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A small step for ecofascism. This is great.
It sounds great but I'm sure there must be a downside to it.
prices will most likely go up
It's an EU plan so I'm sure heaps of people will take great offense in it, despite calling Apple a bunch of jews for not allowing easy fixes of their iPhones and hating Tesla for the same reason.
This, thats stupid, technological progress is so fast in this field that keeping the same phone for more than 3 years is retarded
good, my laptop is starting to fall apart and I already had to replace many parts
I can understand the same point for PCs(but even then you can definitely stretch it for longer), but why would you need your phone to be up to date?
prime brainlet
People often aren't buying new electronics because the old ones are broken. Many just want the newest and best thing. Also people already pay to have things like broken screens fixed and batteries replaced.
>keeping the same phone for more than 3 years is retarded
no, keeping your phone less than 5 year is retarded. if it physically cant then dont buy it
The monkeys who even buy these kinds of electronics are usually the type to just buy a new one when it breaks rather than repair it themselves anyway.
>American shills for big corporations and can only think in terms of consumer shit
Like clockwork
Oh noooo not the investorinoooos
>Many just want the newest and best thing
You will still be able to do that, but for the people that just want a phone and don't care about the hot new thing it will be easier to find replacement parts (it could also lead to the creation of aftermarket parts to modify existing phones and laptops)
Many aren't, but many others do want to repair their shit and can't. I have an MSI laptop with a broken LCD cover and hinge that I need to replace along with the PSU and CMOS battery and I can't get a reply from the manufacturer, hopefully it's because they're all busy dying with COVID-19 and will be able to help me after this is over. The worst are smartphones, it's insane that you have to throw a 1000$ device in the trash and buy a new one because the soft, glued in battery is about to explode in your pockets and you can't do shit about it. Consoomers will defend this saying it makes phones waterproof but not only is this silly since no one goes swimming with their phones, it's also a lie since there have been waterproof phones with removable batteries in the past.
Yo fuck you. I had to throw out my PSP battery last month because it was bloating up and risked exploding.
How will I play MHFU, you dumb frenchie? When I buy something I buy it to last until after I'm dead.
>>American shills for big corporations and can only think in terms of consumer shit
>Like clockwork
Your grasp if English is garbage. Commenting on the mindset of typical consumers isn't shilling for corporations you dumb fucking frog.
Your phone will not be water resistant. That’s what you get with a thin glued together glass device. You might as well get a new cheap china phone every year, which in the end will make people create even more garbage.
This is a lie made up by Samsung / Apple to justify putting 1000$ time bombs in your pockets. There have been waterproof smartphones with removable batteries.
>right to repair
Man, I bet Tim Cook is absolutely fucking fuming at this news. Apple is a massive cunt when it comes to right to repair issues.
>In recent weeks, an Apple representative and a lobbyist for CompTIA, a trade organization that represents big tech companies, have been privately meeting with legislators in California to encourage them to kill legislation that would make it easier for consumers to repair their electronics, Motherboard has learned.
>According to two sources in the California State Assembly, the lobbyists have met with members of the Privacy and Consumer Protection Committee, which is set to hold a hearing on the bill Tuesday afternoon. The lobbyists brought an iPhone to the meetings and showed lawmakers and their legislative aides the internal components of the phone. The lobbyists said that if improperly disassembled, consumers who are trying to fix their own iPhone could hurt themselves by puncturing the lithium-ion battery, the sources, who Motherboard is not naming because they were not authorized to speak to the media, said.
>The argument is similar to one made publicly by Apple executive Lisa Jackson in 2017 at TechCrunch Disrupt, when she said the iPhone is “too complex” for normal people to repair them.
>noooooooo not the gigacorporinos not the hecking billionerinos
The man is a living meme.
You just KNOW he didn't remember her name
>>American shills for big corporations and can only think in terms of consumer shit
>Like clockwork
I mean you do though for god sake even your private jail and armies are privatized
Imagine if the yanks end up electing that Biden bloke. They'd end up with back to back presidents who were basically dementia patients, lmao.
yeah, it's impossible to create a waterproof electronic device with a removable battery oh wait my go-pro begs to differ, and so did the first phone I owned
go eat up marketing lies somehere else zoomie
Is he talking about Vestager or Ursula?
Uhhh... yes
Nnigger tier post.
Why would you need to update to the latest Iphone?
meant for
This crazy bitch talks about it.
Circular economy means you own nothing.
Every time I see a pro-consumer law get passed or even just proposed in Europe, it brings me great dismay at the absolute state of this fucking corporate hellscape dystopia I live in. And something like this would be especially welcome in the US, but the average lawmaker would be too fucking stupid to see the horseshit in any argument made by big tech on the issue.
The down side is a fucking clownshow of theatrics concerning migrants and a non-viable protectionnist policy.
>The European Commission has adopted a new Circular Economy Action Plan - one of the main blocks of the European Green Deal, Europe’s new agenda for sustainable growth.
So basically they want to be carbon neutral. But wait cars aren't carbon neutral are they? I guess you will just ban them
Oh shut the fuck up you retarded faggot
stfu and watch Netflix, haven't you heard about that great new show?
Based. Apple shills on suicide watch.
Vestager, she was one of the candidates to become Commission president
It's impossible to be 0 emissions. Carbon neutral means for example that you plant more trees to compensate the CO2 you can't completely avoid producing
The EU should just ban Apple.
Well that is literally the goal europe/Un has guess we'll just ban cars for you. Also can you explain why it is impossible? is net neutral zero emmisions? They want some shitlike that.
>Proposed EU-wide 'climate law' would set net-zero carbon target by 2050
Seems eu will be a dictator ship soon
Net zero means carbon neutral. If you produce X tons of CO2 in a year but then plant enough trees (or more efficient carbon-absorbers) to absorb X tons of CO2 you are carbon neutral/net-zero emissions
"Net" being the codeword here. So there is no need to ban cars, just to build more efficient engines or push for electric/hydrogen cars
What do you think of this zeo emmisions goal is it literally suicide? Like just an excuse to take rights away?
Read it in his voice
What rights? It's more about production standards and industrial strategies than rights, the average citizen (especially in Europe) is not that big of a polluter
Is the same shit we have done for years (see the
I mean things like driving cars or buying thing eating meat? Are cows zero emmisions?
Are you thick? The point is to be have net-zero emissions
So if you plant enough trees every year to cope with the amount of CO2 cows produce you'll be carbon neutral
Stop huffing gasoline, Bruce. It's bad for you and creates emissions.
I will be using the same chinese smartphone until it breaks because it does everything I need.
I don't care that it's battery is internal, I've already opened it and replaced it once.
Yes, I will compile my own roms when they drop support.
Ceaușescu had theories as such. The multilaterally developed self-sufficient economy. Even the neighbourhoods were built on it. Just look how well it went.
Give me a rundown?
This I wanna know but don't feel like reading a wiki article full of bureaubabble if I can even find one
>oi, do you have a repair loicense, m8?
EU is worried about fixing their phones meanwhile corona virus.
That's great. I still have my functioning ipod classic that I swapped the HDD out for a flash drive, and it works great. I wish all apple products were easier to access and repair internally.
My PC is from 2012, my first smartphone is from 2016 and still going strong.
>administrations that represent hundreds of millions of people can't consider multiple things simultaneously
Sorry but in the future there might not be "hundreds of millions" unless we stop Corona YESTERDAY. This is like Japanese guys arguing over right to fill potholes as nuke is coming down on Hiroshima