>His family didn't record their forefathers back to the 15th century
Uncivilized and thirdiepilled
His family didn't record their forefathers back to the 15th century
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Who cares about that shit lmao
I can't even name my grandparents, who cares about that nerd shit anyway
Our ancestors are right next to our gods. They are extremely important
Some guy at the church did that.
Amerimutts, so it confirms Leafs are just homosexual Amerimutts.
Why yes.
God doesn't exist and your ancestors are just a pile of bones in the ground lmao
I can trace my ancestors to when they first came to anatolia, i hope i honour them by destroying Germany from within.
i dont even know who my grandfather is lmao
I'm sorry that you hate yourself and your origins so much.
I don't user, I'm just realistic
My ancestors were propably just poor peasants
your great grandmother was probably a whore, and your great grandfather was probably a faggot, so who the fuck cares
lol this
I'm just American
My ancestors were peasants.
Why should I care about their names and such?
I would focus on my life instead.
t. sandnigger
i hade those records but a certain country of the amphibian variety came and ruined everything
100% european Titouan
Get a chin
I've got chin+jaw
get clear skin, ape
Pale skin and blue eyes
Stop fucking your sister Kevin
>his forefather was at some point cucked but he doesn't know so he recorded some random dude ancestry
consanguinity prevails among sandniggers im afraid
>15th century
>520 years+
>21 generations
>2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2 people
>Over two million people in the year 1500 are your direct ancestors
>For comparison: number of white people at that time 90.000.000
Omg i feel so emotionally connected to those people!
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
I'm not a sandnigger, why do you keep insisting on it peabrain? Are you sure you don't have sex with your relatives lmao
Because you seem to moronically associate the French with consanguinity even though it's barely existent nowadays. You might just be projecting
My great grandfather could beat the shit out of you.
They created life - more importantly, they created you. You should strive to be like them and follow their wishes
My grandfather killed 37 Japanese with a Browning .30 machine gun during the island hopping campaign.
canada... lay off the syrup...
Looks like a manlet
Yeah sure
He also died on Saipan cunt
According to americans all their grandfathers were heroes who killed a thousand enemies each
Makes you wonder why the war laster more than a few weeks lmao
Mine did though. I'm related to a very famous pirate on my dad's side
>.30 cal mg
>close range dense Bush fighting
I memorize myyancestry up to my 10th gradfather, and the records can be traced to the 3th century.
One of my great grandfathers is the direct cousin of the prophet (saw)
Get on my level , pleb.
And of course he had time to count how many japs he killed in the chaos of battle
Mine only goes back to 1850s
it's hard to know because the grandma of my grandad was a huuuuge slut
How does anyone count body counts user?Simo hayah didn't kill 500
>The Frenchman Soul vs soulless Angloid
>God doesn't exist
>the whiny frog vs the melancholic albion
i can trace my family to Romulus, you fucking pleb
If you don't have a shrine in your house dedicated to the ancestors, complete with a family genealogy in verse which you force your children to memorize by heart, you aren't really fully human.
>it was some dirt farmer
My family is in the church books and the city guard pay records all the way back to 1343.
It even states the loss of income my great great (many times great) grandfather suffered during the Danes invasion in July 1361.
He lost two warehouses and a several family heirlooms.
Visby by the way. Most natives here have a long history.
>the virgin Eurangatangs vs the chad northerner
My fathers family tree has been studied up to the 1400's. Could go further than that if we were bothered to.
that's a lot of mudhuts
Why would I want to be like a faggot?
Definitely english
Actually our family harm that has existed at least since the 1500's is still operational and produces chickens to this day. So only one "mud hut".
I was expecting an americarb flag
Aren’t all europeans related to Charlemagne anyway? What’s the point of recording lineage if it all meets back at the same points?