Why do slavs love shaving their heads?(especially uki, poles and russian) do they think it make them though or what

why do slavs love shaving their heads?(especially uki, poles and russian) do they think it make them though or what

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easier to wash dummy

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Why do french love black cocks so much?



What is wrong with shaving head?

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shaved head looks good with flat occiput and slavic skulls

here we go

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gopniks do that so you can't grab their hair in a street fight.

Why do french suck black dick so much?

Why are leafs such nice and based people?

because fuck hair

it's easier to put these on, can confirm. they were everywhere in soviet bloc and i guess it just stayed part of their culture even though they don't need to wear them anymore

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They think caring about how your hair looks is for women and gays. So yeah they think it makes them more tough or masculine.

I think you're just projecting

why is that a bad thing, it's pragmatic

Why would I?

no seeits just much more practical

I didn't say it was a bad thing. Yes, it is pragmatic, but many of them think that being pragmatic is a masculinity thing and refuse to be not pragmatic. I think it's a bit silly, not necessarily bad tho.

>don't need to wear them anymore

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Some people cut their hair, others don't, stop over analyzing everything you autist kraut.

Prisoners in the commie system and the Roman Empire slaves had their hair shaved off to show their are undermen.

its honestly silly to keep your hair long, unless you have a receding hairline or idk

I mean everything is if you get too much into it.

because this is the alternative

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No we dont, stop being so insecure about German masculinity.

is slav hair thinner or drier or is it the haircut that always makes it part like that

I'm very familiar with bydło, though. My family is Polish and my mom comes from a very poor family, I have cousins that literally look like that. I know the type.

Sure, it doesn't apply to everyone. Stereotypes are just stereotypes of course. But it's a commonly observed mentality.

What? Letting your hair grow when your hairline is receeding makes it worse desu.

Silly, you mean? Yeah, definitely. Some people worry to much about their identity and how others perceive them.


It's the haircut and parents being clueless. I slick my hair back at an angle and it always looks nice and thick.

I shaved my head down to a 1 for the first time yesterday. Love it and never going back to longer hair. I'm with the slavs on this one.

I wish my head wasn't so big and stupid I'd shave my hair too...

what like greasers

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It's practical.

t. nonslav shavedhead

no we don't , we likes BSP (big spaniard cock)

Not quite. I don't use anything special on them so it looks completely natural. I only wash them with shampoo in the morning, then I slick them back while they're wet (often without even using a comb) and that's it. Also they're much longer and kinda curly.
I can't find any other reference but they look very similar to pic related (the curliness and the length), except I slick them to the side. I had my hairstyle way before the Joker came out though, I'm not some fucking cringelord trying to look like him.

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lmao I thought that was only in mafia movies

Kek, I had same hairstyle couple of years ago.
I was so much cringed in theater while watching Joker, thanks God nobody could see how red my face was at that moment.

so you can't grab hairs dummy. also keeps uniform appearance so it is harder to identify

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it's funny how you can so easily spot slavs here because they're all skinhead with very roundy heads.

>I only wash them with shampoo in the morning,
you should only wash your hair with shampoo every couple days, just use water most days. That way your hair retains natural oils which make it easier to style (but not so much that it appears greasy)

I haven't really cut my hair in almost a year and now it takes like 20 minutes for my hair to fully dry. When I had my head shaved I could just pull the towel across my head four times and it would be dry. Also easier to maintain if you have skin problems, dandruff, oily hair. Also it's a lot cheaper, instead of spending a few dollars every time you want to get your hair cut you just pull out your 30 dollar hair clipper and do it in the mirror, takes about 15 minutes to get it smooth and nice. Also you don't have to spend any money on hair products, and you can use a lot less shampoo. Also if you're working at a factory or something it doesn't get stuck in machinery, it's a reason working class skinheads had short hair.

>round heads
They're mostly square heads


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slavs have cubic head

Looks a bit like Pewds.

is that pewdiepie??

zoomers dont anymore

>completely bald
Isn't this retarded to do if it's cold where you live?
Pic related, I normally keep my hair this short because fuck messing with hair products and being hot in the summer.

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>pic related
>no pic
What did he mean by this?

we have longer faces I guess so it makes them look more round in comparison

true for poles, some ukies and some ruskies from central region

northern-westerners often have a narrow skull

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why the long face?

>Isn't this retarded to do if it's cold where you live?
Hat, did you hear about that?

v*king admixture

lmao incel

Hair gives more insulation to most vital part of your body, the brain.

you mean soulless celtic redhead genes?

Hat gives it too, and much more efficient

are gopniks popular with women in russia or are they seen as losers?

Long hair is disadvantage in a fight and slavs fight all the time

Gopniks can be female

i shave my head because i am too lazy to maintain it and dont want to pay for some overpriced hitler jugend footballer fuckboy haircut

6mm buzz every two weeks costs me 3 minutes and a shower

True. I have a pixie haircut because I'm a twink and makes me look girly. But pragmatically sucks ass and wish I could cut it very short