Why do non-whites always want to move to white communities

>The scorched lowlands of the Paraguayan Chaco, once known as “the green hell”, are hardly the most welcoming place in the world. But the scrubby, stunted forests were good enough for the first Mennonite settlers fleeing communist Russia in the late 1920s in search of a place to practice their religion in peace

>When they were given permission to live there by the Paraguayan government (the land was considered useless)

>Today, though, they represent a delicate and unresolved social problem that has only grown with the Anabaptist group’s remarkable economic success — now enjoying living standards comparable to Spain or Portugal, while Paraguay as a whole remains one of the poorest countries in South America

>For decades after they arrived in the Chaco, the Mennonites lived in almost complete isolation as subsistence farmers. They survived in harsh conditions by planting peanuts and cotton.
Thanks to their enterprising spirit, however, by the 1980s they began to grow wealthy through dairy farming, attracting the attention of “outsiders” seeking jobs

>”We used to think that the Chaco belonged to us. But we are a minority now,” laments Agatha Harder

>This mass influx of these often-impoverished newcomers, seeking a better life, puts pressure on services that were initially designed just for the Mennonites

>”We have reached breaking point. Our people don’t want to keep financing the rest,” says Heinz Bartel

>Before long, non-Mennonites could even start to appropriate political institutions too. “If the indians were only able to agree among themselves, they could easily elect a governor, a mayor — whatever they want,”

>Whites create something great
>Non whites move there
>Whole thing goes to shit

Where have we seen this before...

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Why do you allow non whites in?

1.short hedas
2.culture of kill

>immigration bad
oh man glad youre here to point it out lad

What are these crackers doing in Latam lmao

Link article pls

Our politicians and rent seeking elites force it upon us for their own self interest, privatising the profits and socialising the risk
Driving down wages by flooding the market, creating a scarcity of resources and raising the prices on all the assets that they own

The Mennonites are so based it's admirable

That's the history of Argentina basically

>>whites create something great.

>Yas Forumscels still haven't accepted the fact that crackas are going extinct
Nigga, someone has to populate the world. lol

Did you even read what you posted? It's the other way around. The mennonites were the ones who moved from russia to paraguay. The paraguayans didn't go to russia.

You should be complaining about your elite then them then, most non whites are just pawns

but the article says they moved to land paraguay didn't care for. that's why they let them settled it

it was a shithole that no one lived in, did you even read what he posted?

If paraguay didn't care for the land, they wouldn't consider the land part of paraguay in the first place, and the mennonites wouldn't need permission from paraguay to move there

>someone has to populate the world. lol

No, whites from Russia settled in a desert and made an Oasis and then Paraguayan ingidios started flooding into Chaco because it was less shit than the rest of the country. Now the Mennonites are being marginalized because of too many shitskins.

See . It was part of paraguay.

Looks like an interesting mini civilization. If its their private land wouldn't they be able to put some fences up and just not rent to non-Mennonites?

>Why do non-whites always want to move to white communities
Because their own ones are shitholes

>parasitic cracker leeches move into a country that doesn't belong to them
>get mad when the Natives of the country tell them to fuck off
>"b-but we thought it belonged to us!!!"
Lol fuck right off.

No. They moved into paraguayan territtory. Paraguayan didn't "flood" into the land, the land was paraguayan in the first place. Also the way you describe them is disgusting and racist

How are they parasites when they provide food to everyone?

to be oppressed.

Attached: white-countries-lets-go-be-oppressed-remember-white-western-culture.png (500x662, 108.1K)

They're parasites for moving to a country in which they don't belong and having the balls to try whine about the Natives of the country moving freely around their proper homeland. They should fuck off back to Russia if they don't like it.

The mennonites moved to paraguay, not the other way around

Truth hurts

retarded chicano can't read english apparently

I read it just fine, chilango.

paraguay was destroyed in war financed by uk

>Declares war on Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay for dumb reasons
>Not at all prepared, but doesn't even try to make peace
>Gets BTFO

because mennonite is jew, not white. if white they will massacre the native first

They migrated to empty areas though, when white people settle like that in south america their communities are often named "X Colony"

Lol the fucking gall of these people. Imagine some Latin American indios moving to Russia and settling in some remote snow ridden shithole and telling actual Russians they don't belong there just because "there was nobody here, bro xD"

The race mixing law never truly ended

my fucking sides

Literally no one would give a shit. We already have some boers here. Also they contributed to their economy unlike refugees in Europe.

Nice strawman, retard

I think Mennonites should give back the gold desu


Learn how to read, zipperhead.

>move to Paraguay
>get flooded with Paraguayans
What were they expecting? A country so poor that even Brazil makes fun of it

It was an isolated community in the middle of nowhere

And we are soon to join them

its PoC land, dumb yt

>>Whites create something great
>>Non whites move there
>>Whole thing goes to shit
Whites steal* something great

So should we stop letting non Europeans live in Europe then?

Paraguay is the whitest country in the Americas idiot

Niggas gotta lay the pipe



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Go ahead. I don't give a shit about Europe lol.

you are confusing paraguay with uruguay

The Jews already beat you to the punch on that one.


No, Paraguayans are proud, pure blooded Aryans.

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no, the original europeans were PoC
i think they are the most mestizo after chile

What do Paraguayans think of Mennonites?


mennonites in mexico are split among conservatives who want to remain pure and isolated and more liberal ones who have mestizos/indios in their ranks and interact more with mexican society