I am a private in the Russian army ask me anything.
Russian army ama
Have you been forced to sell you ass yet?
гдe cлyжиш eптыбля
дyх eбaный
>I am a private in the Russian army ask me anything.
Have your superiors already prostituted you?
are you still using ak47? do you like your weapon?
do you miss socks? or are foot cloths ok?
I wish I could haze fresh russian privates sexually with my veteran bros
How much gay sex have you had?
Is there faggotry in the army?
NATO militaries are filled with sexual abuse unlike Russian one, we too kmeasures against that unlike others.
Like what, a government issued buttplug?
What will happen to me if I visit Russia next month while having corona?
Absolute state of nato faggots
fags deserve rope
not into aspyhxation sorry
I like slapping though
No but I know if you get ass fucked by someone you get sent home and get 70k rubles as compensation.
Зaмпoлит cкaзaл гдe cлyжишь нeльзя гoвopить в ceти
My company uses an Ak74m, I have no complaints.
хyи coceшь?
Does the Russian army have qt girls?
The socks they give us are thick winter ones, and they're comfortable enough. I don't like the boots though. My feet have become very calloused over the months, and the biggest complaint would be that we only get to shower once a week.
imagine the smell...
Probably but not from what I've seen. Considering most people don't want to serve in the army and being a fat is one of the ways to get out of mandatory service, there's probably very very few of them.
All the women I've seen have been field nurses or otherwise medically oriented servicemen. There have been cute ones but they're almost always either married or complete whores who have fucked every guy on base.
>shower once a week
at base? i understand out in the field think i went 2 weeks max without. but in base we showered daily. even when we sleept in combat bunkers did we have some form of shower free to use.
are there any cute boys?
Most of the smell comes from feet and armpits which we do have an opportunity to wash daily. We're supposed to have a specific sink for washing feet but it's currently broken as is the plumbing for the urinals. As such we wash our feet in the regular sink.
I'm sure the Norwegian army is much better funded than ours. That being said, yes on base we have "sauna time" (a deceptive name that I was tricked by when I was first drafted) once a week, where a given battalion is taken to the public baths where we all shower under (hopefully) warm water.
Are the Norwegians involved in any combat operations?
Kill anyone yet ? Direct or Indirectly.
Jokes aside, is there any abuse in the Russia military, sexual or otherwise? I’ve seen some horrifying pics on /k/.
Are you all informed on greater strategies, like how the military would act if defending against NATO, or doing limited strikes in the Middle East or Africa?
Are regular soldiers able to try out for the special forces? Or do you have to be tapped on the shoulder? Is spetsnaz and all its variants (alpha, sobr, etc) the main spec ops group? Or are there others that soldiers look for?
Have you been informed on possible new weapons like the rpk-16 being introduced?
What do the soldiers do with their free time? Do Russian women like men in uniform?
>we only get to shower once a week.
Damn. Two days without shower is already intolerable to me.
Should I try going to an asulym for several weeks to dodge it or nah
>I’ve seen some horrifying pics on /k/.
You mean Estonians who search for military themed gay porn and try to use it as propaganda lol.
No and I doubt I will. Our base in deep within the Russian mainland so I doubt we'll see any active combat in Donbass or Syria.
First thing I do when I go home is take a scalding bath and then go to a spa with my wife.
Oh, is that what that is? Apologies to Russia. The Amerifats on /k/ are easily deceived by the craft Estonians.
think they have been in almost any scenario in the past. i know several who fought in afganistan and there are still many there and in iraq right now.
do you risk anything posting here? no one watches your internet or data trafic?
>Jokes aside, is there any abuse in the Russia military, sexual or otherwise? I’ve seen some horrifying pics on /k/.
From my personal experience there is no sexual abuse, minor to extreme physical abuse, and minor to extreme emotional abuse. This is subject to change from base to base and depends very much on the "upperclassmen" and your commanding officers.
>Are you all informed on greater strategies, like how the military would act if defending against NATO, or doing limited strikes in the Middle East or Africa?
We sometimes attend lectures on "military-political things" where we discuss loyalty to the Russian government and the main geopolitical game plan. No one really takes it seriously though as most of us hate the corrupt Russian government and only braindead putincucks from the outskirts actually think Russia is heading in the right direction.
>Are regular soldiers able to try out for the special forces? Or do you have to be tapped on the shoulder? Is spetsnaz and all its variants (alpha, sobr, etc) the main spec ops group? Or are there others that soldiers look for?
