If Allah is real, then why most islamic countries are shitholes?

If Allah is real, then why most islamic countries are shitholes?

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Xenu works in mysterious ways

Same reason Job suffered from diseases, had his family slaughtered, bankrupted, etc.

>because he listens to my prayers

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So degenerate non-believers are discouraged from visiting.

Because people in those countries are retarded, if euros were muslim it would be much better

Allah=Abrahamic God you're not a true christian if you say otherwise

allah is what arabs say when they mean god

superior inferior complex,its an interesting read

Saudia Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE are all better than Brazil.

Islam will dominate this Earth.

If Europe converted to or was conquered by Islam it'd be a torrid malignant tumour just like the MENA. Islam is a retrograde force that subhumanises the mind. Culture is everything.

Because allah is in fact satan.

Because they are sinners and Allah is punishing them.
Check mate atheist

So, christian euros were super religious before, right, but if they were muslim they would keep being religious to this day, right? You know the funny thing is, islam does sound like the true religion if people are still very religious up to this day, but honestly i'm sure it's because they are living in shitty conditions without democracy, that's why they are shit. Also, it's like people shitting on jews for controlling everyone but aren't they the smartest god chosen people as well if that's their stereotypical position in life

Who wants to be a Cuckstian anyway lol

Same reason why coronavirus hit the 'more civilized christian countries'. Because god doesn't exist.

I can honestly see that happening and if not all euros at least Yas Forums and tradcons.
>Anti lgbt
>Pro religion
>Family orientated
>Rigid gender roles
>Promotes violence to uphold their power

If 9/11 never happend they would bascially be lovers

Yeah, i just wonder how could a book be so powerful that is subhumanises the mind, if those people fell for it, why didn't you for instance? Probably cause they are retarded?

I actually don't get the right minded people who are against islam, for instance, cause those are actually the most conservative views ever, i can only understand super nationalists who are into pagan shit and changing their alphabet and stuff and of course liberals, but both sides seems to be so retarded that they switched places

The Middle East probably has a worse coronavirus outbreak than Europe but doesn't have the means or will to do anything about it

I live here dude. We had tourists here with it, but we quickly deported it before anything happened. People will blame god for absolutely anything that their minds can't comprehend. Disease? It's god being angry. Money? It's god being happy. God doesn't exist and there are more logical explanations for everything.

whatever you say murtad on the verge of suicide

Cool dude. I don't care if you have an imaginary friend.

Seriously just brown people hate
They demonize Islamic views as incompatible with western society
then repeat those same views and call them "traditional western values".

How can you be anti lgbt and not see the value of a ally like Islam?
Is it just cope?

If Islam got a makeover and replaced burkas with pic related I think they would be best friends

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Religion (especially the Abrahamic ones) survives by trying to indoctrinate the youth before they develop critical thinking skills. In the developed world there is exposure to ideas challenging them and the education allows them to see through them as the thousand year old desert books that they are. IQ probably plays a part in it too.

burkas are not islamic and never were, it's not stated in islam that a woman needs to fully cover herself, only her hair. christian women do the same thing when they go into churches. It's all the same desert manga anyway.

Brown hands typed this post

based atheist qatar poster.
Whats it like at this time of year?

I'm not wrong dude, Islam shares the same values that many poltards do the only problem in their eyes is that its a brown person preaching.

What's cringe, he's saying the truth, dumb amerimutts
What about all those christian schools in US and all, do those people also get retarded with age? And i know tatar friends who also went to islamic schools cause their parents were nationalists and "conservative" but i don't recall them being super religious or just plain retarded. But i think living in conditions where you are not exposed to education, progress, interests - then you are gonna grow up as a potentional terrorist, not necessarily a person who just want to kill people but a person who wants to kill people cause they just don't like his religion or him or something

forgot to add In your opinnion do you think poltards would actually like being apart of islam?

poltards and religion go hand in hand in general. poltards love islam and praise it as a tool to get rid of degenerancy, and they also tried to do the same with christianity and base white nationalism around it. they're nutjobs.
id say its pretty okay. everyone is inside because of corona.

Gods only exists in people's mind
But if it gives them feelings of meaning and Serotonin up to their brains while praying let them have it

>everyone is inside because of corona.
For real? In Russia no one cares except for coworkers talking about it sometimes and my friends panicking and still go to clubs or other places where there could potential virus

doesnt matter if they arent according to the book
in suadi arabia,iran, -stan they are an islamic reality


If Yhwh is real, why are all Christian countries shitholes?

Qatar is a very small country. If they allow it to even start spreading, it could spread to practically everyone. Also the construction workers are stupid and they might not even know they have it and go around infecting people without realising. So they're just being really paranoid. But I'm glad people are happier where you are.


Most women wear hijabs and only cover their hair in those countries. Burkas are a very extreme thing that only very few women actually do.

