/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico

Attached: 1*EonhxuoTNjfYFdDOHOdo1g.png (2000x2000, 84.58K)

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seething homophile


they might make next quarter online only lads

why are we not included

>Omitted Mexico on the map

Mexico joins SOUTH AMERICA

Just won a debate.

fuck you

wheres a stinky bottle of piss when you need it

Lotsa schools going that route

The people who get the corona virus look like the same kind of people who don't wash their hands

Sorry, I've been eating too much pineapple so all I can offer you is a sweet bottle of pee

i'm a painter user!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'll suffocate from all these oil fumes in my tiny studio

Don't want this. American government is too much better at hiding their shady shit.


Paint outside

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wish i had friends to sit me for hallucinogens

Technically drank two cokes today, since I had one after midnight before I went to bed, so I think I can get away with having another since I've only had one since I woke up.

mega artsy megafartsy

Jonas Savimbi was a literal cannibal

he wiggin out bruh

Just downloaded two amateur pornographic videos to my phone

oh no did FK die of chinkflu

flights and gas are cheap where should I travel too

kinda want a hamburg for din now

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Attached: Defucamap[1].gif (344x480, 34.53K)


what's the most aesthetic decade of human history?


20s easy


this upcoming one will be, as mankind collapses

i agree 2020s EZPZ

60's hands down


cabin in the woods

Attached: apu ted.jpg (400x400, 32.5K)

Floyd mayweather is responsible for his wife's dead

that's a straight up swastika

washington state more like waSHTFington state

Attached: corona kalash.jpg (680x811, 54.83K)

Didn't want to give up on Far Cry 5 and honestly I'm starting to enjoy it. Yeah it's repetitive but I haven't played a Ubisoft open world game in a while and the constant dopamine bombardments are nice

was passing a car in a parking lot and thought to myself “damn nigga this car driving itself” but then i got closer and realized it was just a nigga

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no such thing
all decades have their unique aesthetics that are just as good as the others

10/10 OP good job

bloomberg is a known antisemite and nazi

uh yeah ok sure whatever you say champ!

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Do puppies really?

Attached: 1583957133959.webm (720x720, 547.79K)

that's disgusting

>Filming your dog take a shit on the floor
Literally why

Biden is so screwed. This is the future you chose.

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Made me kek

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to publicly shame him online


what a rude person

Nigga we get filmed shitting on floors all the time

poo funny

anybody from the territories here?

traditional americana


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probably was filming for some other reason

A man walks into a pet store and asks for a dozen bees. The clerk carefully counts 13 bees out onto the counter. “That’s one too many!” says the customer.

>The clerk replies “It’s a freebie”

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i've seen videos of people having their honeybee hives in some place and getting honey out of it
makes me wish i had honeybees as pets so i could have honey for my family and myself

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It's about to be nice out paint outside you absolute tard


>liking all that noise and heat

banger alert youtube.com/watch?v=bXkNr4YF0vQ thread theme

Attached: apu music.jpg (828x803, 59.5K)