
I'm sick of all this "look at how bad OUR politicians are doing why can't we be more like this irrelevant authoritarian city-state???" talk without evidence that things are working better elsewhere


1. Cunt
2. How many coroners in your cunt (alive & dead)
3. State of your healthcare system
4. State of public life: what's closed down, what's still up and running
5. Borders of your cunt: closed or open and who's allowed in ir out
6. Government support: any relief for struggling business/wagecucks
7. Your opinion on your cunt's way if dealing with chinkflu

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Juani will soon ban this thread

I can't wait to see france and germany in financial ruin due to this pandemic

everything's going great here

me too

Yes, all went to shit, wanna buy a bidet, fren?

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Some sad faggots in Helsinki cleared out my supermarket but everything is okay

1) USA

2) Idk because we dont test. I assume we are a few steps behind Europe as we've been letting Europeans in and out with zero screening or questioning until yesterday

3) Fine, except costs $$$. So far no blown out hospitals like there is in EU but I'm assured that most hospitals run at or near capacity. The $$$ thing will probably help prevent them from getting too blown out as at least some people will opt to simply die at home rather than face the medical debt.

4) in my area? Almost everything is running except for big public events. Trains are still running (full), schools still in session, etc. I think some college let out, but not the public schools. Outside my area various places have shut down schools and stuff like that.

5) Borders are closed to Europeans like 2 full weeks after Europe went to shit. But not UK because we like UK and dont care if they pozz us harder. Also China and Iran.

6) Same as always afaik. You can get unemployment, FMLA, medicaid, medicare, etc. Different states have different protections available. Feds apparently gave 500 billions to stockholders....while leaving the normies with shit. Fuck stockholders I hope stocks go to 0 worldwide.

7) It sucks and I wish I live somewhere in Asia but not China because they wouldn't let me most on 4channel. But I'd like to live in Korea or Singapore.

>60 infected, not sure if anyone has died (one or two maybe?)
>Things are pretty much the same but the media is trying to get people to PANIC. I think this will change before next week though
>implying we're dealing with it

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1. UK
2. 460 cases, 8 dead
3. The NHS is struggling and understaffed, but the NHS is always struggling and understaffed so that's nothing new
4. Most things are still open right now, some events where participants are displaying symptoms have been called off
5. Travel to Italy and other infection zones are pretty much cancelled, other travel is still happening but people are generally advised against it
6. Employers have to pay statuory sick pay (~£94 a week), those that aren't entitled to that (e.g. self-employed people) will more easily be able to claim benefits.
7. Right now I think it's being dealt with okay for the most part. The main message is to wash your hands frequently, self-isolate if you think you show any signs of symptoms and avoid close contact with the elderly.

>Idk because we dont test.
I thought you had all the tests, the best tests, beautiful tests.
Why do you not use them?

>until yesterday
We still are, it goes into effect on Friday.

Trump said yesterday that it will be free 4 all of them, before that it was something betwen 700 and 3k $

What I've understood so far
>As of now: 15k infected 1153 in intensive care, 1016 dead, 1258 recovered
>Hospitals in the North are struggling and the medical staff is exhausted, but we haven't reached critical mass yet
>Shops/bar/restaurants are supposed to close after 6 PM, many activities in the tertiary sector were completely shut down until the 3rd of April
>Less flights and many main airports closed until the 25th of March
>Not sure about this one, they only decided on the quarantine a day ago
>They should have done this shit a month ago

it is 170$ here in the private clinics

>1 flag
>2 idk at this point, like 15k
>3 it's full
>4 all locked down, shitaly is a 60M people prison
>5 idk
>6 they're M5S subhumans,they don't care about citizen relief
>7 the cheapest and stupidestway: overreacting

god I want beer so hard right now but it's 4am... ice cold dark beer... with peanut s...

