How should your country make it up to China for their sacrifice?
How should your country make it up to China for their sacrifice?
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Lol fuck chinks, we'll let the virus grow here and bring it back to China
we will send china billions in aid so they can develop their food hygiene standards
China should govern the world
I believe china should be put on crimes against humanity for their poor hygiene and eating behaviors.
The Chinese government could've shut down what they knew were dangerous markets years ago after SARS.
>put on
put on trial for
>apologize to us for the virus we created in the first place
Are they serious?
The virus comes from China so they should make it up for the rest of us.
>we should thank China for creating coronavirus
I agree. It’s pretty fucked that they essentially Chernobyl 2.0’d the world, but it’s pretty obvious they won’t be punished because money.
Covering up the problem for over a month likely made things worse
The real sacrifice was by the chink doctors who tried to warn people but got jailed by the chink government.
by eating delicious bat soup
>China is now demanding an apology
No they aren't, where'd you get this from?
>Lol fuck chinks, we'll let the virus grow here and bring it back to China
You don't need to. They're already preparing to relieve restrictions. The virus will make a comeback on its own there.
fuck the chinese virus and insect people
By adopting the obviously superior Chinese system of governance for ourselves.
You can only survive this world if your entire nation and race is being organized like a military unit. While they fought for the survival of their nation and won, we still fucked each other in our faggot asses, protested for rapefugee being welcome, quarrelled over dumb shit.
The West will sadly lose this war and die. Corona is a global IQ-filter, with only those having any hope of survival who look past 70 years of American Neoliberal propaganda that gave us stupid ideas about how much more important "freedom" was compared to everything else.
China will inherit this world and they will laugh ontop of our mass-graves, full of people who had no choice but to choose freedom over survival.
A few LGM-30's oughtta make it up to them
Why the fuck are 4channers obsessed with the reddit frog? That image would be better with a real yellow chink man.
Subtitles are correct.
Fucking chinks
The Chinese are laughing about the West now.
Corona is going to kill your parents/grandparents.
Low iq people who don’t even go to work won’t even get sick.
Sorry China.
Yes, it is not like that you can get infected by going out buying groceries, right?
Corona is a virus that only kills Capitalist nations. Communists and other authoritarians with total control over their countries will survive.
This is the end of Freedom as we know it. The world after will be one for those who thought as countries being a collective and not as an atomized collection of special snowflakes.
Yeah right.
they're going on the offensive because they know this will have hugely damaged their global reputation. It won't work. This is probably aimed at domestic audience to deflect from the obvious failings of the government to protect their people.
It wont work in the rest of the world, because we all know where it came from, and why it exists. China.
>Give me Freedom or Give me Death!
Death it is, it seems.
The enlightment project was doomed to fail. Those who embraced "dignity" and "ideals" over raw power and strict organization will extinct.
let me guess, you've been saying this for years and knew it all along?
Hopefully the world learns their lesson and pulls all of their industry out of china. That will cripple their ability to use money for furthering their agenda as well.
so the wall street journal is now the world and china is now some asian lady tv presenter?
turn your proxy off, chang
Why does it matter if you are dead?
Chinese and North Koreans will be the only people left to tell the tale anyway.
Just go out and enjoy your Freedom to the best extend. Go to some Club and fuck some girls. Go protest on a gaypride parade and argue with "communists" and "antifa" over sky-high ideals - all while getting infected. We are all going to meet each other in a mass-grave anyway, since our Freedom Governments cant even mobilize incinerators to burn our bodies.
The only reason this happened in the first place was because of their incompetence, their government cover up in response to it made things far worse and now they're about to lift those restrictions. You're a brainlet, hans
Yeah nah,fuck China for creating this monstrosity of a virus.
You could've supported the KMT in their hour of need, but your love of communism created the monster that we see today.
Not Australian and not even that dangerous
If the CCP has lost 'the mandate of heaven' shit is gonna go down in china
And their initial incompetence against a new unknown virus excuses our incompetence against a virus that has been known for 2 and more month?
