Post-apocalyptic wasteland edition
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /belarus/ + lads
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sa oled prepper ju. kolm või neli venda kuulise toiduvaruga ära toita pole mingi probleem
Ok, this is important, do you have this in your kitchen?
i keep meat hands away from my food
So who is coming to play cracked multi hoi4
Excuse me, meat hands?
So who is coming to the hike?
hmm guys should i go to maxima and eat some tasty bulachki
pole kuulist toiduvarugi veel
küsisin lihtsalt, kuidas teised valmistuvad, aga sa autist pidid kohe spergima et "hur durr we will rob u!! fucking prepper!!!!" poo üles ennast
meaty meaty meat hands you have meat hands i dont have meat hands i keep them out of my kitchen
alright cunt
how do you not have it
cornerstone of any decent household
osta mitmekuulise varuga kohe ja peida ära sest kui toit peaks toidulettidelt kaduma siis tea et minusugused hakkavad teiste külmkappe tühjendama. relvad sind ei päästa kuna 4 venna vastu hui teed midagi ju, jookseme su lihtsalt uksepeal maha
sneeze on bulachki please
>relvad sind ei päästa kuna 4 venna vastu hui teed midagi ju, jookseme su lihtsalt uksepeal maha
>implying, et ta teid uksel lihtsalt maha ei kõmmuta
edu, ühele annan ikka sisse
Are you having a stroke?
Finally someone!
flying pig
flying pig indeed
Not me.
Why not
I don't enjoy hoi4
you cunts can't draw for shit
>word is microphone
>the retard draws a small cell phone
Shut up, technically correct
hmu with the link bro I'll show you clowns how a real man draws
what the fuck? based ruskies?
Could be Ukrainians
im bumpin
this thread is now under quarantine
dont understand
russian larpers showing off
Here's the rundown boyos
>3 people
>You, and the two other baltic nations
>You're all strapped in electric chairs in different rooms
>You have two buttons, one under each palm
>left one is for one of the baltic nations, right one is for the other
>If you press the button you will instantly annex (and kill) the nation in the chair
>If you wait, then one of yous will die
>What do you do?
kill myself
why do you keep doing this to us? Yesterday you asked these questions trying me to say i would kill my friends. I would never do that to them
Is right
can mikoto stop winning and humiliating us like that? god i feel so dumb and mikoto is so dman smart
okay for real imma fuck off, was fun fucking around drawing with you cuties
what happens if you press both?
I can't beat you fellas, too wholesome
>You have two buttons, one under each palm
4 buttons?
i dont care about others, i just want to die
you gain both
The people of Britain invite you to come say hello and spread your germs..
if there was a button to annihilate entire planet of biological life in exchange for an instant tootsie roll, i would do it and then complain tootsie roll is too sweet
theres nothing i wouldnt sacrifice for memes
nothing to do here been gone so long
So do i have to go to school tommorow or what?
I can teach you, in the ways of mental illness
oh deary me
>you have two buttons (in total)
>one in under each palm
i'll take it it's like saying
>I only drink hard liquor straight
just doesn't translate right
>both want to die
is this what it feels like to be in eastern europe ?
so basically the world is gonna collapse
we should get in contact with each other early so we can form our own clan and start raiding the citypeople
> underage
Thats communism in pic
i will personally lead lithuanian armies to raid into latvia, to honor my Samogitian ancestors
we should ban all European travel
especially from France,Italy,Sweden,Germany and Belgium
Lithuanian raiders look like that
yes, we have unisex raiding parties