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>How many coroners in your cunt (alive & dead)
52, all alive
> State of your healthcare system
Shit, in Bucharest there are not enough places for people in quarantine, at the borders there are not enough doctors, hospitals were already shit, speaking from experience.
>State of public life: what's closed down, what's still up and running
Theatres are closed, concerts are cancelled, so is my date with a qt prog metal girl, any cultural activities in museums are gone, but pubs are still open so I'm fine.
>Borders of your cunt: closed or open and who's allowed in ir out
Still open, can't understand why. From day one it arrived in Europe it should had been closed and avoid this situation.
> Government support: any relief for struggling business/wagecucks
Schools are closed and teachers are asshurt about having to go to schools. Some doctors quit, not that much support, it's irrelevant to them.
>Your opinion on your cunt's way if dealing with chinkflu
Absolutely abysmal. They had to close the borders and not allow the flu enter the country. We already have issues with the common flu, tuberculosis, another thing to solve is tiring.The Romanians outside the country shouldn't have returned, they're just making everything worse for us, a bunch of entitled cunts, all of them. Regular citizens are bad, as well. They turned into paranoid drones and act like it's the end. I went to the supermarket to buy some beer and there was no bread, no water, a lot more crowded than usual. Streets were rather empty, even though we're not in quarantine.

I remember reading they were like 50, 60 Euro.
Not the patient's co-payment, but the actual cost to conduct them.

>but MUHJ DRFUMPF lmao!!
yeah hes retarded we knew this when we elected him. Pretty soon he will be gone like so many lives in the corona storm. Tulsi Gabbard is hanging in there to sweep up in November after all the competition is dead. We will then be allied with Putin and Assad. See ya.

FUCK. I take it back, we are still letting Europeans in and out with zero screening even though they are at 100x where China was when we banned China. What a joke,

I wasn't trying to ridicule Trump. I was quoting him.
He is better than Hillary and Biden at least.
Although that's a ridiculously low bar.

I really wonder if Trump actually contracted the wuhan flu from that brazilian dude. Because if he did the whole of the whitehouse is basically infected.

When did you get your first case, gypsybro?

it's more likely that our guy got it from the burgers desu

56 something and healthcare pay 70%

Yeah I know you were quoting him. I assumed you were quoting him to mock him, since his quotes obviously never match up with anything else said by the CDC or local health authorities.

>He is better than Hillary and Biden at least.
Hillary was smarter than Trump. She was a more conniving person and most certainly would have started a few wars, but she was smarter. I'd breathe easier if she was in charge, just like I know Xi Jinping isn't necessarily a nice guy but at least he has a fucking brain and can tackle problems without trying to shitpost them out of existence.

Is Trump better than Biden? Maybe but thats the faintest of praise possible.

It was a week ago, wasn'it? From the picture it looks like they weren't taking any precautions, so unless the Brazilian dude got infected from completely unrelated people only after his meeting with Trump I'd say he definitely has it

3.I assume it's decent
4.Schools, daycare centres, and similar stuff are being closed for a week starting tomorrow while anything involving heavy gathering of people is being discouraged. Elderly people are being told to stay home. The church is going to be broadcasting masses and rosary on TV to keep people away from churches.
5. Travel banned to/from Italy (with the exception of importing goods), Germany, Spain, France, and Switzerland.
6. None that I know of.
7. We're being a bit too relaxed I think.

RIP white house
RIP congress
RIP supreme court.

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>Other than economic and migratory wars Trump hasn't started one, Obama Hillary started all the Arab Springs and ISIS
Yeah thats my point. Was I unclear?

>Yes, Biden is a radical Christian that want to electrocute fags
You say so. I dont think he knows which way is what, but if Black voters want him to be the nominee then he'll be the nominee. Too bad he's not gonna make it to November.

I give germany 2 weeks until everything is on lockdown.

>You say so.
Yes sorry I was thinking in Pence that's why i deleted, Biden is another warmonger from the Obama times

Which phase are you on? Just closing schools/unis?

Trudeau's wife might have corona virus. If she tests for positive, I can see schools closing

Afaik only uni in bavaria got delayed by one month. Merkel just held a conference where nothing new was announced (except not to socialize and that the economy gets support from the government). Feels like a joke desu but whatever.

Every state decides independently.
Some postponed the start of universitieis. I think one also closed schools until april

She is not. She is simply more adapted to the political system.
She knows how to act in order to avoid her blunders getting televised over and over again.
It's neither funny nor fun to see Trump gaffe for the umpteenth time.
What is funny is the media completely losing their shit over it. That's entertaining.
Like that will prevent him from getting elected again. They reach a core lefty/pol/ sphere that want to get reassured that Russia stole "her" presidency.

