He’s right you know.
He’s right you know
Is there an image that encapsulates Reddit more than this?
>Corporate™ Food™ metaphor
every fucking time
is this nigger for real
How about the same guy complaining about Ancient Greece?
if you genuinely care about how many sexual partners your current partner had, you're an insecure incel cunt
Perhaps, if you're made uncomfortable by someone's body count, then just end the relationship and be happy.
No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to stay there.
Go fuck your dog, roastie.
>food analogy
go fuck your fleshlight, incel cunt
>care about how many sexual partners my girlfriend has yeah i care she can only have 5 more while where still in a relationship thats it
Most food analogies at least make some kind of sense.
imagine being at computers
Im more worried about diseases and I'm less likely to take the relationship seriously if the numbers are high.
Aids/etc is no joke and should go without saying.
Its just logic, if i'm relationship number 62, its unlikely that the person cares about long term shit so why would I be so invested?
Its not like I ask (as if they would be honest) but If i know somehow then yeah
Dobson is not included in "most" of anything due to being a retard.
How ignorant do you have to be to say something like this? Does he think women will fuck him for shitting on a character from one of the pillars that western culture was built upon because it doesn't adhere to his world view 3000 years later
Looks like I struck a nerve
>woman uses a dildo or vibrator
“You go girl!”
>man uses a fleshlight
“Eww what an incel”
>John "who cares if there's semen in my cereal?" Green
>Does he think women will fuck him
not really, you insult me out of nowhere i'll insult you too
>man fucks countless women
what a chad!
>woman fucks countless men
eww what a slut! all those STDs!
that being said i don't think there's anything wrong with men using sex toys. maybe that way they won't commit so much rape
>Misunderstanding power and value dynamics this much
Anyone with more than two brain cells can figure out why this is a "double standard". You're either very dumb or deeply in denial to have this attitude.
women are cereal, got it.
Does this guy realize how breeding works
>maybe that way they won't commit so much rape
Probably not, as sex toys haven't stopped women from being whores
Women do fuck him, there's literally erotic fanfiction of John Green out there
god damn you are fucking retarded
The analogy is more like someone spitting in your cereal or eating a chewed-up cheerio.
>shitting on a character from one of the pillars that western culture was built upon because it doesn't adhere to his world view 3000 years later
You sound like you have no chin
Is this real the first time you've heard common sense?
Imagine thinking eating is similar to sex.
cringe but redpilled
unless you put your dick in literally 1 minute after someone else came inside i don't see why this is a problem
He's unironically right and the only people who care about virginal purity irl are incels
>it particularly that men are held to a different standard on this than women
>imagine if i ate no cheerios, would cheerios be like "lol what a loser, he doesnt even eat me. he's probably going to shoot up the school, because he eats no cheerios"
>well screw you, cheerios!
>men rape women because they're whores
stupidest thing i've heard today
callate incel, intenta no matar a nadie
this. and if you're not a virgin but are obsessed with virgins then that's even more creepy and definitely have pedo tendencies.
Do people take him seriously? I've watched his Crash Course History series. He's another indoctrinating Lefty "professor" for kids who don't know any better and has a hate boner towards Western civilisation while shilling for Islam and the Ottomans when covering their violent histories. The faggot also thinks Europe isn't a continent.
why are women so incapable of participating valuably in discussions?
that is clearly not what he was saying. read the post again, honey.
16 is legal in my state. here's a pic of a grill from your cuntree.
I think a more accurate metaphor would be eating an old soggy cereal that loads of other guys have eaten
>that is clearly not what he was saying. read the post again, honey.
that's what he implied.
>16 is legal in my state. here's a pic of a grill from your cuntree.
okay? this has nothing to do with my post. why can't men participate in discussions without talking about what their dick likes? i don't care
he's saying that if sex toys curbed anti-social sexual behaviors when women wouldn't be sluts - because they already have sex toys.
>sex toys won't stop men from rape because they still want to fuck
>sex toys won't stop women from being whores because they still want to fuck
go fuck yourself for making me spell it out for you slut
ok, but being a whore =/= being a rapist, dickhead
I don't get it. Why are sluts so offended by that standard? Wouldn't they be happier dating the men who actually want them, instead of trying to force the men who don't like them to change their attitudes?
It just sounds like they're entitled to male approval
This is the only thing I agree with muslims on.
Women should not have more than 1 sexual partner in their life
But what if i want to use the grief of a young widow to seduce her?
Then I guess its a good thing for me I never said that. Stop posting and learn to read you dyslexic fuck
I see that you don't understand how breeding works. A male can impregnate many females at once. A female can only be impregnated by one man at a time. This naturally leads to it being more acceptable for males to be polygamous.
Holy shit what a fucking soy drinking beta faggot
>I never said that.
Read again because it seemed like it
>Stop posting
i probably been here longer than you, you 2016 election tourist
He's right. A woman shouldn't be upset about her man having multiple sex partners, just as a bowl of cereal shouldn't be upset that it was the 48th one to be eaten.
The man who finds out he's the 48th man to eat out of the cereal bowl, however, has every right to be upset.
Why do Americans think mentioning a corporation makes a joke funny? Literally any american comedy show target to millenials needs to have some shitty joke where they mention Walmart™, o IKEA™, or Chipotle™ or whatever other chain store/restaurant they have there.
>it seemed like it
Seemed like it to you, but to you it also seemed like I was saying that men rape women because they're whores
>probably been here longer than you
Prove it faggot
This is genuinely true, if you're in a relationship where you care about that, then you were desperate
This. My gf is 29 and during college she was the black breeding cow. Literally for bred by 200 black men
But I don't care. I'm not desperate and I love her
absolute state
>brings up interracial sex for no reason
Jesus Christ you mentally ill almani schizo
i watched a few of his videos they're okay
i just filter the retarded shit like its white noise
It's not
>Im the 48th cereal you've tried eating I don't feel special
But more like
>Eat this soup 23 people ate from and returned
If a girl has had a few relationships per year on average she probably doesn't really want anything long term anyway
>woman had sex with 10 people because she wants
>>wow how cool
>man never had sex because he wants
>>ewww go die in a gutter, incel
there is a stonetoss comic for this