Whats the best mexican state to get a masculine husband who believes in trad values just like me?

Whats the best mexican state to get a masculine husband who believes in trad values just like me?

Attached: me[real biological female].png (599x590, 63.01K)

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dilate and kys

>Whats the best mexican state to get a masculine husband

Attached: 1577610168248.jpg (755x930, 209.71K)

women do not have morals
dilate, trannie

What point are you trying to make woth this pic?

Silence woman hating gaycel

No such thing as a masculine latin male.

>Macaco already in the thread gay posting
Tragic, Pedro II is rolling in his grave.

Attached: the-angel-winged-figure-1918-abbott-handerson-thayer.jpg (557x900, 123.96K)

a... a girl is nearby? a female one?

You think spamming that meme pic everywhere will convince me of that?

dilate and/or sudoku


anywhere except CDMX


Its not working

At this point im not sure if it's an actual fetish or you need to be medicated.

>or you need to be medicated.
Says the chi larping as a women and that is obsessed with whites and blacks. Look in a mirror, please.

Wrong person ape.

Attached: Abbott Thayer.jpg (1412x1536, 699.47K)

The only cure is a healthy dose of BWC

fuck off tranny

The only proper cure is a lynching.

Please get out.

Why would you go to Mexico to find a husband when there are plenty of cute white boys in America?

Men are not supposed to be "cute"

Come to canada for our bwc lumberjack trad boys

He is an insane chicano larping as female for some reason.
He used to love white males, but after seeing too much cuckposting and blacked posting he started to find them disgusting for liking a race he considers inferior (blacks).

Another poor mind ruined by Yas Forums. Hopefully they find peace someday. And a white husband too.

His mind was already ruined. Don't have pity on him


Attached: canadian lumber jack.jpg (226x338, 37.42K)

Chicoños don't deserve any kind of help/pity/empaty.

Wearing timberland boots and growing a soybeard does not make you a lumberjack

Why is this board infested with larping tranny incels?

Chicanos deserve loving euro bfs who will cuddle and hold them tightly every night~

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Are you angry because I do not want a white husband?

too many neets and mentally ill people

Come to Austin so we can make castiza latina babies together

>who will cuddle and hold them tightly every night~
You have to give lots of cuddles and head pets for chicanos like OP. And assure him that you will not betray him with some black guy (he is very insecure, but still cute).

Are you the fag with the maud outfit?
Your obsession with europeans is cringe

Could not care less about the racial preferences of homosexual Yas Forums posters. Prove that you’re female and I will leave you alone forever

Durango or Nuevo Leon apart from Monterrey itself. Monterrey itself is full of gays.

Attached: mexican painting.jpg (332x500, 141.82K)

>the tranny posting epidemic is reaching critical mass

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You will never get a european bf

He is way cuter than you. He can easily get a cute european bf if he tries.

I can give out some loving cuddles and hugs sure, I'm probably not the handsome white dream bf you're thinking about tho.
I'm in the same boat of searching for that white bf of my dreams...


Trying ;_;

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kill yourself schizo

maid outfit?
sounds cute
how brown are you?

Get a mexican bf instead.
>He is way cuter than you. He can easily get a cute european bf if he tries.
I can get a white bf I jus dont want to.
seething gaycel

>Trying ;_;
Don't worry, you are very cute and will definitely get an european bf.

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>I'm in the same boat of searching for that white bf of my dreams..
Im not looking for a white bf, read my op again


>I can get a white bf I jus dont want to.

Attached: foxandgrapes.png (688x1434, 90.74K)

>As with every thread the faggot mezzie shows up to whore himself out.

That larping chicano is kinda cute, do you want to see his pictures?

Im not attracted to feminine white men and most white men are feminine nowadays

He is ugly. Wtf are you talking about?

>most white men are feminine nowadays
No they aren't idiot

Im a girl, why do you gays think only faggots post here?

Attached: 214479-anime-girls-brown-haired-anime-girl.jpg (236x236, 37.09K)

>He is ugly. Wtf are you talking about?
I don't know, there are some pictures where he looks very feminine. I only found those though desuarchive.org/int/thread/105421159/#105423193.
I'm trying to remember the threads where he posted his full body, he looked cute there.

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>>Im not attracted to feminine white men
Yes, you are.

i doubt those are his actual pictures.

I like maid outfits yes
I don't know anything about being cute tho

Luv you Brazil, glad to know you're always there to reassure me ;_;

Screw trad Mexican men, find yourself a tall euro bf to carry and hold you~

Attached: Aaaaaaaaa.jpg (1078x1781, 982.26K)

is this you?
if so then you are very cute!

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Stop attention whoring degenerate
>Screw trad Mexican men, find yourself a tall euro bf to carry and hold you~
Why do you expect white people to like you when you do not even like your own kind?