Biden looks like a male Hillary to me. A well-bred politician. Which is exactly why he doesn't stand a chance.
He isn't even on Trump's playing field.

>approaching 600 confirmed but government says its probably closer to 10,000 in reality. Only 10 dead so far
>Already working at maximum capacity, virtually no spare beds. Which is usually quite efficient but not in a crisis like this.
>Everything still open but businesses are starting to feel the impact of lower sales
>Borders are usually fairly good but we're still accepting flights from Italy
>Government announced £30 billion yesterday as a fiscal stimulus, and have cut interest rates to 0.25%. They'll also offer loans to medium/small sized businesses and match costs for sick pay
>Complete joke. Their strategy is, basically, just to let it spread and hope people become immune so that the economy can recover quicker and it won't start spreading again in the Autumn. They said earlier that they're not even going to test people with mild symptoms, and that they should just stay at home until they subside.

Sounds about right, I don't live in the North but the situation is pretty much the same, fortunately almost everyone is wearing gloves and masks here

2 infected.
Healthcare is fine currently with only 2 cases.
Everthing is shutdown.
Borders closed.
Most people have time off work.

I read some shitposting about football on /brit/, have they decided to close the stadiums?

I'm just hoping that this kills off the boomers. I will miss my parents, but this needs to happen for a lot of reasons

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Nope, all sporting events and otherwise are continuing as normal until further notice, though it wouldn't surprise me if the organisers of some events just cancel them unilaterally
Complete madness tbqh. We should be taking your approach and cancelling everything, schools, sport, etc.

Oh right I forgot about public gatherings
>anything above 1000 people is banned
Events started limiting the amount of visitors to 999 lol

Italian boomer, 71 year old boomer, was walking in the South West of Romania, that's how the chink flu arrived here.
It became worse when someone working at the secret services returned from Israel and infected around 7 people in Bucharest.

pic related is german corona victim that got infected by gay sex

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high iq move tbqhwyfam

The governor of Ohio just announced 100,000 Corona cases in the state of Ohio ALONE. Making OHIO the #1 center of the virus WORLDWIDE, more Corona cases than China and Italy combined.

They cancelled schools just today. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

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Literally a basedboy

doing great
especially considering our proximity to ground zero

We are in that phase now, how long untill total quarantine

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>officially handicapped
>it worker
you are right dumitru

Read an article about how your country dealt with it despite being excluded from all international organisations.
Taiwan, best and only China.

we got burned, hard, by SARS
especially since most countries decided to band together with china to bully us during that time

we had to cope


America #1

they limited the number here to 100 but after people tried limiting to 99 they moved it down to 30

You will be liberated soon, whether you like it or not.

i think the governor might be a bit retarded

why even move to canada if china is so great

Jesus Christ, stay safe lads
If I remember the timeline right, patient 1 showed up around the start of February, they closed schools for a week until the 28th of February, then they postponed it to a month around the 4th of March, yesterday they decided on the quarantine

>hard to understand since we can't see it

j...just like magnets. I wonder if they're related

Thanks m8, couldn't buy toilet paper today...

this virus has extended my virginity by at least a few months

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1. Leafistan
2. Probably thousands by now, one boomer is dead but that's nowhere near enough
3. humming along as normal
4. Had to cancel my US vacation otherwise all is normal for the moment (BC interior)
5. I dunno lol
6. Trudeau's giving a billion to cover everyone who can't work, which is the best way he's ever used a billion dollars yet
7. I think we'll be okay, this virus is a great boomer cleansing so I hope it spreads more and faster

I was thinking on this saturday but maybe monday then, the government will collapse all the hospitals, they are fucking hard Madrid because the oposition control the region.

I only have one roll left

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imagine if it kills you as a virgin haha

I don't want to go full Indian. I'm scared

We can't test so we can only make our best educated guesses.....Ohio Dept of Health estimate about 100k Corona case in Ohio alone using simple math. Its not LA. Its not NYC. Its not Las Vegas or Disneyland. Its Ohio. Most Europeans/Chinese have never even heard of it. (Its a rust belt state right between Michigan and West Virginia).

And it has 100,000 Corona cases (5 of which are ""official""). They just cancelled schools...today. We are beyond FUCKED.

I didnt want it to be like this.

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just wash your ass, it's not the end of the world