How fucked is your cunt right now from covid-19
How fucked is your cunt right now from covid-19
Not really
Surprisingly not very. We've tested the second highest number of people in Europe (after Italy) and still have a fairly low amount of cases.
Very fucked
The lid is slowly coming off after weeks of denial. Signs of a panic are showing.
people are dying on the streets
Not nearly enough
Up until literally 4 or 5 days ago, we were doing fucking great with no official cases.
Yesterday, the first boomer granny died.
It's scary how fast this shit spreads
I'm not allowing my mom to go to the store anymore
stock market is desperate
lucky i don't have stock right now
Hello friends! Good morning. Stay home if your health is not good, do not use public transport and avoid traveling. I care about you guys.
your mom is a free woman, she can do whatever she wants, incel
Testing like mad (BC), haven't found a ton yet but with all the asians here I can only imagine that there must be SOME spread we haven't caught yet.
Our health response is provincial though and I've heard some provinces are shitaly tier so I expect we will have to close provincial borders at some point.
very fucked
i can't find a single grocery store open
pretty fucked, but still in denial.
i think Crimea is safe
>All italians will die from hunger in your lifetime
when will Italy switch sides and join Corona
It's not that bad according to official numbers. There is only one case so far and he brought it back from Europe.
Disinfectants are sold like candy and there is a massive price gauging going on right now.
Next weeks looking grim if government doesn't change its plans
I think we are all too late at this point.
Didn't think Japan was one for denial. I guess since SK did good you had to do the opposite?
The government wanna save face for muh olympics.
Japanese cases have levelled though
When all their mama pasta ran out
The entire country was 'it's just a flu bro' until Trump gave a speech last night
The speech was sparked by a Dr. Fauci (ebola doctor from years ago) estimate that half the country would get coronavirus.
This happened at 9pm last night. I went to the store to pick up some handsoap and saw no panic buying, but the soap was all gone. Ended up finding some at another place.
Work is telecommuting now (Thursday,Friday), my sister's university shut down, churches aren't going to open anymore, the NBA just ended their season as well because a player got coronavirus, and all of this happened just last night.
I suspect people will wake up in the morning, see the news, and it will descend into panic mode.
Seems like no one even cares. I've seen like a grand total of 2 people even bothering with a mask in the subway today
extremely, almost no testing and no equipment reserves in hospitals, sanitary and healthcare organisations send suspected people from door to door not wanting to take any responsibility, I could bet it will be worse here than in Italy
>3 million dead Amerimutts
I have unironically started praying for my parents and I'm not even religious
You shouldn't use masks unless you are sick, infected people might not get to buy them because of panic buyers.
We are pretty fine.
what if you are sick but don't know it moron?
I personally doubt that testing matters. Testing the patients makes the testers exposed to the risk of infection. Also, gathering the patients at the hospital makes infection increase. What is important is frequent hand-wash and evading the physical contacts with others, I think.
that happens to be the case for most people, just wait 1 month and 70% of world population will be sick
People aren't taking it seriously at all, I haven't seen a single person wearing one of those masks and there isn't so much as a line at the grocery stores. But then again, i live in Baltimore so that might not be a bad thing, god knows this place needs a plague.
We're that dude who got ass impaled by a parking post seconds before his ass was split in two and we don't even have lube.
Dutch govt is in absolute denial. Everything is still open, even u iversities
you're fucked man. the worst thing possible is reacting to a virus, rather than trying to prevent the outbreak.
Then that's too bad but if we listened to retards like you actual sick people wouldn't have any masks to use.
>There is only one case so far and he brought it back from Europe.
That seems really hard to believe when the virus is hitting Iran pretty hard.
Not even at all which is funny considering how many chinese we have here. I did get the flu about a month and a half ago so maybe that was it.
I'm still going to spend the next couple weeks at home without interacting with people smoking weed and watching anime though, just to be safe.
You might not see it now, but I work in finance and the ruble is fucked in your cunt
It's over for the Swedish economy too isn't it bro give me the details bro just tell me like it is
we good
The Krona is impervious.
Not sure yet but I imagine there's heaps of incubators walking around. My state doesn't have many cases but the extent remains to be seen. Went shopping today and saw workers routinely disinfecting things.
Also can't find any fucking toilet paper.
No toilet paper
CAD is in the toilet too.
It seems everything but the yen is in the shitter
damn, I didn't know Johnson & Johnson sanitizer was actually Johansson och Johansson
Pretty fucked SOONtm, our health services are fucking awful, many old people will die
I’m just gonna go innamountains
yea i kinda want things to start falling apart even tho im not prepared for that at all but it wont happen in australia unfortunately.
Ruble is fuckied because of oil prices because our government fucked OPEC in the ass.
Just shake down the oligarchs and you'll get what you need.
Completely fucked lol
at least you have smurfs
Meh, my savings are in usd anyway
people dropping on the streets like flies, zombies appearing and biker gangs roam the deserts wearing ski masks, all searching for the one cure to this deadly zombie disease: toilet paper. but the jewish zionist islamist media doesn't want you to know this.
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I'm ok
we are only behind Italy, SK and Iran in cases per capita
>estimate that half the country would get coronavirus.
Thanks, 9 news.
Getting really bad as we speak and we might get entirely locked down like Italy in one or two weeks. For all the shit Catalonia gets they surprisingly handled this a bit better than whatever the fuck M*drid did.