Mexicans named a state after fucking HOT SAUCE lmao

Mexicans named a state after fucking HOT SAUCE lmao

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I mean there's Chile too, which is named after a fucking pepper.

>swedish education

>a whole gentilic after a hot sauce

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our biggest state is named after chihuahuas
kind of ironic

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>named after A FUCKING BIRD

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Try harder. Seriously.


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kys my man

i'll go back soon, don't worry. this place is a dump anyway

Americans literally have a state named taxes

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>naming your country after a fucking grain

why are you here then?

Naming your "state" after a fantasy old-age book

>named after a state of starvation
Damn I didn't realize communism hit them that bad.

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Isn't one of your regions named after a character from LOTR? lmao absolute state

>named after some papers

But seriously why did you decide to call your cunt after fuzzy leather?

That's nothing, we named a state after Mexico

Imagine being such an unimaginative people that you name your country the United States of America. That's like the default name, no culture whatsoever

thats honestly the biggest fuck up in mexican history, followed close to exposing youg children to Dragon ball z

>dude what should we name this new city we built in mexico
>mexico city lol

>literally uses shekels as currency
Can't make this shit up

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Texas means roof tiles and it was named by the Spanish, just like most of the places there

>measures things using the non-standard size of his feet

>The name Texas, based on the Caddo word táyshaʼ (/t'ajʃaʔ/) "friend", was applied, in the spelling Tejas or Texas, by the Spanish to the Caddo themselves, specifically the Hasinai Confederacy, the final -s representing the Spanish plural.

GO back to Nuevo Leon you rebellious punk

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Fucking New South Wales. Are you kidding me?
>Yeah mate it’s fucken new, it’s fucken south and it’s fucken Wales. Let’s fucken name it

I've been found out :(

Just to suffer

my brothers

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we had a president named after a fucking AIRPORT

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>city named after FUCKING FOOD

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Then they named a CITY after the state, named after the country! Absolute mad men.

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Makes me wonder, are there any dialects of Spanish where the letter "x" still makes the old sh / ʃ sound? I know Judeo-Spanish or Ladino still does, but that's counted as it's own languge.


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lmao a fucking turkey

i dont get it

I don't think so. México probably it is the only place that I know of where the "x" makes that sound and only for words like México, Texas, and Xavier.

Tenochtitlán god tier

Actually, the country was named after the city.


>named after a hecking linerina

It's true.

It's a condor tho

In galician we pronounce x as sh.

Jamón in spanish
Xamón in galician

>Have a state called New Mexico
>Is full of Mexicans
Can’t make this shit up.

We also named 2 states after an American state because we thought it sounded cool

In spanish, you pronounce "s" as "sh".

Interesting, I know Basque treats the "x" as an Sh but Basque isn't actually related to Spanish despite it's closeness geographically. Galician is kind of close to Portuguese right? I wish I learned at least some form of Spanish, my family came from Mexico about a century ago ago but are Basque-Tepehuan mutts and refused to speak or teach me any Castilian/Spanish out of some sort of arrogant Basque/Indigenous nationalism. I order Spanish cured ham that comes from a company based in Lugo pretty often, never even noticed if ti was spelled differently. I don't remember what it's called. It's basically Jamon Serrano but a bit sweeter with kind of a weird nutty taste. I'll check next time.

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Galician and portuguese are very similar written wise, the accent is quite different

In this song first they sing in galician and then in portuguese

In Lugo? Torre de Núñez?

Why didn't they just keep it like that?

t. Mexican countries

Might be. The ham comes in black packages with gold trim sometimes but I usually get monthly bulk shipments that just come in big crates with transparent plastic wrap and never see the logos. It's some mail order thing my grandma has been getting since the 60s. I visit her a few times a week and help her with stuff around the house, with her car, shopping and the like and she just gets what I like mailed to me. I get quince paste, bread, cheeses, chorizo and that salted ham that's very similar to jamon serrano. Also used to get seafood from Donostia from a separate mail order company but we had some stupid BS where it kept getting held up at customs because they were selling raw to eat seafood which is forbidden by retarded American law. Got fucked hard when we tried to bring ham and beef back from Bilbao a few years back too. Airport cops felt bad for us so bought it from us and ate it with us.

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t. ch*lango

That’s so kironic

>Not understanding a joke

The name of the country comes from the name of Mexico City, in the same way that the state of Puebla receives its name from the City of Puebla, Oaxaca from Oaxaca City, Zacatecas from Zacatecas City, etc.

They named a state after incels