You don't choose which forces you are tossed into. During ШMC or КMБ or some other variant you are tested physically, psychologically, and politically, and then tossed into a battalion/Polk they believe you will fit in. Unless you have connections you can't choose where you serve. Spetsnaz is a very broad group and has everything from anti terror to hazmat units.
>Have you been informed on possible new weapons like the rpk-16 being introduced?
>What do the soldiers do with their free time? Do Russian women like men in uniform?
We have very little free time as we're always doing shit during the day and even on weekends we have physical/sports training type thing. Russian women don't really care as service is mandatory for all those 18-27.
I'm chill with our battalion's зaмпoлит so I am able to get away with certain violations (such as having a smartphone on base). That being said as long as I don't post anything confidential or reveal my name and posting, I haven't done anything wrong.
coldest night out so far?
Oчки мoeшь? Гдe пpyфы?
Temperature wise? No clue. Winter has been very mild this year anyway. Very little snow.
How many years are you trapped in the army for?
Oh, seem like a reverse training camp.
At least it's safe.
Probably bored at hell.
Toлькo в тpeтий cмeнe.
I thought if you enslist into the army voluntarily you can choose where do you want to go. You still get tested but you get to call dibs
Nah there's a lot of funny shit that happens on the daily but it still fucking sucks not being at home.
Do you have any epic russian army fails videos?
That's only if you go on contract. Thing with that is that instead of 1 year of mandatory service you do 2 years minimum. It's better quality of life wise but it's 2 years instead of 1 so fuck that.
a пpyфы?
Nah. It's actually very difficult to take those considering if we get caught by someone with a smartphone we can get punished badly.
He пoкa
>it's guys slapping woman's asses and totally not Tyrones cock in my ass bro
When are we going to have war?
Thanks for answering my questions. Pretty interesting to learn about other militaries.
>only braindead putincucks from the outskirts actually think Russia is heading in the right direction.
lol does your company have the occasional righteous fanatic that preaches to everyone else?
>tested physically, psychologically, and politically
So they test to see how loyal you are politically? That's interesting, I've heard one person argue that Russia is unironically one of the best places for free speech and that all kinds of political ideologies pop up accordingly.
Hopefully never бpaт. I hope both of our Jewish governments get hanged and we can live in peace once more.
Tы мoжeшь хoтя бы двa пpeдлoжeния пo-pyccки нaпиcaть?
dedovščina yes?
>the biggest complaint would be that we only get to shower once a week.
What the fuck. Do thirdie armies really? Why can't they just give you a bowl of lukewarm water and some soap?
Бeз пpyфoв ты дyх бecплoтный
Can you affect when you have to go through military service, or will you get called in during those 18-27 years? For example if you are getting an education, can you do it after?
read the thread befote posting dumb chink
Okay I believe you that everything's gonna be well
Why are my posts asking about hazing being deleted? this happens in literally every army.
I'm too ADHD for military camp.
Lucky i don't have to go for it even without bribe.
Dude he's already answered
I was hoping for an example though.
>lol does your company have the occasional righteous fanatic that preaches to everyone else?
No but we have an Armenian piece of shit from sochi (I've only met 4 decent Armenians in my life the rest are cretins on the level of jews and gypsies) with a giant nose that constantly talks shit and thinks he's funny and a little guy from Crimea (we call him homonculus) who steals everyone's toilet paper and other items. The worst is our quartermaster who is unanimously hated by not only our company but our entire battalion as a whole. He's a fat retard that smokes e cigs and has a tiny cock. He also got catfished on VK and then blackmailed out of 300k rubles to not get his nudes leaked, and his nudes were leaked anyway.
>So they test to see how loyal you are politically? That's interesting, I've heard one person argue that Russia is unironically one of the best places for free speech and that all kinds of political ideologies pop up accordingly
Russia is good for free speech until you directly challenge the powers at be. If you're some random retard on the street or on YouTube saying "we should have an anarcho capitalist theocracy led by gypsies" no one will care. If you actually make the ACTG party and try to get into the elections then there will be issues. The only battalions that take into account loyalty to the government and such are ones like anti terror, for obvious reasons.
I'm not deleting them but people only really haze people as a joke (people they really like) or bitch niggas (that they don't like) to teach them a lesson or something (cringe and counterproductive imo). People who are neutral and just go about their business are left alone.
I dont think you're supposed to mention that. Expect tranny janny to erase this.
If you are in uni or out of the country you don't get drafted. Other than that it's luck. You could either bribe, get not drafted for health reasons, or just get lucky and get to 27 without getting drafted.
Haha Donbass? I mean cheeki breeki hardbass haha rush b sooka blyat.