Gary Alexander 2009 league one play off final edition
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Gary Alexander 2009 league one play off final edition
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He won‘t be happy.
This post belongs on /sp/.
pangolin is a creature thought to have picked up corona virus from bats at food markets in wuhan
my friend from /brit/ told me that
Why didn't you close your borders?
She’s right. I’m on wank number three of today and it isn’t even 9
what happened to alan and thailad?
Don't understand why aussie here are so passive-agressive all the time. Or it's their natural state?
noooo not the heckin rolly polly boi
Excuse me?
Does Thailad not post here anymore?
same bloke
We’re not passive-aggressive it’s just banter.
tom hanks has corona
China unleashed hell and lied about how many dead and how many cases. This was a bioweapon they leaked.
wE're nOT pAsSIvE AgGreSSivE
haven't seen him for maybe 2 months
Are we *still* talking about this?
Well you are, apparently.
That kid is a bitch, mate. Absolutely. I would know.
I wash my hands of that fucking cringe.
confessed that i'd made a mistake at work today and mum blamed it on the weed that i smoked last night (i only smoke occasionally, never frequently) so in retaliation i asked if she thought her scar would look better if she hadn't smoked so many cigarettes knowing that the surgeon who operated on her wasn't pleased with her smoking habit
who was in the wrong here?
crazy how tom hanks has a son with a carribean accent
don’t care
fuck yanks
Start work an hour later today and am considering getting a fry up before work but am rather worried that if I do I will be very farty at work
>Are we *still* talking about this?
You. You shouldn’t do drugs and should be respectful and polite to your mother.
That does it /brit/ is officially dead and we are now in hell. Was wondering why it was so shit as of late
It's not. It's always the same weird phrases and ways you behave. It's like you larp as teenagers all the time. Quite weird to me but it could be just a cultural thing
the one that played the popo in season 1 of fargo?
It's a tartan skirt you shut in weirdo, did you not go to school
Shan’t be clicking that.
22 is slowly but surely overtaking Style as my favourite Taylor Swift song
didn't ask
dont know
dont care
>kids are coughing on each other as banter because of corona virus
Banter lives on
Nothing creepier than a virgin that listens to pop music aimed at teenage girls
never seen it in my life
So many roasties
taylor swift is a lesbian
tell them emmett
Had acne my entire life and meds do nothing. How do I cope?
ahh yes the playground never changes
It may or may not be tartan, I don't know
It was definitely plaid
it's practically nothing.
italy was just unfortunately thanks to winter skiing
change your diet
Well, that was the Beatles once. A lot of the nonsense on the radio is dogshit, but plenty of "pop" music still has artistic merit.
Good choice on style
What about a non-virgin who listens to pop music aimed at teenage girls?
Why do you have a brit proxy you specimen
For me it's either Bad blood (wog free version) or Dancing with our hands tied
why would a redditspacer ever care about non-virgins?
Emmett confirmed to listen to pop songs aimed at teenage firls
Well thats what they say isn't it.
$28 tax on bottles of spirits straight up and yet I can get imported scotch for $33
God bless the scots
The Beatles didnt make music aimed at teenage girls it just worked out they liked it the most but for their time in the early days they were rather raw compared to other artists and especially later ripped to shreds their fab four image
less creepy but still a nonce
Emmet Garcin, brony
>actually knowing taylor swift songs by name
this must be the virgin freak power hour
Thank you for supporting the scottish industrial waste ethanol industry
>social and economic reforms
Okay odds I go get a fry up
Evens I make another coffee and post
dubs you apply to 15 job positions
Clean your pillow case
Could be allergies or diet too. Anything that affects skin. Climate even
Say what you want about adult men who listen to teenage girls pop songs, but Call Me Maybe is an absolute banger.
Can’t imagine it’s any of these as I’ve had at least one full cyst at any given moment since I was around four. Reckon it’s genetic.
Lads have any of you looked at the list of boards in a while?
>tfw there is a toy board and a news board
>mlp still exists
>political discourse
do you talk to anyone besides your mum or are you literally like 15
/toy/ is based and has peng photography threads.
t. /toy/fag
Fucking loathe soywojak posting
>on vacation in Glasgow (Glass-cow)
>waiter drops a plate
>everyone yells "WAHEYYY"
Do Brits really do this?
I work at a major tourist destination and I'm constantly surrounded by middle age chinky tourists hocking up phlegm everywhere
it never even began for me
How old are you? I had it until I was like 22 then it just stopped
get a job you manchild
I did not.
The anglo chant
Yeah they did.
All of that stuff, those rock 'n' roll records from the early 60s...thats the period equivalent of, like, jonas brothers.
Hmm yes my playlist is a blend of Taylor Swift, Joy Division, best of Prokofiev and Harlem Spartans
Gonna do something about it libtard?
is it really true that Scottish men wear skirts? And that they wear nothing under them?
Would think their peepees would be visible unless they have very small ones haha
If I didn’t have a job I wouldn’t be able to fuel my addiction to plastic crack now would I?
>no french music
bit cringe mate