Meet up your Eurovision 2020 winner (if it's not cancelled)

Meet up your Eurovision 2020 winner (if it's not cancelled)

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Italy is gonna win anyway because of pity votes

not bad for a third world country

10% of state budget spent for this video

you mean this?

my state spends 10% of the budget for rapists, terrorists and murderers
not even joking

They are trying too hard as usual.

>whining hohol
like a clock

if it's doesn't get cancelled this will be a kino eurovision.

>Russia's song with Spanish lyrics is better than Spain's song
>Switzerland's song with French lyric is better than France's song


can't believe this guy is fucking 2.08 meters

I just meant there were a lot of meme participants in Eurovision and all of them flopped. They need to humble on their performance and come up with something better if they want to score high ofc.

Let way peasants

Russia is second world, Kraut


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I hope this based blonde, lighteyed norse giant wins

me too, he is based and his sister is cute too(the one in the right)

I actually like it better than their last song, should've ditched the nigga earlier

However it's not gonna win cause
>American gospel
The entirety of eastern Europe won't vote for it

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This is suspiciously good for being in Eurovision.
Almost sounds like real musicians.

Russia realizing shall never win ESC again with the anti-Russia juries system

Still good for propaganda purposes since corrupt system is pretty noticable.

its actually catchy, and they have a memorable dance move, should win

I found it for myself and lot of people in comments on YT are saying the same - for the first time you think it's shit, but you listen it for the second time, and on third-fourth you're liking it.

the iceland one is surprisingly good too

I'm gonna reveal my power level and say that parts of this song sound similar to parts of a song from last year's winner (not the winning song, another one he wrote)

Its fucking amazing how iceland keeps sending good songs despite the fact that their entire fucking country has about as many inhabitants as the city i live in (360k or something)
Meanwhile we have 80mil people and still manage to get bottom 3 every fucking year. How the fuck do they do it

Thats bad tho cause people watching esc will only hear it once

Agreed tbqh

meme music
boring as fuck
i hate this dumb bitch
just lol

overall, i think the meme russian song is the least bad one

are these the women from the Hercules movie?

Did anyone ever place bets on Yurovision btw? I'm considering trying it this year. How does it work? Do you get more money if you bet early?

e*rovision is trash my dude

Thats literally why people watch it tho

I think it work same way as sports betting. Rates are changing often, depending on how people betting and news around event. Once you made your bet, rate is fixed for you. And you never know what is right time for making bet. Usually rates at times closer to event is less profitable but more probable.

That's why such meme songs as Russian or Icelandic this year, wins it.

Interesting, thanks. Do you know if you only get to bet on who will be on first place? Or do you also bet on 2nd place 3rd place etc?

Dunno, check betting agency. Usually they have range of events which you can bet on.
here's your eurovision bro

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not the guy you're quoting nor it is related to this thread, but is corruption and propaganda really that bad in russia nowadays?

Why are they all morrocan? Where are the jews? Not bad regardless.

Yes, very bad my friend. Putin's friends are controlling everything everywhere, and every journalist trying to say truth is killed on sight.
Not joking

none of those people look moroccan dude

Why are they african?

Repatriated African Jews.

Holy shit I just realized
>SIX countries are sending black artists
That's got to be a new record, right?

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there is nothing jewish about it though
i mean forcing niggers in media is very jewish ok but for israel you expect violin players who sing in yiddish, not this
almost as bad as sweden's

theyre israeli

but jews are white? I didn't know there was jewish africans(atleast not large amounts)

wtf are you on about ? our language is hebrew
and yea she sings in hebrew but for an international competition its better to have a song other people can understand

I hate how everyone sings in english in eurovision nowadays it loses the charm.

we're not white wtf are you talking about

How can Black become Israeli?

>we're not white
Anyone can convert to Judaism even you

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well , if you sing in your own language its a competitive disadvantage, and regardless of how good the song is kinda sucky since you know most people are not getting it
same way every other israeli becomes israeli, either come to israel or be born in it.

>Anyone can convert to Judaism even you
I heard it's very hard, it's pretty impossible, not even close to converting to any other religion. Judaism is closed club.

are you implying yair looks white ? yair dosnt look remotely white dude he just looks israeli

Countries like the Netherlands never would stand a chance if they had to sing in Dutch desu
Same goes for us (although we're obviously fucking it up despite almost always sending English songs)

Germany would never win in song contest with song in German, just because for the most of Europe it sounds like orc's language from Mordor. Except it's Rammstein.

I love little big, good choice for eurorivision

>air dosnt look remotely white dude
Is yair popular in israel ?

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Yeah exactly. Same goes for Dutch, most people hate how it sounds (I don't, though)
>Except it's Rammstein.
God, imagine. I hope they'll be sending something like that one day. Hatari last year made it work, they even got 10th place.

hes pretty based on social media, i've met him once with bibi when they came to my workplace.

and im paler than him, dosnt make me racially 'white'

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Whats wrong with being white? I sincerely don't get why you were so against looking white. I'm just kidding. Why don't you consider yourself white? European I would understand but if you are pale then you would look white. Yair is very cute sometimes.


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Will Russia cheat at the Eurovision as well?


All EVROPEAN BVULLS just like Australia.