It would be funny if president Macron died of corona virus, wouldn't it?

I'm just saying you know like, could happen y'kno.

Attached: macron.jpg (474x338, 19.04K)

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maybe his wife lmao


>implying the virus hasn't been engineered by the Bogdalabs
>implying JVPITER isn't part of the operation

Jupiter dies only when he chooses to

Too young. But I could see Trump dying. It would be ironic after everything he said.

I'd love to kick Macron in the head. Just take a few steps run up then catch him with the full force of my steel capped toe under his chin, send that little faggot flying through the air.

As he lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on his own blood, his jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of his skull, I stand over him and laugh wickedly. He looks up at me in fear and pain, his eyes searching, begging me for mercy. He finds none. I raise my boot then stomp down, splitting his skull like a melon and finally ending his pathetic life.

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No, it would be a tragedy, a disaster and our people (as well as sane people in general) would be devastated. What's wrong with you?

wow rude

And why is that? Because he hurt the feefees of King Monkey on Twitter?

He's too young but his wife is going to croak.
After that Macron will come out as homosexual and his lover Mamadou will move in.

Ykes, you guys are still pushing to JOOBITER meme?

You know Benalla is his lover, user.

>implying Jvpiter dies like everyone instead of ascending to an higher plane

he's shit but i can't stop fapping for him

>the brazilian obscurantism has come to the point where young boys want to ape-kill people that oppose to his religious cult

just don't post idealized pics.
Also it's called the chinese flu.

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Who will come into power when Macron dies?

It's the UWU-flu

President of the Assemblée Nationale, Richard Ferrand, a nobody.


Ahhh bon

what's it like being President of the National Assembly? does your wife know you use Yas Forums?

Nah I just doubled checked and it would be the Président du Sénat, Gérard Larcher, an almost no body

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it's kinda nice

one of the most frenchy looking french i've ever seen, alongside macron

Based. Gérard for president.

doesn't look grumpy enough imo

would you explain as to why you're larping as Richard, Mr Gerard L'archer? i thought you two were mates.

>what's it like being President of the National Assembly?
You get to meet Greta.

Attached: richard ferrand.jpg (838x552, 51.47K)

French politics are completely upside down since Macron created a radical centre out of the blue.
Politicians still don't know if it will last or if they can kill it.

macron is that parisien grumpy type who absolutely lives for coffee

gerard is the hearty jovial country type du nord-est, could quite easily imagine him cooking up a hearty broth stew of sorts with a chef hat

highlight of your career, i'm sure

how radical is the centre he created? how much support does macron have over the country?

Yeah it's the president of the Sénat.
This mean that a nigger, Gaston Monnerville, very nearly became the President. If Pompidou had died a little sooner...

Attached: GM.jpg (623x380, 33.7K)

>macron is that parisien grumpy type who absolutely lives for coffee
in a nutshell.

Reminds me of what Stéphane Guillon, a humorist, had said about Sarkozy and Carla : a coked travelling salesman with his luxury whore.
About Sarkozy we also use the expression "failed american", as his hungarian family didn't dream of France, but of the USA. France was supposed to be only a stopover but they didn't get US visas.

>how much support does macron have over the country?
French Presidents used to get reelected (Mitterrand, Chirac...) because they'd typically lose majority in Parliament and would return as the underdog.
But since Chirac reduced the term to 5 years it's in sync with Parliament elections (we don't have midterms).
Since that "amendment", no one has been reelected (not Sarkozy nor Hollande)

>Gaston Monnerville
you prepare Sciences Po, my friend?

did his mannerisms reflect that of a "failed american" too?

I would think so. Highly energetic, warm...

It's basically a mix of politicians from both moderate right and left, coupled with some complete beginners in politics. Macron was super popular at the end of Hollande's term, he could basically created a party just to support him.

he seems to young to die from it

Trudeau is going to beat him. Jupiter will never win.

BBC News - Canadian PM Justin Trudeau self-isolating over coronavirus fears

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>Macron was super popular at the end of Hollande's term,
Psyop organized by Xavier Niel and his father in law, Bernard Arnault.
Hollande was (((Drahi)))'s boy.
Sarkozy was Bouygue's.

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kek how ironic. Macron will be the only one in that pic to survive to 2021. Trump already has one foot in the grave and bolsotard probably thinks medicine is a lefty conspiracy.

see instead

It's a modified pasta. The original was about doing it to Warwick Davis.

Doesn't matter if his popularity was created through psyop. He WAS popular.

mon empereur....

No... I studied chemistry.
Monnerville is culture générale!


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he's still more popular than any other politician in France, to be honest, by far

I miss François.

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>radical center
Just when I thought he couldn't get any more based. Sign me up for emperor Emanuel's conquests

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True. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he was re-elected, LREM's creation kinda killed any non-radical oppposition.

favourite things he did?

>do stuff

500k free professional training for unemployed people.
He did it his last year, after trying more orthodox economic methods.

dare you to name one thing you know about Malcom Turnball.

Good lad, did you benefit from that yourself?

he's especially proud of having reduced inequalities. He mentions the Gini index (not quite well known for the layman)

I don't even know who that is, though I guess from context that it was the Australian PM from some years ago.
But my post was "Hollande didn't really do anything in his 5 years".


This is now a François Hollande thread.

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Well he did send troops to Mali. Better fight them there than in Europe after all.

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Ah fairo.
Thought you were being cheeky and taking the piss for my lack of knowledge on French politics.

Was he just taking credit for what the market did itself?

who's your favourite french leader of all time?

Imagine a neighboring cunt named "Francia".

>what the market did itself?
ah, the market, that famously and generously lets wealth trickle down from rich to poor when the stock exchange is bullish...

light mode vs dark mode