The USSR also was incompetent at the start of the Nazi invasion. But stressing this fact doesnt change the historical fact that it was their flag that was being planted ontop of the Reichstag and not our's on the Kremlin.
Communists do lots of mistakes at the start, but their ability to mobilize for national efforts is unmatched. History will only judge those who survive. And they will - we will not.
China is the best at shitposting.
More like, China is absolutely GLOATING over the West's inminent death right now.
They are already wondering how much riches they will get once they claim our depopulated countries and take our resources for themselves. It will be like their second Golden Age coming.
They won’t. Everyone wants their cheap Walmart shit and that won’t change overnight.
Turn off the proxy Zhang
Sure will help you with the Virus, right?
I hope you wont need to worry about your grandpa dying helplessly one day as those in Italy are today.
it's state run media and she literally says "This time, the world owes us one"
A virus which only infected humans because of their incompetence.
Good thing the nazi's were such radical individualists who definitely did not see their citizenry as part of a greater whole.
And it is INEXCUSABLE that the Greatest Capitalist Democracy cannot produce enough masks and test-kits, but has to lower its TRADE WAR tariffs to import them from COMMUNIST CHINA.
You keep stressing that point, as if it would help you to defeat the pendemic.
Yeah, blame China for it. It totally will stop the Virus in its tracks I'm sure.
What? Quarantine and enforcement? No that would be soo anti-freedom and shit. Let's have a pop concert instead!
The use of the past tense marker 了 indicates that it's past tense. The correct translation would be "This time, the world owed China". I'm probably looking to deep into this though, I should just listen and believe the crowd.
You are wrong. China is more at risk than any Western country.
Every government affected by this crisis will face the repercussions of not protecting their people, if they get it wrong. The difference is, if the UK government gets it wrong, we'll vote them out. If the Chinese government gets it wrong and people demand they leave, they will start to silence, imprison and kill people.
>they will start to silence, imprison and kill people.
This implies that they haven't already.
Quite. Hence the Sino-Internet-Defence-Corps in full damage control in this thread
This would've never happened had the KMT won.
Cope. China has successfully contained it proving the effectiveness of their model meanwhile the West's response to the virus has been massively incompetent.
I keep stressing that point because instead of expecting gratitude, chinksects should stop their subhuman behaviour. Maybe next time they won't cause a deadly global pandemic.
I will please sexually frustrated chinese qts
>create bio weapon
>accidentaly reelase it
>"apolgise to us now!"
>Create and spread the black death
>Learn nothing from it
>Create and spread the spanish flu
>Learn nothing from it
>Create and spread SARS
>Learn nothing from it
>Create and spread covid-19
>Learn nothing from it
Did the entire nation collectively get dropped on their head as kids?
They should send their quarantine police here and put all of fucking Europe on quarantine because our fucking politicians won't do it to make up for the disease they made.
I'm pretty sure the Spanish flu originates from a US military base in Kansas. At least I won a pubquiz round with that answer
Dumb question since nobody knows for certain but many signs point towards China.
>Spanish flu
>in united states of AMERICA
hmmmmmmmmmmm (yes this is bait)
No one knows where it originated. Most commonly people say it was france but there are statistical analyses that say China because China had fewer than expected cases which would point to it have starting there.
Imagine giving a beaver the disease and then eating it to gain its mutation.
It’s their fault for eating bat soup and pangolins, retards
Where does the US army story come from? I could vaguely recall something about a base in Kansas and it actually won me the round
Also I do know in reality it was very hard to tell since people were preoccupied with a world war
From Wikipedia:
> There have been statements that the epidemic originated in the United States. Historian Alfred W. Crosby stated that the flu originated in Kansas,[23] and popular author John Barry described Haskell County, Kansas, as the point of origin.[15] It has also been stated that, by late 1917, there had already been a first wave of the epidemic in at least 14 US military camps.[24]
you have plenty of chinks you can use as double agents