Tabi_(DVD_cover).jpg (270x369, 26.73K)

>He saved Finlanf from the ruskie.
He didn't do jackshit apart from fucking underage boys and drinking hard liquor. Finland was saved by it's generals.

Attached: f0e492b2.jpg (736x633, 112.27K)

He moved to Sweden as a teenager and wrote all of his songs (including your national anthem) in Swedish.

Now about these generals

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Yet they still hate Finland Swedes?

>Civil war
We were not talking about the same conflict were we? Well then i'd say Finland was devastated by both sides and both siides should've been publicly hanged after democracy was established.

Not much traditional animation I can point to except commercials, but pic related is a recent 3D one, and if you count the blend of (extremely minor) stop motion with live action, there's Pappírs Pési:

There are a bunch of up and coming Icelandic animators out there, but none are working on any local projects of note, though I can point to a few short films and student projects.

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Yes? That picture is from the civil war. That god based Kyösti "Big K" Kallio pardoned all the reds and we managed to cuck fennoswedes from 15% to 5% (and still dropping!)

Attached: fourth swedish crusade.jpg (700x900, 257.85K)

whatever man. :(

immense cope

The slow and beatiful eradication of Swedish language in Finland is a cope.

Cope right back at ya

Why are you like this?


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>19th century elite spoke Swedish
>Czarist Russian military personnel from Finland came from the elite like Mannerheim and Löfström
>Civil war whites were lead by them
Simple as that
This idea that it was specifically a language conflict is quite frankly insulting towards every Finn whose ancestors were on the white side. Finland was pretty split on that, I think 60-40 or so for whites.