I'm not pure enough to be compared to Shahar

if it's not islamic how could it be islamic

What do you personally think about palestine

I think muzzies are to blame to be honest definitely, in a sense that they think Jerusalem is their land i mean, jews made up Abraham and Jerusalem.
But if they were kicked out after ww2 - that's a different topic

it's islamic because only muslims do it

>What about all those christian schools in US and all, do those people also get retarded with age?
>And i know tatar friends who also went to islamic schools cause their parents were nationalists and "conservative" but i don't recall them being super religious or just plain retarded
Because Russian society isn't very conservative in the first place. I had Uighur friends that told me they grew up drinking and partying unlike their grandparents because that's how life generally was in Chinese society compared to traditional Turkestani culture.

This is a very general question
I don't hate nor love them
But I do thing they brought a lot of suffer on themselves during the years

tlibans litrerally enforced those and those get their idology from the saudis, iran has religious patroling to see if people are covered "properly"
i didnt say it wasnt islamic,not at all

It doesn't mean it's islamic, if afghans like to rape little boys it doesn't mean it's islamic lol. Chechens for instance have a culture where they dance when they pray (which i think is a sufi thing like when they dance in circles but not really) which as i've seen in videos make saudis seethe, or they have a thing that a man shouldn't wear shorts or t shirts, tank tops in the streets.
We are quite conservative but only towards gays and migration, or let's say starting a fight because somebody bumped into you and should apologize or something, otherwise degenarate as fuck because it's fun and easy to do but hating is even easier.

>i didnt say it wasnt islamic,not at all
I did, because it really isn't but veiling is. If something objectively isn't part of something - then it is not a part of it lol

Those are religious extremists. They're outliers. You don't think the average christian is some foam at the mouth retard who thinks Jesus is everywhere and talks to them in their sleep either, now do you?
Literally using terrorists as an example.

By conservative I mean sticking with traditional cultural values, which most of the modernizing world is abandoning.

how are they outliners if their will gets enforced, and dont tell me it doesnt if woman HAVE to cover up in arabia and other muslim places

>if women HAVE
They literally don't though. I can go outside and see women without covered hair just fine.

>pro-Islam "brit"
>pro-Islam "russian"

Those who follow their religion liberally are naturally more assimilated into their developed societies because there's less of a struggle between persisting with their archaic book in their lifestyle or not. It's also difficult to do so when that society you live in constantly influences you and requires you contradict what your religion says (you would be locked up in prison if you followed the Koran word-for-word for instance). And I don't think religion is a 100% negative force; many people believe in a god in order to cope by using it as a placeholder for ignorance or to find purpose in their lives. Atheist regimes like the Soviets and North Koreans simply replaced that imaginary sky daddy with the state. Religion is a useful tool. The death of god by postmodernism is partly responsible for the hyper-individualism we see in the Western world, but boomers insisting we bring back their 1000 year old desert god into secular society is cringe. Nationalism is an infinitely superior way of bringing back a sense of community; then there will be no longer be any need for religion.

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I'm half tatar btw, but i don't know tatar language and was raised secularly and i'm not pro islam, you dumb amerimutt

and that applies for saudi arabia or iran aswell?
both are some of the leaders of their respected sect of islam

Me neither, I just recognise that pol/tradcons and islam would get along well together
think of me more like a fairy godmother matchmaking

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I don't know, I've never been to those countries. I do know sex tourism in Iran is popular though, so there is probably some liberty there.

I went to Iran and most women just put a peace of cloth on their head, no proper hijab
Sometimes you'll see them looking around them then taking the hijab off and taking a picture.
I saw a qt Iranian girl doing that then dancing.

>only wahhabi cunts are rich
>wahhabis are also the most extremist
really gets the noggin joggin

shut up retard.

Now compare 12th century Cordoba with 12th century England

>Nationalism is an infinitely superior way of bringing back a sense of community
Otherwise it's non existent, the community i mean? And nationalism is often has to do with religion, here for instance russians nationalists are either try to appear either super orthodox or that orthodox monotheism is against their roots and nationalistic views (yeah, like larping as vikangs is lmao, while you are a mix of slav, ugric, turkic and other shit), see even here nationalism doesn't work cause it divides people. At the same time, both of my russian dad and tatar mom are basically russian nationalists despite one of them being not russian and actually respecting her own culture as does my dad, while other nationalists would be against that despite having hundreds of different ethnicites living inside the country, being native and all. So i don't agree with that remark of yours, agree with everything else.
Iran seems to be quite nice compared to some neighbouring countring tbqh, desptie hanging gays and actually having a islamic leader


how do redditors explain this?

Earthly riches are no indication for Allah's favour. The Pharaoh was also rich and look what happened to him.

stupid comparison, compare 12th century Cordoba with 12th century Rome.

>muh pharoah meme
the bible lied about everything. the israelite slaves that the pharoah used never existed, they did tests on the slaves and found them to be of egyptian descent. the israeli president started we wuzzing about it nonstop.

You are not Russian. Hope Stalin 2.0 deports your ass. Russia for Russians. One day I will return

It would have been even better as part of the caliphate.