
eagrán gallóglach

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Meabhrúchán chun tuairisc agus neamhsuim a dhéanamh de cacpostáil.
Does anyone else just fucking love giving out? The first time I noticed it in my life was doing English in school - I could always write much better quality and lengthier essays when I was being negative, rather than positive about something. For me, hate seems to just flow so naturally

I'm the same lad. I had an essay about knackers on college and I was just shitting on them. The lecturer said the only reason I passed was because I written it so well so she just gave me the bare minimum to pass as she was a knacker respecter.

Shat on Seán Casey for being a dirty commie who'd written a shite self-insert into his play and some old poet for being a technology-hating boomer in leaving cert English and passed with flying colours.


>mfw FÁS is included in school shutdown
>100 extra euro gibs a week for doing fuck all
catch you boys later im on holidays

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Told to work from home for the next month, I'm glad everyone finally seems to be taking it seriously.

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What are boy racers?

Big Snow: Round 2 - Corona Boogaloo?

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i'd say you'll be watching anime all day instead ya chancer haha


madman what are you doing in nihon

Regretting escaping neetdom at the worst possible time. Not an English teacher though.

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Interesting times ahead. I wonder how long it'll be before people are looting shops with diggers again.

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The army will be deployed for what it's worth when the quarantine is finally declared. It'll be interesting to see how the gangs and knackers act for sure.

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When the premier league gets cancelled I think that's when we'll see that certain part of society get especially restless and turn to looting.

Who is this ugly Irish guy?

what's nipland like, has it met your weeb expectations or are you drowning your foiled fantasies in cheap sake every night and fucking roppongi hookers

It's pretty much exactly what I expected, the good and the bad, very little culture shock. Probably the hand washing was the biggest negative shock.

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I'll send you five quid on paypal to go coof on some zipperheads on public transport

5 euro or the equivalent moon currency per head

What do you mean "hand washing" you Irish lad?

That would be very rude of me, especially as I am actually sick with something at the moment. Still gotta go to work though!

Washing hands with the same water used to flush the toilet at home (cold), no hot water for washing hands in quite a few places (public), needing to bring a handtowel to work to dry hands.

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Sounds like autism.

have a bit of a cough lads

The people of Britain invite you to come say hello and spread your germs...

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No, fuck off

looks like the devil is a rude cunt today

I don't think the Irish government truly appreciates how much anime I am going to consume over the next two weeks. god bless

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tune youtube.com/watch?v=O9Wo1um30YU&feature=youtu.be

>gym is closed because of the virus

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>gym is a private affair where we all joke about the virus instead of one where it's a huge worry

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Are businesses going to be compensated for shutting down because of the Corona Virus? Sure its all well and good when colleges and schools shut down for a month since they're subsided by the government but for everyone else a month of lost profits is a fucking lot.

>he's not a home gym chad

kys degenerates

african mobilised legions are massing behind the northside/southside border
supermarkets' fortifications will be tested

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Just in to the granny there, chatting about the schools closure, wish I could take off her voice for ye but this was the gist of it;
>I don't know WHAT they're thinking, sure it's bloody ridiculous this
>Sure if you're to get it, you're to get it, no avoiding it/ if you're to die to die
>Sure how do they know it'll be gone after two weeks anyways?
>Sure they know nothing about it, it's all guesswork

dopey old people
they'll be hit hardest
as a young person I'm going to wait it out to avoid internal damage

apparently riots are breaking out over food shortages in some parts of dublin already. can anyone confirm?

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haven't seen anything

Wish I was back home self isolating, and having the craic. Fuck this country.

>the craic
What is that?

They don't event try and deny it because they know it's true. Sad!

>My only degenerate feature is not freeing Northern Ireland from England and giving it to Ireland.

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>taking pride in being unfit

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is it worth the money? I really wanna visit weebland while I'm still young but i'm a student and it would essentially involve committing my entire bank account to it

just occurred to me that if corona kills more old people it'll probably tip the demographics in the north in favour of reunification

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Lads I am fucking sick of this weather. There have been more power outages in the last year than I can remember in the entire last two decades.

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don't hate man, I just feel like getting Yas Forums I can masturbate to better looking anime characters.

>Éire will be reunited in our time
>just in time for it to be destroyed by a Biblical flood
All according to Saint Patrick's keikaku.

Cruel is the snow that sweeps Glencoe
And covers the grave o' Donald
And Cruel was the foe that raped Glencoe
And murdered the house of MacDonald

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>Britain isn't shutting down

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Looks comfy.

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>going from 0 to 70 cases in less than a week

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>Lads I am fucking sick
careful now

>no mention of working from home yet
>only chance of getting any time off is it I'm told to go into self-isolation
At least I'm almost finished my stockpiling. Empty shelve syndrome is starting to spread to more products.

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>Sasanach I'm Gallóglach

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Based and truthpilled. Without a constant stream of mind-numbing entertainment from their British masters, the West Brit quickly turns to wickedness and destruction.

I forgot about that.

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lotta loyalty for a hired bardiche...

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sure it's only the flu

>Washing hands with the same water used to flush the toilet at home (cold), no hot water for washing hands in quite a few places (public), needing to bring a handtowel to work to dry hands.
Sure is that not the same as Ireland?

What are you going to watch?

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>27 new cases in 24 hours
Jesus Christ.

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