If only you knew how bad it really is
If only you knew how bad it really is
I'd trust a Pole to do a better job than an Indian when it comes to being a human hand sanitizer.
thank you
Hello darkness, my old friend
who the fuck immigrates to a fucking arabic country though
>Uses Migrant Worker
I'm sure they pay him enough. It's an Oil Company in Saudi fucking Arabia
Money lol
Most thirdies
When you can increase your pay 10 times you don't care about potentially being treated like trash
friend of a friend is a surgeon currently working in Emirates and earns 40k euros a month tax free, propably that
how much does human hand sanitizer makes in poland?
there are a ton of indians who move to middle eastern countries for work.
you should know lol
Man who thought he'd lost all hope loses additional hope he didn't think he had.
thank you for your service
Some do. I would rather starve to death than listening to any Islamic shithole.
They told me I could become anything so I became what they wanted me to be. Neoliberals would justify this.
Nobody here asked for your opinion, dog. Speak only when ordered to speak.
It's called being an expat, we don't take immigrants. Funny enough, most of our barbers are from your cunt. Why the fuck would they come? Really makes you think huh?
Why do thirdies act cruelly and spend money on gay retarded shit when they become wealthy?
Fuck off. Getting absorbed into Germany when?
New money syndrome.
It's because anyone who could bring change was assassinated in the countless wars America & Co. carried to the world leaving there absurdly rich oil magnates and dictators that would take a relatively slim slice of the pie compared to a possible Islamic social democracy, that spend ungodly amounts of their money on western luxury products and military arrangements to keep the people under their thumb. However this latest epidemic has shown the failings of this world system and will give rise to new radicals that will cast down the complacent.
Cherish your gay Twitter memes while you can because we're at the eve of another War on Terror.
Based, Indians are subhumans and I'm glad arabs treat them like that
New money firstie: buy some gaudy louis vuitton shit, send your kids to some useless private school, and buy a mansion that falls apart in a year.
New money thirdie: buy a slave, shit on said slave, buy your entire family cars despite none of them knowing how to drive so they all die in car accidents.
Poor pajeet.
I fucking wish.
Greater Germany could make easy work of all of the gremlins, goblins, orcs and trolls from your rancid subcontinent.
Is that a bird? Is that a plane? No, it's a 20 kiloton ballistic missile headed for Mumbay about to turn you into the 1# radiation and ash export of the world.
And who asked for your opinion wannabe Brazilian?
I'm sorry, I don't understand this post.
Does someone speak Animal so that they can translate what this shiteater is murmuring about?
I'd really hate to be racist, so I want to understand the Indian homo habilis but their subintelligible manner of speech is incomprehensible to a member of the homo sapiens species like me.
Must be painful, once ruled the oceans, now are remembered for red light street, drugs and Anne Frank. Also it's Mumbai, you illiterate fuck.
What are you remembered for? Some Beatles member liked your culture, Muslims and British once turned your country into something nice after 2,000 years of everything going down the shitter and you now make funny bollywood skits while competing with a zoomer icon on YouTube?
You're nothing, you're the telemarketers of the world but all of the real industry is still here you pitiful untermensch.
>Imagine the smell of this post
based and kek'd
Sir, please contain your autism.
Well if you don't know what India is remembered for then something's wrong with your knowledge of history. Well India gave west something like all of European languages , knowledge of calculations, whole number system,astronomy, ship building knowledge, clothes, Damascus steel, calculus, herbal medication, knowledge of surgery... Well I can go on but what did your cunt gave to the world user? One odd book by Anne Frank?
Africa gave the world humanity and look where that got us. Also congrats for discovering basic arithmetic, come back when you invent something REAL like the stock market, navigation and humanism.
dutcher shocked! indian rocks!
Pajeets and North Korean slaves
If calculus means basic maths then sure. Also navigation? Huh? Nigga we had our empires all the way up to Philippines we surely didn't establish empire all the way up to Pacific without navigation, we had naval maps from 800AD ,your cunt was getting your ass handed over to Franks back then, also Indians were first to populate Singapore inorder to set permanent trade contact with the Chinese. And you ask about stock markets? Indus Sarasvati civilization has oldest record of regulated trade and commerce with usage of seals and regulated exports. Indian currency and goods were found all over the middle East and fertile crescent, also Roman Empire records how one senator laments how much of empires wealth is being sent to India inorder to quench thirst for their females taste in clothes, perfumes and other jewelry.
Indian navigation :
Economy exchange Indus valley civilization (2600 BC) :-
this in no way represents islam or arab values
gulf arabs are not like other arabs
i apologize to global hand sanitizers for associating them with Indians
We wuz everythang n sheit
There is legit no reason to dehumanize him and put him in a box like that
Freedom of corporations and the elite to exploit the needy.
Why do third world workers continue to go the gulf savage states when it’s known how bad they are?
oh god they put him in a costume the savagery oh dear not the indianernos
the poor precious desrinos
he was so much better off starving in india shitting in fields
like Iraq is gonna have any kind of functioning society soon LMFAO
Iraq is more first world than America, amerigoblo
Yeah, that's great and all. But I'm talking about dressing him up in a box
Nice capitali$m you got there porky
Why must you expose us? The company apologized and said they had nothing to do with the matter.
This is both so funny and so sad
>I'd really hate to be racist, so I want to understand the Indian homo habilis but their subintelligible manner of speech is incomprehensible to a member of the homo sapiens species like me.
Not as bad as it seems. Do pretty much nothing all day, get a paycheck every month.
Easier job than breaking their backs in the construction field
im a worthless neet. i want that job
>Muslims and British once turned your country into something nice
Lmao this has to be some Nafri right? Muslims didn't make India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Indonesia, or Malaysia into anything nice. India is a shithole surrounded by bigger Islamic shitholes.